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  1. Salek Atesh

    Sources on the topic of Ismah

    Hello. I read a claim recently that stated that Ja'far ibn Muḥammad al-Ṣādiq wrote on the topic of ‘Iṣmah, however the article I was reading did not source this claim, nor did it say in which writings this topic is addressed. I find writings on the subject of ‘Iṣmah written by people who...
  2. Salek Atesh

    whats up with the "Xtians"?????

    What I'm more interested in is if X stands for Christ, as it does, why is it Xtians and not Xians?? There's no one to my knowledge that is Christtian.
  3. Salek Atesh

    Gurus, prophets, religious leaders who led exemplary lives?

    See, this is what I don't get about your logic. I don't believe something unless there is proof of that thing. I don't believe something just because it is impossible to disprove it. I don't accept Hadith because it is impossible to prove it. You accept it because it is impossible to disprove...
  4. Salek Atesh

    Gurus, prophets, religious leaders who led exemplary lives?

    The common Baha'i parable about Hadith is about a blacksmith and a Mullah. The blacksmith has heard two Hadith verses, and asks the Mullah if they are authentic, to which the Mullah confirms that they are. One Hadith claims that angels carry raindrops from the sky all the way to the earth. The...
  5. Salek Atesh

    Gurus, prophets, religious leaders who led exemplary lives?

    Hadith is Hadith. As a Baha'i, I don't believe Hadith to be valid. It is the opinion of various scholars at different points in time, and the closest one that you cite comes to being a contemporary of the people in the story, lived two hundred years after the supposed event in question. A...
  6. Salek Atesh

    The Iran Deal: Good, Bad, Huh … ?

    Yes. That would be stupid. The USSR and USA hated one another for many, many years. And both had nuclear bombs, and nuclear missiles. Neither used their weapons because they were not stupid. Both knew doing so would be their end, in mutually assured destruction. Iran, on the other hand, is...
  7. Salek Atesh

    Could God Exist, And Not Exist Too?

    Taoist. Lol. ;)
  8. Salek Atesh

    Some differences between the Æsir and the Olympian gods

    "Yet remains that one of the Æsir who is called Týr: he is most daring, and best in stoutness of heart, and he has much authority over victory in battle; it is good for men of valor to invoke him. It is a proverb, that he is Týr-valiant, who surpasses other men and does not waver. He is wise, so...
  9. Salek Atesh

    Gurus, prophets, religious leaders who led exemplary lives?

    Hadith is Hadith, and must be taken with a grain of salt. Ahem, "And if a woman fears from her husband contempt or evasion, there is no sin upon them if they make terms of settlement between them - and settlement is best. And present in [human] souls is stinginess. But if you do good and fear...
  10. Salek Atesh

    Some differences between the Æsir and the Olympian gods

    I've heard that one too. The reasoning being that he could no longer be Chief God after he had broken his oath to Fenrir, since he betrayed his own nature as God of Oaths. But Fenrir needed to be bound for the safety of the world, which makes Tyr's sacrifice all the more severe, important, and...
  11. Salek Atesh

    Why is conversion only available before death?

    I can see how this one would be interpreted. Doesn't necessarily state that judgment will occur immediately after death. Every person will be born and after that die, but that doesn't mean they die immediately after birth. Hmmm. This doesn't seem to state judgment will happen to an...
  12. Salek Atesh

    Theists: Why does God ignore me?

    First thing I note: I think you might be concerning yourself too much with what to call yourself. I'd advise not doing this, and instead focusing on what it is you believe, rather than the name of that belief. I went six-or-more years without having a clue what to call myself. If you eventually...
  13. Salek Atesh

    Why is conversion only available before death?

    Coming from an Abrahamic faith that explicitly says post-mortem conversion is possible, I wonder if anyone here who thinks otherwise can help me with a question: Where in Scripture does it say that there can't be any conversion after death??
  14. Salek Atesh

    If man is born with a sin nature ....

    Maybe the sin nature is the devil. Or maybe they're metaphors for the same thing.
  15. Salek Atesh

    Did god intend to start a new religion by putting Jesus on earth?

    Yes, that was the intent. Of course, I'm answering from a Baha'i perspective, so perhaps I'm not the intended audience of this question. We break it down as having two types of prophets. Ones that restore old ideas and ones who bring new ones. Jesus is viewed in the latter category. This...
  16. Salek Atesh

    Why Commemorate the Death of Jesus?

    Pretty sure that Christians emphasize the whole "Resurrection" bit over the death part. Likely they mention the death because without it the resurrection narrative would become a bit confusing. "And then Jesus rose from his tomb!!" "Wait, when did he die??" "Oh, yeah, the Romans killed him like...
  17. Salek Atesh

    Question about Yin and Yang

    There's another dimension to it, though. They are far from "static", but yin and yang are not merely "dynamic", but rather "unified". The "giver" is the "receiver", which is not to say that the giver can become the receiver or the receiver become the giver, but rather the two are parts of One...
  18. Salek Atesh

    Could God Exist, And Not Exist Too?

    i is technically neither negative nor positive, much like 0. I get your point though, and "neither positive nor negative" is not that dissimilar to "positive and negative at the same time"
  19. Salek Atesh

    Could God Exist, And Not Exist Too?

    Keeping to the rules of formal logic, this is true. Any axiom must be either True or False. If you make a standard for "Exists" then everything either "Exists" or does "Not-Exist". The question, though, is what is your standard for "Exists"?? And what is the evidence this standard is correct...
  20. Salek Atesh

    Could God Exist, And Not Exist Too?

    The cubic foot of "space" (which I assume in this theoretical discussion is a pure, empty vacuum (which much of what we view as "space" is not)) has no weight nor mass. But by your definitions it has Height, Width, and Depth. So it has qualities/dimensions, and if a thing has qualities one might...