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Pros and cons of attempts at perceiving many or all religions as pointing to the same conclusions

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
In the case of both Job and Jesus the conclusion of the matter ended up better than the beginning.
An omnibenevolent God wouldn't have let Satan sucker Him into smiting a guy just to see what would happen. Even GOD admits it's wrong in that book.

Jesus too shared the ' key concept of non-violent faith '
Unless I want to chase people out of a church gift shop with a bull whip or mow over a tree because it didn't have fruit on it or kill an entire herd of livestock that doesn't belong to me or threaten child-abusers with hanging millstones around their necks or threatening global genocide when the problem I came to fix doesn't work out like I wanted or ...


Veteran Member
Yup. And other actual (as well as metaphorical) weapons.
I disagree.

Yes, at Matthew 26:52; Revelation 13:10 those verses are referring to actual literal swords ( weapons )
Since Jesus did NOT advocate the use of literal swords ( weapons ) for his followers, then his followers would NOT lift up sword against another.
As Isaiah 2:4 and Micah 4:3-4 says they will NOT learn war any more.
The hallmark, or identifying mark, of Jesus' genuine followers would be self-sacrificing love for others as mentioned at John 13:34-35
It is 'angelic armies' ( Not humans ) who will do the fighting according to Revelation 19:14-16
Jesus' real followers will Not fight, but will be protected at Armageddon - Isaiah 26:20


Veteran Member
An omnibenevolent God wouldn't have let Satan sucker Him into smiting a guy just to see what would happen. Even GOD admits it's wrong in that book.
Unless I want to chase people out of a church gift shop with a bull whip or mow over a tree because it didn't have fruit on it or kill an entire herd of livestock that doesn't belong to me or threaten child-abusers with hanging millstones around their necks or threatening global genocide when the problem I came to fix doesn't work out like I wanted or ...

It has nothing to do with smiting, but that we are Not forced to serve God.
God gifted all of us with free-willed choices.
Satan is the one who challenges us that under adverse conditions we would Not serve God.
Faced with death we would stop serving God - Job 2:3-5

It was Not a temple gift shop. Those corrupted money changers were robbing the people blind even selling sick and lame animals for an expensive price.
In ancient Israel trees were taxed. So, an un-productive tree would be costly to keep.
Remember: under the Constitution of the Mosaic Law pigs/hogs ( such livestock) were listed as Not to be eaten by the Israelites.
We all chose whether we are humble sheep or haughty goats - Matthew 25:31-33.
We are all asked and given the opportunity to ' repent ' or 'perish ' ( be destroyed ) - 2 Peter 3:9
No post-mortem penalty for the wicked - just being destroyed forever - Psalms 92:7 ( such as unrepentant child abusers, etc. )
As for the rest of mankind there will be healing for earth's nations according to Revelation 22:2
Mankind will see the return of the Genesis ' tree of life ' for the healing of earth's nations - Revelation 22:2
That is in fullfullment of God's promise to father Abraham that ALL families of Earth will be blessed.
And ALL nations of Earth will be blessed. Blessed with the benefit of healing - Genesis 12:3; Genesis 22:18; Revelation 22:2; 1 Corinthians 15:26; Isaiah 25:8


Premium Member
Jesus too shared the ' key concept of non-violent faith '- Matthew 26:52; Revelation 13:10; John 13:34-35
After first-century Christianity ended, ' Christendom ' ( so-called Christian mostly in name only ) ignored Jesus' non-violent command - Matthew 7:21-23
Christendom often uses the pulpit as a recruiting station so parents will sacrifice their young on the Altar of War.
Christendom often promotes a political agenda in the name of Christ over Christ's concept of a non-violent faith agenda.

Explain Luke 12.51 onwards please.

Luke 12.51 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division.......


Trying to bring myself ever closer to Allah
Premium Member
Since Jesus did NOT advocate the use of literal swords ( weapons ) for his followers, then his followers would NOT lift up sword against another.

There is a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.


Veteran Member
There is a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

What King Solomon ( who was known for his wisdom ) wrote at Ecclesiastes 3 was for the nation of ancient Israel.
They went to war sometimes for right reasons, sometimes for wrong reasons.
Since Pentecost, the Christian congregation is Not under the Constitution of the Mosaic Law.
Christians are under the ' Law of Christ ' -> Galatians 6:2; Hebrews 7:12; 1 Corinthians 9:21
The ' Law of Christ ' is called the 'perfect law' that belongs to freedom. Freedom from the temporary Mosaic Law - James 1:25; James 2:12; Romans 3:27
That ' new law ' or ' new covenant ' was foretold through Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 8:6-13
The ' Law of Christ ' covers one's whole life style which now includes the putting down of carnal weapons in favor of spiritual weapons - Ephesians 6:11-17; 2 Corinthians 10:4
Christians fulfill what Isaiah 2:4 and Micah 4:3 wrote would happen.


