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  1. T

    God is Female

    If God is female why isn't my penis on my chin? :-). Jk
  2. T

    why do the Druze not accept converts?

    Zoroastrians do not accept converts either. The bloodlines are part of their belief system; purity maintenance.
  3. T

    Christians ONLY: Does the Biblical canon really matter all that much?

    I was taught that Constantine's adoption of Christianity as a state religion also brought about the need for a universal public liturgy. The books selected were limited to those which were unanimously accepted according to specific criteria: age, apostolic authorship, etc. It's not like books...
  4. T

    'Bible' believers only: The Covenant of Noah

    I think I am included. God proclaims ownership of all life. God guarantees creation will be able to sustain life, but requires that creation reproduce and increase.
  5. T

    Organized Religion: The Root Of All Evil

    You still have not posted a single original thought in this thread. You only critique others. Perhaps my response was 'half-assed' and 'sorry' but those are levels you have yet to approach.
  6. T

    Organized Religion: The Root Of All Evil

    Aristotelian logic cannot be applied to concepts. Only to physical noumenon.
  7. T

    Organized Religion: The Root Of All Evil

    Do you ever contribute anything original to the conversation, or do you just troll and nitpick others? Thank you in advance.
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    Organized Religion: The Root Of All Evil

    Money is a symbolic means of the intentional conveyance of property and privilege. Adam and Eve took the apple due to greed and covetousness and usurped God's property and privilege.
  9. T

    Organized Religion: The Root Of All Evil

    Love of money is the root of all evil. You will never find a war where greed and covetousness was not the cause. Organized religion has produced great societies and astounding art. It bootstrapped civilization and culture.
  10. T

    Pros and cons of attempts at perceiving many or all religions as pointing to the same conclusions

    Can God make a circle with three sides and three angles?