Which POTUS lead candidate is more religious? Or is it... irreligious?
Clinton says she is very interested in church, still, and attended regularly as a child.
Some evangelical leaders say Trump is a baby Christian, a person tender toward the promptings of God's Spirit.
Your thoughts?
I had a dream not long ago in which I heard a voice make the following remark:
“Bring balance to the talk.”
I immediately had a sense of what the words in the dream meant. I believe they referred to what I now see as an imbalance in both my approach to the current political debate and in the...
It is now clear beyond any reasonable doubt that donald trump is a fascist. In the midst of a controversy over whether to disavow the endorsement of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke (who, in a blatant lie he denies knowing anything about) and the support of his followers (or for that matter...