I believe it only proves that Jesus and the Father are One. The rest of the Trinity is in John 14.
I believe God is one in those who have received Him as Lord and Savior.
GOD is
When you say ‘God is one in those who received Him as Lord and Saviour’, are you speaking of Jesus Christ?
For sure, if we receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour we are indeed ‘One with God’. But that does not work when written as you did.
God SENT Jesus Christ
AS OUR ‘Lord and Saviour’… therefore if we believe in Jesus
AS THAT ‘Lord and Saviour’ then we must
A L S O believe
IN GOD WHO SENT HIM!! And if we believe so then we have the hope of eternal life in them:
- ‘[Father]… This means eternal life that they should believe in YOU, THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and in Jesus Christ, WHOM YOU SENT!’
Jesus Christ does not claim to be the only true God (and happy it is that he should not declare such heresy and blasphemy!) He stated that his (spiritual) Father is the only true God and (
the addition seems suspicious to me that Jesus should address himself by his own name and title!) that ONE TRUE GOD; The Father, had sent ‘
Jesus Christ’! (
Jesus usually addresses himself as ‘The Son of Man’ or ‘The Son of God’)
The purpose of
GOD saying that
HE is one God was to tell the Israelites that they must not believe in many Gods as the pagan and heathens do. That
HE, and
He alone, is
THE ONE AND ONLY GOD they must worship -
Him who,
BY HIMSELF, created all things and them. It had nothing to do with a United God… which is a nonsense!
The purpose of
JESUS saying he is
one with the Father (and Jesus said the Father is ‘
The only true God’) is nothing to do with a trinity… Jesus is simply saying that he is in UNITY with the Father - in unity with the only true God.
How does Jesus and God make a trinity?
Since when did
TWO make
Since when did
ONE make
And yet there is never a ‘
THREE’ making ‘
THREE’ in scriptures, in reference to ‘Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit’ (though ‘Holy Spirit’ is a PROPERTY OF THE FATHER… and cannot be counted as PERSON!)