I haven't been to China but I know it is there. I have spoken in front of many people on my beliefs, my feelings, my thoughts. There is no difference between your eagerness to sell your religious beliefs than the passions and life affirming / changing experiences of the call centre sales worker...
being b
I went through a rediscovery of faith experience in moving from atheism to the cult, and in many ways a reversal of that in turning back to atheism on escaping the cult. I was 1/. Religious (Catholic) 2 Atheist 3/. Hindu cult recruit 4 Born again atheist -
While street evangelists...
You assume because I'm not a Christian now that I never was one. I was raised as a Catholic and I helped evangelize a Hindu cult I was in - Not doubting the validity of their life experiences, just their belief that God has any part in their recoveries or change in attitude to life. They are...
True, we only have to look at the current incumbant of the White House for that, but I find most evangelists are struggling to hold onto a feeling. Thier beliefs are more emotional than reasoned and they tend to use rhetoric to dupe themselves as much as others about their convictions. They can...
I guess i'm challenging those who think those who promote religion are just dumb - pointing out that the evangelists I ,eet are often intelligent, articulate and reflective and that if they applied their religious thinking to other activity instead they might well do great things for society
Dan Brown's book borrows a lot of urban legend ideas covered elsewhere, and there was even a long plagiarism trial between Brown and the authors of The Holy Blood & Holy Grail which drew the claims to wide public attention, and critical scorn. That one of the guests at the Last Supper looks...
I see quite a lot of street evangelists in my home city. I have spoken with some of them. In some ways I can admire them. It takes a lot of guts to stand in the street yelling into a microphone in front of strangers (who mostly ignore them or heckle them) and some of the young speakers are...
Prem Rawat, aka Guru Maharaj Ji, aka Goomradjie, is here mainly playing on the notion that he himself is a Perfect Master and avatar incarnation of a supreme deity, even though speaking in the third person. Of course most of us would die if we were crucified - that is self-evident. Jesus 1/...
Nietzsche says God is dead which I agree with, but if the Bible trinity idea is / was true and Jesus died on the cross, staying dead for Easter weekend, surely that means God was dead too. If Jesus was God, and Jesus died, so did God, so how did the World / Universe carry on in his / their...
Still waiting for his first coming, but surely if the idea is to believed the second coming is really the third coming. 1/. Jesus is born, lives his life and dies crucified - 1st coming over. 2/. Jesus comes back from the dead, chills with the gang for a bit then goes away - end of second...
There are countless contradictions - Even Genesis 1 & 2 conflict with different orders of the creation process. Jesus is both for turn the other cheek and bringing a sword, locations and numbers attending events change in different Gospel accounts of various miracles, Jesus says he is fully...
Yes the sale of sacred relics was big business in the Middle Ages. Chaucer criticises it in The Canterbury Tales. There were probably enough shards of the one true cross on sale to rebuild a forest.
true there could be other quadrants of the galaxy teeming with life. That life may be scarse isn't surprising without a God to create it, as atheists think, but for religionists it does posit the question of why God would leave so ,any worlds devoid of life
obviously harder for us to find microbes than advanced civilisations that have cities and huge power / light sources to look out for. Life would be anything with DNA not necessarily intelligence, but without actually landing on remote worlds we won't find a clump of lichen - a civilized planet...
our space programme is very limited - we haven't even put a manned rocket out yet - and getting Brexit is likely to be more of a chore than exit to Mars for our PM for a while
A death star like attack could obviously take us out from afar - the main reason to hit Jupiter is that it is lifeless. We could theoretically at least fire missiles and even manned spacecraft to lead the fight back if the aliens came within range or actually invaded our World. Also Jupiter...