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1,000,000,000/1 Against Evolution !


The Great Master Bates
Hi, B, do you notice that with all mystupidity which I call my self no one has called me that directly but I do see the implications. But do you notice that even misspelling words I'mm still simple enoff to were even the educated can read it but why do you keep telling me to go to school and get an edumacation just to speak English. Please if you can if there is so so much prove on your side please enlighten me in a simple way it should be so easy for any person of all your educations. In fact I can even poke better fun at myself but as you I still can't make your point in English

It is obvious that you can't read or write at an elementary level. We have dumbed down our explanations of evolution to a level where even my 8 year old niece has no trouble understanding the concepts. You have no excuse for your continued ignorance in the matter. We have provided numerous links to source material that explains it in plain English. If anyone is having trouble 'making' a point in English it is you.
There are plenty of people involved in this thread who don't have a higher(College) edumacation and they seem to have no trouble understanding the topic at hand.

Let me ask you a question.

Who was Jesus? And what does he mean to you? (Yes yes, I know I'm not being very subtle but I'm really starting to have my suspicions about our illiterate friend here and I'd really like to see where this goes.)
literal visionary said:
First of all, the evo theory. In the beginning before the big bang, there was dust, and the dust just started moving around, pretty soon the piece of dust got pissed at itself and just exploded. Boom!
Why, when you put it that way, it does sound kind of silly.

mortuus monastica

New Member
Hmm… It’s been some time since I last posted, but I thought some of this thread was in dire need of clarification – but more importantly, correction.

Shall we go through some of this – step, by step, for those in need of elementary answers – and see where things went horribly wrong?

AG said:
…when I was younger there was no DNA found yet. … DNA might not be DNA?
Oh, oh, but then…
AG said:
As to DNA I can say it is in scripture thousands of years before anyone knew it as DNA. I can show you what you call science that historicly it was writen years ago.
So which is it? If it’s in scripture, then where in scripture is it? Then again, asking for scriptural proof is just inviting a one-line (two lines at best usually) quote that could be used to describe anything from DNA to Devilish Nazi Atheists…

AG said:
In religion science in general will say if you can find one lie. And it still has not been found. But to evolution it is not a lie or mistake even it is always things like growing in knowledge and on and on.
Obviously you will never find a mistake within religion because the very basis of theism is faith – the unquestioning belief of an ideal. And science, including evolutionary disciplines, has always (upon conception the of modern science) admitted its own mistakes when they are shown with a logically sound proof. Claiming a 1,000,000,000 to 1 odd against a theory is not proof of its fallacy, only a demonstration that one has an incomplete understanding of a field they already admit to having an elementary, at best, knowledge of in the first place. Science itself evolves as one acquires understanding, that’s its primary tenet!
AG said:
Some problems with evolution and common sence
And kudos to Mr. Guy for pointing out again that not everything can be put into elementary standards, nor should it. To demand that a theory which has taken lifetimes to begin to grasp be put into terms that a lower elementary intellect could understand is the same as demanding an elementary student grasp multi-variable calculus without learning arithmetic, algebra, linear theory or even single-variable calculus first then complaining about not knowing what a variable is in the first place. Next are you to demand of us that we lay down the finer points of 11-D Supergravity field interactions in Heterotic-E M-Theory is without mentioning strings that aren’t made out of wool? It can’t be done – and any ‘common sense’ problems that seemingly arise from trying to leap ahead like that are no fault of the scientific community’s.

I quite like the next quote:
Literal Visionary said:
In the beginning before the big bang, there was dust, and the dust just started moving around, pretty soon the piece of dust got pissed at itself and just exploded. Boom!
That whole idea sounds completely absurd to me too – because that’s not even what astrophysicists say happened. First off, as current Big Bang theory goes, there was no dust before the bang – there was absolutely NOTHING. And not just empty space, but no space either, no time, no matter, no energy, no nothing. That’s the whole point of the Big Bang! It’s not even a matter of “one moment there was nothing and the next there was,” because that first moment never existed. And some things do come from nothing – Hawking radiation for one, and ignorance too. Matter is constantly being created and destroyed out of nothing into nothing every instant there is.

