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Search results

  1. Argentbear

    Transgender opinions

    This is talking about gender dysphoria not transgenderism. They outgrew or worked through the dysphoria to deal with being transgender no 95% of transgender men taking testosterone developed pelvic floor dysfunction, which if left untreated can result in urge and stress incontinence
  2. Argentbear

    Transgender opinions

    where did this come from because it's no where to be found in you link.
  3. Argentbear

    Transgender opinions

    which has what to do with the findings of research?
  4. Argentbear

    Transgender opinions

    Research supports the numbers given. If you want to claim flawed research then provide evidence of that.
  5. Argentbear

    Transgender opinions

    A systematic review of patient regret after surgery- A common phenomenon in many specialties but rare within gender-affirmation surgery Sarah M. Thornton, Armin Edalatpour, Katherine M. Gast 2024 American Journal of Surgery.
  6. Argentbear

    And South Carolina goes one better,

    Teen pregnancy rates reached it's peek in 1958 with 96.3 per 1000.
  7. Argentbear

    Louisiana becomes first state to require that Ten Commandments be displayed in public classrooms

    The First Amendment has two provisions concerning religion: the establishment clause and the free exercise clause.. You keep posting about the free exercise clause while ignoring the establishment clause. The establishment clause prohibits the government from "establishing" a religion. In...
  8. Argentbear

    Louisiana becomes first state to require that Ten Commandments be displayed in public classrooms

    which has nothing to do with my post or the post I was responding to
  9. Argentbear

    Transgender opinions

    i just put out the basic medical and psychological definitions of transgenderism and gender dysphoria. It's not me you are disagreeing with.
  10. Argentbear

    Louisiana becomes first state to require that Ten Commandments be displayed in public classrooms

    Do you think there were no Islamic people in the 13 colonies? Do you think Muslims didn't serve under Washington during the revolution? Washington, later America’s first president, didn’t have a problem with Muslims serving in his army. By giving these Muslims the honour of serving America...
  11. Argentbear

    Transgender opinions

    First you need to consider why your hypothetical trans child does not want you to know. Your child might get that you don't seem to understand what trans means. Or that you view being trans as a illness. Or maybe they are afraid of what you are calling "the right care" You talk about love...
  12. Argentbear

    Transgender opinions

    The issues is the potential for abuse by the parents. LGBT kids who have been outed are 800 times more likely to be physically absurd by their parents. Half of all homeless children in the country are LGBT, many are thrown out of their homes and many leave to escape violence, some leave because...
  13. Argentbear

    Transgender opinions

    What about respecting then youth's very real fear of rejection or retribution if their parents found out?
  14. Argentbear

    Transgender opinions

    There are some who use gender dysphoria incorrectly to mean transgendered some do so unintentionally some do so intentionally usually to foster a disease model of transgenderism. Transgender refers to a person whose sex assigned at birth does not align their gender identity Gender dysphoria...
  15. Argentbear

    Transgender opinions

    Sorry puberty blockers are safe. Some have tried to claim that they are unsafe because of a potential drop in bone density but the studies they reference to make this claim also present evidence that a simple calcium supplement negates this entirely. You do realize that everyone produces both...
  16. Argentbear

    Brain Storming for our Secular School Curriculum

    what about it?
  17. Argentbear

    Brain Storming for our Secular School Curriculum

    What about logic so kids can learn what a strawman is
  18. Argentbear

    And South Carolina goes one better,

    I'm willing to bet that the parents "challenging" books haven't read five books in the last decade
  19. Argentbear

    Transgender opinions

    its kind of like asking what " left handed kid" means
  20. Argentbear

    Transgender opinions

    why do you think they hate themselves or want to hurt themselves?