I made the initial argument in their language by an agreed upon state of philosophy/science/theology. The if X then and if not X then argument.... they continue to ask for a change of venue.
Ha ha ha.. :clap Indeed that is true of so many. Yet, I have fought against said nonsense since I was at least 5 years old. I have grown older, wiser, and stronger. Thus, I do enjoy the challenge. While I know they will never convert a belief they hold dear (nor do I wish to take it away)...
I am a Monist... I love it! Yet, I argue with a Christian perspective. I do not disagree with your (their) dualistic perspective. I ask how to make another point that the Christian view will (again) concede.... just for fun and understanding between us.
Indeed it is, but it is humorous to me and I find it fun in a way. They have given points to me, but not I to them. I am looking for another valid argument to state in their language.
Heres an initial response to the argument. Brian and Karen: Dont hesitate to reply. Questions and comments are welcome. Devastating objections will be considered on a case-by-case basis. =)
The main idea behind this argument seems to be that the Christian doctrine of creation conflicts with...
I thought I'd post this discussion here since I have been having it with a Theology and Philosophy professor who also teaches Theology. Our debate seems to have died off and I wanted more input. Yet, I didn't feel I could attach this to a debate or Pro-God crowd for the simple fact that the...
and so in the last days that were to bring about the new era:
The GawdAweful Debater Slayer from Nowhere Man who is NobodyYouKnow but the Sterling Archer sent by saint_frankenstein came to defame the MoonWater. Such a Quagmire it was that Yadon the ZenMonkey came into Quaxotic shahz of...
I get it or IT gets it... "religions" don't. They never will
Hate to disagree with such an insightful one as you my friend.... but I do.
As a Monist I cannot condone the breaking of it up into three branches... Yet, it is valid from perspective. Thus: All as One as Nothing. It can BE...
The problem with a STATE doing this is that is becomes a matter for the Supreme Court (as stated before). A private business can legally do this right now. Just as we can have a men's club or a Christian club, et al. Sadly, this will become a 9th v. 10th Amendment issue. Either way, we end...