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Search results

  1. E

    Why would a just and loving God allow a serial killer to claim thirty victims?

    It's the same question rephrased "how can a good God exist,if he allows evil to exit?" Basically, man's concept of perfection is where he lives in Utopia, and god his is servant. God is not the butler. Only a perfect God would allow the imperfect man to exit in the first place...and that...
  2. E

    Do We Put Too Much Faith In Current Science?

    There are no truth in Science...just answers agreed upon to be the best solution for the moment. You would think the people commentating their views based on Science were all Mister Spocks. 75% of them couldn't tell you the first thing about the Philosophy of Science or Crunch any real numbers...
  3. E

    God Recreated the Earth 6,000 Years Ago!

    New world creationism is a false science...I'm an old world creationist, but not an evolutionist theologian. Yes I accept evolution for the animals, but not for man. Reread Genesis and you will find God created the sun on the 4th day, whereby celestial time did not exist until the 4th day...so...
  4. E

    Could Nothingness Be Another Dimension In And Of Itself?

    Maybe the concept of "something from nothing" is in itself an absurd concept? Is it more of a human desire or thinking that we must find a beginning to matter.... or is it a really logical conclusion that "Something pops in from absolute nothingness?" Matter itself may never had a beginning...
  5. E

    So why did God allow Christians to be lead astray for so long?

    Then what would be the point of "scripture defining scripture". Or, paraboles? When Jesus says " I am the light"...are we only to interprete it "like a flashlight"? Or I am the Word..Or We to Think of him as a Big letter "J" walking around?
  6. E

    So why did God allow Christians to be lead astray for so long?

    I'm a Methodist, but I guess you got me...boy, did I try to fool a fast one on you...but of course your knowledge of Biblical scripture is too well known. Talk about close minds
  7. E

    So why did God allow Christians to be lead astray for so long?

    Well, not really..reference the Lord's prayer..."Give us this day our daily bread...then reference what Jesus said to the devil when he was tempted "...man does not live by bread alone, but by the every word of God." reference that jesus is also called the "word"...so if bread is subtance, then...
  8. E

    How Creationism Hurts Chrsitian Colleges—And Their Students

    Well, it all depends on the context...doesn't it. For example, is Noah derived from an ancient Babylonian text about the Epic of Gilgamesh? Or is the Epic of Gilgamesh derived from an earlier Hebrew text? Or are both accounts derived from a third source? Does the simularities proves the...
  9. E

    How Creationism Hurts Chrsitian Colleges—And Their Students

    by evolution There are old world creationist, and new world creationist. New world creationist believe the world is only 6000 years old. I am an old world creationist that believes new world creationism is a reckless attempt to provide any answer to reject scientific knowledge that seems to...
  10. E

    Are spiritual matters exempt from rationality?

    Let me ask you something...Have you ever had a brother or sister or friend that all evidence pointed to there guilt, and they came to you and pleaded with you as to their innocence? Perfectly clear by the evidence that they were guilty, yet the pleaded with you to believe them that they did not...
  11. E

    Acts 13:5 Preaching the word of G-d in the Synagogues.

    I kind of don't understand what your saying...of cource the Catholic church never interprets Paul's writings as an account of Jesus's life. Yes, He conveys as a writer the anomalous position of being an insider who is also an outsider. But isn't that what he claims in his writings the Holy...
  12. E

    JHVH+ALLAH+GOD the father in Heaven= The real "trinity"

    So, do mormons find Jesus to be divine before or after his death? Was he a man that was divine during conception in Mary's womb, or was he a man that obtained divinity after his death?
  13. E

    JHVH+ALLAH+GOD the father in Heaven= The real "trinity"

    Worship is taken by God...it's not given by you. God accepts your worship based on his judgement...it's not an automatic acceptance based solely on the action on your part. It's up to God if he accepts your worship. Look at Cain and Abel...God did not accept Cain's worship, but did accept...
  14. E

    Acts 13:5 Preaching the word of G-d in the Synagogues.

    Well, he wrote almost half of the new testiment. But why then didn't christians through out the ages disregard the new testiment as being written from someone who really didn't believe in the deity of christ? If he was so stricken with guilt...wouldn't that be reflected in the new testiment...
  15. E

    Acts 13:5 Preaching the word of G-d in the Synagogues.

    But Paul didn't start preaching in the Synogogues until after his conversion to Christianity. Before his conversion he was on a mission to destroy Christians because they contradicted Jewdism. He relished killing Christians because he believed them to be blasphermers against the Jewish God...
  16. E

    JHVH+ALLAH+GOD the father in Heaven= The real "trinity"

    So, Mormons don't believe in the deity of christ contrary to roman catholic doctrine? What about the book of mormons...is that required reading and wouldn't that be a supplement to bible reading?
  17. E

    So why did God allow Christians to be lead astray for so long?

    So, by cross referencing Titus 1:4: ....Christ Jesus our savior, and 1Tim 1:1 ....God our Savior, the indirect evidence is that God the father and God the Son are the same, if given Isaiah 45:11: I, even I, am the Lord, and besides Me there is no savior, correct? Or is Titus 1:4 wrong in...
  18. E

    JHVH+ALLAH+GOD the father in Heaven= The real "trinity"

    Sorry, I didn't know that mormons accepted the deity of christ as the roman catholics do?
  19. E

    Are spiritual matters exempt from rationality?

    There is alot to address in your reply...and addressing it piecemeal would be difficult. Thats first talk about the subject of what is "Christian Proof " for God: Christianity accepts the person Jesus as being God. There is a difference in denying Jesus ever existed, and Jesus being...
  20. E

    Acts 13:5 Preaching the word of G-d in the Synagogues.

    Isn't it such a coincidence that Synagogues were already established throughout the known world at that time in order that a Jewish Roman Citizen named Paul, also Greek educated, could travel and preach about Jesus Christ in the Synagogue? Paul wrote almost half of the new testiment...a Greek...