Me BANGING on a keyboard doesn't take away from the fact that the human race is nowt but a plague on this blue planet!. Greedy, jealous, childish, power hungry and selfish!, I wish you all the best, goodbye!.
The problem is that we humans think to much, we create our own gods, in other words we lie like cheap Japanese watches, what will knowing where the universe begins and ends or how it got here in the first place help YOU??. Your born, you live, you die!. The dinosaurs survived for 135 million...
Don't you all find it strange that people accept Harry Potter as fiction, yet lots accept the religious texts as true!, with absolutely no evidence what so ever of their supposed gods!!. We, as a whole see no miracles (religious) at all nowadays, is that because we're not so gullible or..........??.
A god did not create anything!, man created god in an attempt to control and manipulate the masses, and they did a fairly good job of it for thousands of years!. However nowadays it takes a lot to fool the masses, hence the fall in believers, ALL religions are for the weak of mind and people...