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  1. The Papist


    …And so it continues. We could go on and on forever. I appreciate your responses and willingness to at least have a conversation. At the heart of the matter is the question, “Can you love someone and disapprove of their sexual behaviors?” I think the answer is yes. I haven’t gotten any...
  2. The Papist


    Can’t speak to this data, as I haven’t done much research into it, but honestly I hope you’re right. The less child abuse there is the better. But as I said, I’m talking about acts, not people. If more boys are abused than girls, that still means that homosexual abuse is more prevalent than...
  3. The Papist


    I clearly stated above that child pornography and homosexual acts were not morally equivalent. I used the above examples to illustrate my point, not to make any evaluation of whether they were better/worse than homosexual acts. Uh, yeah. Those ideas have Freudian roots. And they’re ideas people...
  4. The Papist


    You’ll notice I haven’t quoted the Bible, the Qur’an, the Gita, etc. once on this thread.
  5. The Papist


    No, I didn’t. Stop putting words in my mouth. I never said anyone was using his “models of development and mental health.” I was pointing out that his views on the centrality of sexuality in the human psyche and the necessity of sexual fulfillment for happiness have influenced much of modern...
  6. The Papist


    No. If child pornography depicts an actual abused child, it is far worse than any consensual homosexual acts. I’m curious, though—unfortunately, some people produce animated child pornography that does not depict actual people. Do you think it’s wrong for people to view this? It doesn’t...
  7. The Papist


    …which only proves my point further. You’ve just admitted that you don’t value substance abusers as people. Mind you, none of these examples are 1:1 comparisons. A lot of this goes back to Freudian philosophy, which centered human identity on sex. Classifying people into boxes like “gay” or...
  8. The Papist


    Frankly, I’m done with this argument. You can’t seem to understand the notion that believing someone does immoral things is not incompatible with valuing them as a person. You continue to strawman my positions. But I’ll focus on one point of agreement—we both agree that people shouldn’t be...
  9. The Papist

    When Did It Become a Baby?

    My respect for you continues to increase, as I see that your positions are not just tired pro-abortion talking points, but rather are grounded in a consistent moral position. If you’re willing to, do you think you could summarize your view of morality for me? What makes something right or wrong?
  10. The Papist


    Well, if I were married, it would be to someone of the opposite sex to whom I was not related. My point with the incest example was that if you believe consensual incest is wrong, then consent is not the only factor in deciding whether or not sexual acts are acceptable. If it is the only factor...
  11. The Papist

    When Did It Become a Baby?

    I'm impressed by your consistency on the death penalty. Kudos to you for that. I'm almost universally opposed to it, for the same reasons as I'm opposed to abortion. I'm basing this on the most obvious dictates of my own God and of natural reason: "You shall not murder." And what of the rights...
  12. The Papist

    Jesus is not God

    Interesting, this is an approach I've never heard before! As a Catholic, I actually think we have something in common. I believe Jesus gave His Apostles an authority that others don't have. And by virtue of apostolic succession, this authority continues through the bishops of Christ's Church. So...
  13. The Papist

    When Did It Become a Baby?

    Are you opposed to the death penalty? If so, based on your argument, you should keep your opinion to yourself and not impose your morality on others who don't believe it's murder. It's a little early to claim no one wants to listen to me. You at least cared to listen enough to respond. :) Again...
  14. The Papist


    You're conflating homosexual acts with those who practice them, which is really the root of disagreement. "So now being gay is the equivalent of being incestuous?" Explain how there is any moral difference between consensual incest and homosexual practice. You're conflating homosexual acts...
  15. The Papist

    Why Didn’t God Create That Special Man For Today’s World?

    Thanks for the follow-up! I guess the gist of my point was that the idea of saints and the concept of intercession of saints is part of the Christian faith and would seem to confirm Christianity (and Catholicism specifically in my mind). Interestingly, there has been some coverage of St Carlo...
  16. The Papist

    Jesus is not God

    Thanks for engaging my post! I'm curious, what do you think is the distinction between being divine and being "the Almighty?" The passage I quoted seemed to imply that Jesus was eternally preexistent... Peace :)
  17. The Papist

    When Did It Become a Baby?

    I don't buy this. If we don't know if something is murder, should we just do it anyway? If a hunter sees a form that could be a person but might just be an animal, is it okay to shoot? Of course not. I think it's unquestionably true that a ""fetus"" (a Latin word meaning "offspring/child") is a...
  18. The Papist

    Who Or What Is Christian?

    To be a Christian, one must be a baptized believer in the Trinity and the Incarnation, Passion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. That's my understanding. I have no intention of insulting anyone's faith or commitment to Christ, but based on this definition, here's how I would answer the question...
  19. The Papist


    Homophobia, in my mind, means having a fear or hatred of those who practice homosexuality. Believing that homosexual acts are immoral does not mean you fear or hate those who practice them, just as believing that drug abuse is immoral does not mean you hate everyone who struggles with drug...
  20. The Papist

    Jesus is not God

    Curious what those who deny Christ's divinity make of John 8:58, where Jesus says, "Abraham your father rejoiced that he might see my day: he saw it, and was glad. 57 The Jews therefore said to him: Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? 58 Jesus said to them: Amen, amen...