I tried socializng. I try to be open but every time people dont stay long or they ice me out of their groups. Recently. Someone i trusted turned on me.
But if he wants us to be happy and suceed why cant he help us? Some suceed without much effort others pray until their knees hurt and He still doeent help.
Idk. I still believe in God..but the type of God He is has definitely changed based on my own personal experiences.
Im not chosen for anything special. Nothing special has happened in my life. Its just been a constant struggle and as for love. I have a lot of it to give but no one to give it to. Its hard to make fiends despite being friendly, I have no significant other and my family is distant... so I just...
Yeah.. but the promises of being blessed and all and when that doesn't happen just leaves me a bit bitter when I tried and I don't feel transformed and Im not being used by God at all. I don't feel close to him.
Because of that I don't draw near because I still feel alone either way. whats the...
I didn't say I was standing in anyones way. These are my personal reasons. I never said I wanted to ban abortion because people will do what they want anyway and find ways around it to get what they want. I also wouldn't want a child being abused or neglected because the parent wasn't...
I say rare because though I indentify as christian. I believe in God however despite years of involved in religion ..I just can't fully say I like or even love God. I even hate to say it but its true. I feel this way because I feel God has favorites. Favorites he talks to, bless with gift after...
Youre killing something thats living. At 8weeks my baby has a heart beat. Again, if we have concern and value for animals how much more value should a living being that will eventually become a human being have?
Im not throwing away anyone's choice. Everyone has free will. I can't make anyone do anything but I do believe in God and I believe terminating life in the womb is playing God in a way. No one has the right to take life except him and every action has a consequence.
I only sympathize with...
IM against. I'm also 8 weeks pregnant.
At 8 weeks my Dr detected cardiac baby's heart is beating at 157 beats per minute. People find killing animals inhumane but it's okay to kill a fetus, which is just Latin for baby, it's still a baby ....ok.
It has a heart beat, my child can...