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  1. E

    So why did God allow Christians to be lead astray for so long?

    @JayJayDee- Symbols change...A swatiska was a meaning of "good" before the Nazis used it for their purpose. From this moment on, the swastika will always be assoicated with the "death camps". What about the christmas tree...it started out as a "pagean" symbol. Meanings of Symbols change. The...
  2. E

    JHVH+ALLAH+GOD the father in Heaven= The real "trinity"

    Many cults are derived from Christianity, and claim to be Christians, like Mormoms and Jehovah's Witnesses. There are three test that will distingush a Herasy cult from christianity: 1.) a cult rejects the devinity of Jesus Christ 2.) The elders have "secret" knowledge supplement to the...
  3. E

    So why did God allow Christians to be lead astray for so long?

    Well, Then what would be the point of the devil tempting Jesus if a normal man did not fall into error. As the incarnation of God in Human flesh, God the son did not have heavenly powers to resist the devil, but only had the spiritual nature of God moral charactor to resist the devil. When...
  4. E

    So why did God allow Christians to be lead astray for so long?

    What trust are you talking about? God will allow an innocent man to go to prison in order for that innocent man to find the truth through Jesus Christ? Christians die in car accidents all the time. what about the million of people who are poor? The Christian Bible isn't about good people...
  5. E

    JHVH+ALLAH+GOD the father in Heaven= The real "trinity"

    Herasy is deny Jesus Christ is God...not worshipping the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ. Roman Catholic Doctrine is based on the Trinity of Father, Son, and the Holy Spririt as being the same. As a Christian you can't worship the God the Father without worshiping at the same time God the...
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    JHVH+ALLAH+GOD the father in Heaven= The real "trinity"

    Herasy is a legitimate charge as it pertains to Roman Catholic Doctrine. Mormons do not find Jesus Christ as being devine or being God, and by Roman Catholic Standards are a Herasy religion. Would not the Arius sect be practicing Herasy by Roman Catholic Standards?
  7. E

    Are spiritual matters exempt from rationality?

    Science is the obsevation of nature, and math is the explanation of that observation. Does Science have an exclusive right to the "truth". What about testimony...isn't that valid to a person's own judgement as to what is true? Is the judgement of truth based solely on what can be quantified...
  8. E

    JHVH+ALLAH+GOD the father in Heaven= The real "trinity"

    How can the God of the Bible, and the God of the Muslim religion be the same? Jesus said "I am" because he was God, and is part of the trinity. However, the Muslim religion rejects Jesus as being devine, and the Muslim religion claims Jesus was a prophet of a man. If you accept The Muslim...
  9. E

    christainity depends the bible being historic factural

    the problen with internet forums is that people jumb in the middle without understanding what has already been said...what as already been discussed...what has already been agreed upon and disagreed upon. This thread only lasted 4 pages before the conversation regressed back to already been said.
  10. E

    christainity depends the bible being historic factural

    So the indiviual's judgement as to the creditbility of the bible being historical accurate as to what events transpired is the issue? What percentage of the bible being a reliable source of historically accuracy does the probability that the bible is the word of god is correct? 50%? 75% for...
  11. E

    christainity depends the bible being historic factural

    Does biblical archeololgy and historic ancient religious and non-religious document verify the bible being historic truth? Though we use the anallogy of court procedures..the true question becomes "if the bible is found to be consistently historically accurate, would you as an indiviual judge...
  12. E

    christainity depends the bible being historic factural

    So, we can accept witness testimony, subject to an indiviual judgement upon the creditbility of claim and witness charactor? Yes, as per expert testimony of historians, there is non-religious documentation of the tomb being empty. I don't have the specifics, and I don't recall the book or...
  13. E

    christainity depends the bible being historic factural

    Three signs of Gnosic beliefs (that being trying to harmonizing philosophy as biblical teachings) 1)the founder has spiritial contact with angels 2)only a certain group has secret and special knowledge of the bible 3)Jesus is "de-throwned" from being devine and instead is replaced has a great...
  14. E

    christainity depends the bible being historic factural

    Christianity isn't based on a a phylosophy of life. Good morals and ethics were debated upon before jesus time. Christianity cannot be based on a belief of jesus being a seeker of truth. Christian believe is the convection that jesus died on the cross and payed for our sins and raised himself...
  15. E

    christainity depends the bible being historic factural

    So now we come to the point of witness testimony...creditbility? Yes..witness testimony is acceptable. Are you saying that witness testimony is not viable as to convience someone as to a truth? Also..an empty tomb doesn't infer resurrection...but the establish fact of an empty tomb allolws...
  16. E

    christainity depends the bible being historic factural

    What is reasonable evidence as judged by the indiviual? For example: a person can be convicted of murder just by circumstantail evidence alone. Motive, opportunity, means is enough without direct evidence of a body or weopon. Unlike criminal court..only a ponderence of evidence is needed to...
  17. E

    christainity depends the bible being historic factural

    Then you are talking what type of evidence does a personnel needs to convience him or her about events being historical truth. Direct evidence, documentation, expert? Does a person needs to be convienced beyond doubt? First..is there document evidence in ancient non religious documents that...
  18. E

    christainity depends the bible being historic factural

    But christianity is a conviction upon the 'divinity of jesus christ being the truth..and that the events of resurrection is a historic fact. More then just a belief as to a a life style.
  19. E

    christainity depends the bible being historic factural

    So..your saying jesus christ dying on the cross..and raising from the dead makes no diffeerence to christain belief if its a myth or a historic fact. If it's a myth..then christianity is a lie, but if it's a fact..then christianity is ver real. There is no in between...either jesus was divine...
  20. E

    christainity depends the bible being historic factural

    Christian faith is dependent upon the bible being a historic fact. 1. Jesus was cruxified...and died for our sins 2. Jesus raised himself from the dead. 3. Jesus was deity christianity cannot be a philosophy like budism...because christianity depends upon that Jesus dying on the cross and...