As a Celestial Torah Christian ,a modern Gnostic form of Christianity that is free of Bible only nonsense in finding out spiritual information as well as escaping the End Times fate of Pauline Christianity which is doomed (see The Bible Unearthed video) as are all Abrahamic religions based on...
Yes, it's called using Tools. Tools are useful but to glorify the tool instead of aim for which the tool is used is mistaken ideology. Yes, I do use marijuana as a spiritual reception enhancement tool, and yes, like all substances taken into the body, it has psychological aspects affecting...
I've got my minimum number of posts in now so I can post links to my radical Gnostic Christianity stuff. The whole deal is in my book online, The Aquariana Key. It's got all the visions and revelations and God-guided research in it. The newest material, Celestial Torah Christianity, is for...
No, they don't say that at all and you are making a strawman argument again to divert the discussion from my main point: A philosophy of life based on severe brain manipulation that shuts down a significant part of normal brain functioning is not a healthy way for humans to cope with the...
More indication of Buddhist brain manipulation
February 4, 2003
Finding Happiness: Cajole Your Brain to Lean to the Left
"Too many years ago, while I was still a psychology graduate student, I ran an experiment to assess how well...
You're seriously suggesting that I talk to the most prejudiced persons in favor of the philosophy I find fatally flawed to "correct" the errors of my conclusions not based at all on their ideologies or opinions of themselves or other Buddhists but on brain research findings. That's all I need to...
Tis the new Christian sacrament for Aquarian Age Christian believers who discover in the names "Mari= "the Beloved Goddess of the Sea" and "Juana" is John who Iohannes in Greek who is Oannes, the Babylonian fish god, another water connection to Aquarius and Pisces, the two astrologically...
Well, what can I say? I'm prejudiced in favor of my Christian path and wouldn't be on it if I thought there was any other valid way to spiritual truth.
Interesting but still confirming my negative opinion of Buddhist philosophy that glorifies a single brain state as being superior over the normal range of human brain activity including emotional attachments. It makes zero sense to me to aim for a single brain state when dealing with complex...
Whaaat? There were Christians right from the get-go who didn't have any need to believe in the Pauline crucifixion story to believe in Jesus Christ as being sent from God. Pauline Christians, trained to do so by Church Father edited New Testament selections, rarely look at the real historical...
No, there is only One Way to the heavenly Father God of Jesus but the reason for this has been thoroughly lost in Pauline Christian tradition because the explanation is astro-theological and Pauline Christianity followed the Jewish priesthoods in condemning associating astrological meaning to...
If I told you, I'd have to..
..risk being banned. Also, I need to get 15 posts under my belt before I can post links to my stuff online where you can see and read what I'm talking about. I can tell you here that while I am a full veteran of the Psychedelic '60's and have experimented with many...
I guess it's time to pass along the Armageddon has come information so we stop getting the Bible believers posts like above thrown at us Christians who think and are not blind faith robots swallowing myths just because they've been packages and sold for over 2000 years to gullible believers...
The people who wrote the Gospels were under spiritual thrall, possessed by the Spirit of Christ which came from above into the Holy Land area between 100 BC and 100 AD and inspired almost a hundred new gospels, and religious texts about this spiritual guy, Jesus Christ. As a religious visionary...
Hey again! That sounds like me except I didn't get "short bursts of liberation from my habitual state, I got long ones and the insights have never stopped coming into my life on and off periodically since the first one 33 years ago.
And guess what? Oh, you'll all love this: One of the major...
Paul deceived all Christians by claiming a spiritual authority he had no entitlement to. Paul ruined Christianity for all Christians and the world by his utterly horrible, anti-Christ, commandment for Christians to obey their established governments or face condemnation in hell. With that...
Hi, I'm a returning Gnostic Christian to this forum hoping this time I can express my Gnostic Christian views without having to dodge the perennial charge of "proselytizing" whenever I post a different Christianity than what Pauline Christians think Christianity is. We'll see how far I get this...