Long story short, I think of myself as Theravana Buddhist, but my Sangha is actually a zen center. I understand that there are multitudes more vegan substitutes for food items now than there was in the days of buddha, but the way I see it: A chicken is slaughtered for the porpose of human...
like fast food lunches (some days Chicken and fish burgers, others: Carne azada burritos) as well as homecooked dinners that feature (usually frozen and packaged) fish or chicken either as a main dish or as a side.
There are various translations of the first precept abput killing, Does that same rule apply to Animals?
I’m going to be honest here: I went to the grocery store and bougtht nothing, but vegitarian foods because I saw a youtuber’s response to a vegan video:
Upon seeing this, the topic of...
The five precepts of buddhism go as follows
1. I undertake the precept to avoid taking the lives of living beings
2. I undertake the precept to avoid taking with witch has not been given
3. I undertake the precept to refrain from sexual misconduct
4. I undertake the precept to refrain from...
Thank you for your help, I wanted an eastern theme for my halloween decorations (that is if my landlord doesn't mind) hence the indic texts. It's My first halloween as a man of faith and i figured i might as well my newfound spirituality as decoration. Seeing as the sangha that I go to is a Zen...
I go to a zen center where they apparantly (i've only been a buddhist for two months now, don't blame me for not knowing all the ceremonies in Buddhism) reallocate days in line with western culture like anime being dubbed and localized.
I use 'revelling in the horrifying' to refer to people...
As much as I hate to admit it, suffering is an ever apparent facet of human civilization. Suffering is necisary as the human mind always seeks conflict of some type so it doesn’t become redundant. Moksha an dukkha play out in various ways all throughout the world from dictators with personality...
While in the east, Buddhists commemorate their ansestors in the late summer: Sanghas here in the west have their ghost ceremony in line with when westerners celebrate death by reveling in the horrifying. My sangha is holding its Hungry ghosts ceremony this November 1st and I have some ideas of...
looking at the wikipedia page for Pali language among other resources, one thing is apparant. Pali is a dead language not spoken by any ethnic group and seems to only be used in sanghas and Buddhist teachers to understand texts written twenty-three hundred years ago. Why did people stop speaking...
Dharma, a property intrinsic to the universe itself transends all laws of motion and physics. Dharma facilitates karma and karmic consequence in day to day life while being invisible and unfeelable. While this descriptor sounds vauge and nonspecific, existing science confirms such a thing to...
What does religion have anything to do with charter schools?
maybe your expierience of American public school differs from mine, but there wasn't football jock warship at my high school. All of us were required four years of English, three years of math, two years of a foreign language and...
what about say, Charter schools? Whitch both operate independantly from government policy while recievimg federal funding making them free for the consumer.
I see how cannibalism is ethically best when miserable people kill themselves and their bodies have become redundant or a homeless person who has resorted to substance abuse to pass the time to get them some degree of happiness in their hopeless reality.
I have seen the following video on America's education system
and corroborating this with my own experience in the system from K-12, i begin to wonder: Is there any point in public schools being a thing anymore? What purpose does papers with narrow deadlines have in the real world (Blue collar...
I like to write short stories and novels (Usually fantasy) and i have a literary canundrum that goes as follows: I love writing fiction, yet i don't like to read fiction myself.
I have never been big into reading fiction (even as a kid) and i would always read almanacs among other reference...
Maybe signs in the window to the sangha (This sangha is a part of an outdoor complex of offices) for POC sitting groups and "Dharma punx" maybe colored my perceptions of what his intentions were.
I personally follow buddhism as a religion, so services would still help me achieve enlightenment...