It is Nihilism to reply ``there are no proofs'' without reporting mistakes.
Otherwise, it is crazy trolling and bullying, like in the case against Jesus:
``If I said something wrong, show what is wrong. But if I spoke the truth,
why did you strike Me?'' John 18:23. It is not normal to quote Holy...
There is no notion of today or now in Theory or Albert Einstein.
But we feel our body neither tomorrow nor yesterday, but right now.
Hence, the God is Today. Life is Today. Freewill is...
We see this world. Where did the world come from? Atheist: I don't know. Theist: from God. Since there is no third option, then God exists.
There is no third option and there never will be, because Atheism cannot be proven. Atheism is the absence of the need for miracles. After all, the more we...
Me: "Gnostic Atheists say that there is no God. Nevertheless, scientists have not come to this Atheism's claim. Are you smarter than scientists? Why doesn't science say there is no God?"
She: "Do I think that scientists are madder than me? Atheists do not do this. The one who claims must prove...
In my classification of the stuff there is separation between words
Existence and Presence. For example,
The Robin Hood and the Peter Pan are present, but they are non-existent (not real).
I am not crazy, because they published me in arXiv.
@QuestForTruth got published
If somebody knows all...
The P versus NP problem is a major unsolved problem in computer science. It asks whether every problem whose solution can be quickly verified can also be solved quickly. I am giving a short theological solution.
It has to be P=NP in not an atheistic-nihilistic-secular but rather the Orthodox...
The Biblical Religion says, that at the Second Coming of Jesus
the Sun with be shining, and the human life on Earth will be going normal comfortable way.
But Physics says that it is not possible after 4 billion years from now.
Hence, Science does not allow God to come after 4 000 000 000 AD...
The proof is promising, if it can save atheists. Is this promising:
There is open and hidden knowledge. Much that is now hidden will be discovered by people. If in 2022 AD you will ask a question: "Does someone know today's hidden knowledge?". Then over time, the only confirming answers will be...
I want to find a person who would sincerely admire my thoughts. If such a person cannot be found, then one should not look for it, and even run from it. And then, the almighty Jesus will make a miracle. How often you feel perfect connection, while communication?
Consider an area of knowledge...
Now Earth is globe, not flat. It was flat long time ago.
I have completed secondary school with Gold Medal, University
with Cum Laude, I was lector and researcher at Tartu University, I
am author in Physical Review E. My last scientific results are
proofs of Riemann and abc conjectures. My...
How easy is it to be the smartest on the planet, where science has proven that apes gave birth to the human race?
It is very easy to be a genius when science has proven that humans are monkeys. Sorry, "primates". Proven that we are primates. It is easy to surpass the mind of all the scientists...
The search for knowledge is a Trajectory. At the end of which is the knowledge that the All-Knowing One exists. Because at the end of the trajectory, we know that we exist and that we know everything. Thus, at the end of the trajectory is God, not godlessness. The path of godlessness leads away...
Does Love exist?
God is Love.
ratiocinator: You're saying god is nothing but a human emotion. Rather silly and pointless redefinition of the word 'god'.
Do not put words in my mouth and do not fantasize over my proof.
It is much more than its symptoms. Love causes symptoms, the latter are...
There are infinitely many proofs for Jesus's existence, and almost none of them are unanimously refuted. On the other hand, all disproofs of Jesus's existence are unanimously refuted. Hence, only one option remains:
Jesus is unanimously proven.
Consider the possibility of a God who knows everything.
Then He knows what God exists. Thus, in order to know everything, you need to know that you exist.
This is part of the knowledge. Part of the Truth. Thus, the possibility of God's existence becomes
a proven fact.
You could reply: "God...
The P versus NP problem is a major unsolved problem in computer science. It asks whether every problem whose solution can be quickly verified can also be solved quickly.
I argue, while dwelling on the proofs, that the solution
to some most complicated problems or tasks
can be just a sentence or...
Are advances in science constantly pushing God into the dustbin of history?
No, the area of the unknown is expanding faster. 94 percent of matter is Dark Matter and Dark Energy, and nothing is known about them. Unknown, except for me.
The matter is of 4 types, one of them is Invisible...
A counter-example is a situation, when the Riemann Hypothesis fails.
Let the number of counter-examples be X, Dr. Robin has
proven that the X can not be finite (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12022.52804/1 ).
1. Number X can not be finite (not 1, not 576, not 694739303).
2. Hence, it can not be huge.
The matter is not Spirit. Spirit is Love. A thing is living if the Spirit
considers it as a living one. A thing is invisible if it cannot be directly
detected even by scientific detectors. There are reasons why the bodies
capable only of gravitational interaction cannot be directly detected even...
I know, that there is Jesus Christ, because the models are not completely naked. Never will come times, when YouTube will show naked models. Because God never will die.