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Search results

  1. SpiritQuest

    A Universe from Nothing?

    Nothing can be described as "no-thing" because it is formless, in that it has no form. Something comes from no-thing because nothingness is the infinite potential of the unmanifested reality. :)
  2. SpiritQuest

    Eternal Awareness

    Space is awareness. The totality of existence can be described as "all is vibration" and all is one. At one end of this spectrum is the infinite extension of space where the wavelength is infinite and the frequency of vibration is zero. At the other end of the spectrum is the singularity of...
  3. SpiritQuest

    Death and Evolution

    The universe is continually manifesting creation. Forms appear for a relative period to then dissolve and return to the formlessness. "Form is Emptiness and Emptiness is Form." -- Heart Sutra The formless ...or the emptiness, is the timeless infinite potential. Even the living body has...
  4. SpiritQuest

    The Exclusivity of Christianity: Myth or Reality

    If God is all inclusive, then the exclusivity mindset of Christianity is an error. God is Truth, and that is the Whole Truth. Therefore the only things that are excluded are false beliefs. Ultimately, all are saved.
  5. SpiritQuest

    Immortality, a gift from God.

    Hell is a state of mind or a false belief; it is the belief in death. It is what the fearful human ego has made. This fearful mind imagines the light of God as the burning fire of eternal torment. Ultimately, there is no hell and there is no death, there is only the pure light of Truth. This is...
  6. SpiritQuest

    Scientific Proof of a Soul

    Is there a limit to articulation and "demonstration"? Awareness is the most fundamental fact of your existence. You can be aware of your own moods and modes, and articulations of thoughts. Conscious observers participate in the ongoing creation of the universe. Does the Universe Exist if...
  7. SpiritQuest

    Scientific Proof of a Soul

    "A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary." -- Schucman, Dr. Helen. A Course in Miracles (p. 1255). Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. Particles of matter emerge from consciousness as evidenced by the double slit experiment of...
  8. SpiritQuest

    "Physicists Create 'Negative Mass'"

    I recall reading something about exotic energy or negative mass could theoretically be used to construct traversable wormholes.
  9. SpiritQuest

    Any Arguments by which to Conclude that Consciousness Is a Product of Brains?

    Some people could think that it is a deepity, other people might not think that. Consciousness is the final frontier... Is Your Brain Really a Computer, or Is It a Quantum Orchestra? | The Huffington Post
  10. SpiritQuest

    Any Arguments by which to Conclude that Consciousness Is a Product of Brains?

    Mind comes from clarity and awareness, that is, mind comes from mind. Statement of His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, on | The 14th Dalai Lama
  11. SpiritQuest

    Any Arguments by which to Conclude that Consciousness Is a Product of Brains?

    Hello, from your descriptions, the seers of ancient traditions were very experienced with the inner science of the mind, while conventional science seeks to only study the objective world, yes.
  12. SpiritQuest

    Any Arguments by which to Conclude that Consciousness Is a Product of Brains?

    The law of cause and effect is the most fundamental law of reality. Cause begins in the mind. As we think and do unto others, so we think and do unto ourselves. Universal oneness. There is one universal awareness or consciousness and the apparently different things in reality are different...
  13. SpiritQuest

    Any Arguments by which to Conclude that Consciousness Is a Product of Brains?

    Erwin Schrodinger, another founding father of quantum theory also hypothesized that consciousness is fundamental... Erwin Schrödinger - Wikiquote
  14. SpiritQuest

    Merging Technology with the Human Body

    How far will this merger with technology and humans continue? Will biological humans go extinct to be completely replaced by machines? The smartphone is eventually going to die, and then things are going to get really crazy
  15. SpiritQuest

    Any Arguments by which to Conclude that Consciousness Is a Product of Brains?

    What is energy? The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. I Ch. 4: Conservation of Energy
  16. SpiritQuest

    The ONLY religious question!

    Different people are at different stages of spiritual growth. I think that you may be helping people in their spiritual growth, yes. The bible is mostly symbolic writings and is not meant to be read literally... Truth is to "know thyself" in order to be true to thyself then your words and deeds...
  17. SpiritQuest

    Any Arguments by which to Conclude that Consciousness Is a Product of Brains?

    I would say that is not necessarily the case. If consciousness is fundamental in the universe then everything is an aspect or perspective of consciousness, thus mathematics cannot be separate from it.(consciousness). A fundamental unit or "atom" of consciousness would be a perspective, with the...
  18. SpiritQuest

    Any Arguments by which to Conclude that Consciousness Is a Product of Brains?

    According to scientist Seth Lloyd, the universe is conscious.
  19. SpiritQuest

    Any Arguments by which to Conclude that Consciousness Is a Product of Brains?

    Max Planck, a founding father of quantum theory postulated that consciousness is fundamental. "I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing...
  20. SpiritQuest

    Any Arguments by which to Conclude that Consciousness Is a Product of Brains?

    I feel that consciousness can exist independently of biological brains. Microtubules are possibly structures that resonate with consciousness like a musical instrument. What is consciousness? Perhaps the function of the brain is to limit consciousness like a radio-receiver filter, not to...