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proof of god

  1. questfortruth

    Most promising proof of God?

    The proof is promising, if it can save atheists. Is this promising: There is open and hidden knowledge. Much that is now hidden will be discovered by people. If in 2022 AD you will ask a question: "Does someone know today's hidden knowledge?". Then over time, the only confirming answers will be...
  2. questfortruth

    New proof for Jesus

    I want to find a person who would sincerely admire my thoughts. If such a person cannot be found, then one should not look for it, and even run from it. And then, the almighty Jesus will make a miracle. How often you feel perfect connection, while communication? Consider an area of knowledge...
  3. questfortruth

    Is satan a type of animal?

    I have completed secondary school with Gold Medal, University with Cum Laude, I was lector and researcher at University, I am the author in Physical Review E. My last scientific-math results are proofs of Riemann and abc conjectures. My principle of paper-writing is "Whoever speaks must do so as...
  4. questfortruth

    Shortest proof of God

    The search for knowledge is a Trajectory. At the end of which is the knowledge that the All-Knowing One exists. Because at the end of the trajectory, we know that we exist and that we know everything. Thus, at the end of the trajectory is God, not godlessness. The path of godlessness leads away...
  5. questfortruth

    Proof of Jesus or Love

    Does Love exist? Yes. God is Love. ratiocinator: You're saying god is nothing but a human emotion. Rather silly and pointless redefinition of the word 'god'. Do not put words in my mouth and do not fantasize over my proof. It is much more than its symptoms. Love causes symptoms, the latter are...
  6. questfortruth

    Proof of God, when Jesus am God

    There are infinitely many proofs for Jesus's existence, and almost none of them are unanimously refuted. On the other hand, all disproofs of Jesus's existence are unanimously refuted. Hence, only one option remains: Jesus is unanimously proven.
  7. questfortruth

    Proof of Jesus on Omniscience

    Consider the possibility of a God who knows everything. Then He knows what God exists. Thus, in order to know everything, you need to know that you exist. This is part of the knowledge. Part of the Truth. Thus, the possibility of God's existence becomes a proven fact. You could reply: "God...
  8. questfortruth

    God of Gaps is one of God's holy names

    Are advances in science constantly pushing God into the dustbin of history? No, the area of the unknown is expanding faster. 94 percent of matter is Dark Matter and Dark Energy, and nothing is known about them. Unknown, except for me. The matter is of 4 types, one of them is Invisible...
  9. questfortruth

    Naked models and Jesus

    I know, that there is Jesus Christ, because the models are not completely naked. Never will come times, when YouTube will show naked models. Because God never will die.
  10. questfortruth

    Proof of Jesus

    Now we have two questions: 1. Is the Riemann Hypothesis true? 2. Does anyone know if Riemann Hypothesis is true? Answering options for the second question: A. ``the answer to the second question is still unknown'', B. ``yes, someone knows''. Impossible answer: ``No, nobody knows.'' Therefore...
  11. questfortruth

    Shortest proof of Jesus Christ

    It is wrong to say, that we can not know all. Because there is no limit (for example, 80%) to research. If we get to know all 100%, we get to know, that we are all-knowing. Hence, the all-knowing being does exist. My premise is: ``future research will tell us about twice as much as we know in...
  12. questfortruth

    Russel's Teapot is not God

    How did Russell equate his crazy teapot to God? There is no way to compare: God is everywhere, but the teapot is in one place. Everybody knows, that it is just a crazy joke of atheists: 1. Red invisible dragon in the garage, 2. Russell's Teapot, 3. Pink Unicorn, etc. The problem with these is...
  13. questfortruth

    Proof of Omniscient Being

    Since there is no limit to study things and to the accumulation of knowledge and skills, but at the same time it is impossible to know everything, there is a being [perhaps on a distant planet] that knows absolutely everything except for one thing. For example, out of the answers to 100...
  14. questfortruth

    Good valid tautologies or Secret of Life

    TOP SCIENCE SOUNDS OBSCURE: In mathematics, the Taylor series of a function is an infinite sum of terms that are expressed in terms of the function's derivatives at a single point. A function may differ from the sum of its Taylor series, even if its Taylor series is convergent. A function is...
  15. questfortruth

    God's proof of God

    QuestForTruth: This is the logical AND practical proof of God made by God Himself: "Which is easier: to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up and walk'? But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the paralyzed man, “Get up, take...
  16. questfortruth

    Dark Matter is spiritual?

    It is understandable why underground detectors for particles of Dark Matter have caught absolutely nothing for so many years of work. Usually, particles have a pretty strong effect on our world. But such small corpuscles as neutrinos have the weakest effect on ordinary matter. I give convincing...
  17. questfortruth


    Atheists are Nihilists, and if so, they are not true. Nihilism is defined by F. Nietzsche as the phrase "Truth does not exist, because God is dead." Nihilism is wrong because it denies the truth. And if this is so, then God has been proved quite scientifically. So?
  18. questfortruth

    Mathematical UFO theory in viXra?

    CV: Science and Psycho The Paper: Is Our World an Intelligent Simulation?, viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:2104.0152
  19. questfortruth

    Atheism or No Intelligence Allowed

    Dr. Richard Dawkins in a religious movie [Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed] said something like this: ``I am atheist because there is no proof that God exists." I believe it is incomplete, so, let me try to read between the lines: ``I am atheist because there is no [globally accepted] proof...
  20. questfortruth

    Neverending Story explained

    A skeptic says: ``Bible is a fairytale for children.'' I would reply: our life is a fairytale, because contains logical contradictions, named by me as illusions. Life is not an illusion but contains ones. The illusive distortions are found not only in our perception of nature but in nature...