Trying to bring myself ever closer to Allah
Premium Member
What King Solomon ( who was known for his wisdom ) wrote at Ecclesiastes 3 was for the nation of ancient Israel.
They went to war sometimes for right reasons, sometimes for wrong reasons.
Since Pentecost, the Christian congregation is Not under the Constitution of the Mosaic Law.
Christians are under the ' Law of Christ ' -> Galatians 6:2; Hebrews 7:12; 1 Corinthians 9:21
The ' Law of Christ ' is called the 'perfect law' that belongs to freedom. Freedom from the temporary Mosaic Law - James 1:25; James 2:12; Romans 3:27
That ' new law ' or ' new covenant ' was foretold through Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 8:6-13
The ' Law of Christ ' covers one's whole life style which now includes the putting down of carnal weapons in favor of spiritual weapons - Ephesians 6:11-17; 2 Corinthians 10:4
Christians fulfill what Isaiah 2:4 and Micah 4:3 wrote would happen.

That's one interpretation.


Veteran Member
Jesus spoke at different times of both 'physical' and spiritual weapons. They each have their place in the Battle with Satan and their servants.

Satan and his demons are heavenly/spirit persons, so physical weapons are ineffective - Revelation 12:7-9
The battle with Satan and his servants will be taken out by the executional words coming our of Jesus' mouth - Revelation 19:14-16; Isaiah 11:3-4; Jeremiah 25:31-33
Please notice there are No people, No physical/carnal weapons, but heavenly angelic armies used as mentioned at Revelation 19:14


Trying to bring myself ever closer to Allah
Premium Member
Satan and his demons are heavenly/spirit persons, so physical weapons are ineffective - Revelation 12:7-9
The battle with Satan and his servants will be taken out by the executional words coming our of Jesus' mouth - Revelation 19:14-16; Isaiah 11:3-4; Jeremiah 25:31-33
Please notice there are No people, No physical/carnal weapons, but heavenly angelic armies used as mentioned at Revelation 19:14

But Satan and their demons can take human form. Moreover, Satan has human servants too.


Premium Member
Going back to the OP, and the recent thread posts, it seems to verify that there are lots more cons to thinking religions are the same. I say this because dharmic religions, in general, have absolutely no concept of the devil ... at all. So it seems to me this is just another in an increasingly long list of irreconcilable differences.


Veteran Member
But Satan and their demons can take human form. Moreover, Satan has human servants too.

According to Scripture, the taking of human form is: past tense.
Those materialized human bodies were destroyed in the Flood.
Since the Flood those demons are in symbolic ' chains ' of darkness - Jude 1:6
That 'dark state' is Not biblical hell (grave), but from the Greek ' tatato'o' (tatarus)
So, since the Flood the demons do Not take human form, but yes, Satan does have human servants:
Notice who the 'father' is at John 8:44. see also Acts of the Apostles 13:10 and 1 Peter 5:8


Trying to bring myself ever closer to Allah
Premium Member
According to Scripture, the taking of human form is: past tense.
Those materialized human bodies were destroyed in the Flood.
Since the Flood those demons are in symbolic ' chains ' of darkness - Jude 1:6
That 'dark state' is Not biblical hell (grave), but from the Greek ' tatato'o' (tatarus)
So, since the Flood the demons do Not take human form, but yes, Satan does have human servants:
Notice who the 'father' is at John 8:44. see also Acts of the Apostles 13:10 and 1 Peter 5:8

According to God, Who (I believe) speaks to me, this is not just something that happened in the past, it still happens. And I (believe I) have interacted with demons in human form.

If you believe Satan has human servants, then surely it is at least reasonable that it might sometimes be necessary to use 'physical' weapons against them?


Veteran Member
According to God, Who (I believe) speaks to me, this is not just something that happened in the past, it still happens. And I (believe I) have interacted with demons in human form.
If you believe Satan has human servants, then surely it is at least reasonable that it might sometimes be necessary to use 'physical' weapons against them?

Since God put in place the governmental authorities ( Romans 13) who should make the un-manageable as manageable for us, then yes, when clearly breaking the law, then ' physical ' or ' carnal ' weapons are used by them. Romans 13 is the arrangement under this present world or system that we live under NOW. According to Scripture there is a NEW world or system coming under Christ as ruler or king over us. Before Day One starts of Jesus' coming 1,000-year governmental rulership begins, it will be necessary to remove the unrepentant wicked. That coming judgement call is out of our hands, and God placed that responsibility in Jesus' hands, so to speak, because the 'executional words from Jesus' mouth' is what will rid the Earth of any who would bring ruin to Earth ( literal or moral ). - Revelation 19:14-16; Revelation 11:18 B; Isaiah 11:3-4

You might find of interest that fratricide might also enter into the picture according to Jeremiah 25:31-33 because the wicked are given to the sword in that they will turn on each other.
Not meaning any Christians will have any part of physical or carnal weapons. At that time Christians will follow the advise of Isaiah 26:20.