Literal Visionary said:
Living in a world that depends on exact balance was born out of chaos -fo sho'- The evolution THEORY goes against all scientifically proven LAWS that we know of in the universe MAGICALLY.
No exact balance is required for life to exist… Even life forms on this planet are able to exist in widely varying and often inhospitable environments. And one only need to look at fractals to see (literally) that even with a few, simple, yet chaotic functions, elaborate patterns can emerge. And what ‘scientifically proven LAWS’ does evolutionary theory go against?
Literal Visionary said:
We don't even know what should constitute intelligence. At least the bible has a written timeline backed up with quite alot of proof, if you choose to look at such examples, even written in our own DNA.
…Achem… what should one say to that? … Um, I must say that this is the first mention of biblical proof being ‘written’ in DNA that I’ve ever heard of. To what do you refer?

Literal Visionary said:
Even though we don't even know what intelligence really is, I don't think I could be that dum,IN FACT! I scored a a high 175(not curved to 165) on an adult IQ test-
Yah when I was in second grade at the age of 6
Well, well, well – there’s a surprise. Another ‘we don’t know, so how can we question the Bible?’ argument – the answer to all a creationist’s prayers, eh? Oh, by the way, IQ tests are worthless, long ago it was shown that given rudimentary knowledge one could ace an IQ test without problem – even in second grade – since they are designed to test the ability to provide correctly formatted answers rather than the ability to think.

And Alexander Garcia, please, for the last time, stop using the argument that we’re just making up new words to confuse poor laymen like yourself while demanding that we use English when: English itself is a derived language from others; the uniqueness of the English language and its use in science comes from the fact that it readily adapts to new words, that’s why it’s effective, or you’d have only heard of ‘giant seismic tidal waves of grand proportions,’ rather than the succinct ‘tsunami;’ at one point, every word in the English language was made up; and that if one were to remove the few periods you do put into every third or so sentence, no amount of common sense could make heads or tails of your rants.

alexander garcia

Active Member
Hi,to all I was gonna answer some of Fade' Questions but I started on MORTUUS MONASTICA and can't help myself. Yes you are right the few verses are VERY open to interpretation. true. Still they were writen thousands of years ago when ( science ) was an eclips the world is ending. As to faith do you mean the BLIND faith No, I don't have any. My faith is in truth I have always asked for proff and why. That has made it very hard at times, but I rather have the truth. It's just so happens to be the Scriptures. You can find people even argueing with the Almighty. Now for my BEST one I'm sorry but I stopped at this point. I'll go and finnish after. but as to the need of a life time to begin to grasp, I would say that makes you a SPEACIAL person do you ride the SHORT bus? First off the reason it takes a life time and then some cause every time it is proved STUPID science adds this or that and says we are learning. And as to having a life time to waste you must be really old and stupid if you got it by your admitance. But my IQ might put you back in your tree with you tail between your legs are they or paws? Yes having fun sorry if it offends but if you want to call me stupid just do it your words do say that? or am I stupid? YES smile I am

alexander garcia

Active Member
Hiagain, Read some more and first sorry for being so rude. But as to my faith and religious beliefs.I find fault in all the religions I have looked into over the years! Still Scripture is a differant story. My beliefs have changed every time I am shown truth. Do you have any to share?

alexander garcia

Active Member
Hi agian, I could not get far without haveing to write again. Here i'll put it into simple form and lets see how it sounds. In the biggining there was nothing, but maybe dust of some kind and it all came together for no reason and everything else was nothing. Then for some reason ( and the only reason I say some and not for No reason ) is that you must have cause for your effect so i'll take out half the problems. or do you now have a reason? But boom and everything is moving form a central point it is all moving away from this point but still every thing at the same time is keeping very complex orbits, but they are still staying in their orbit but they are moving away from this central point. Impossible for something to move yet stay in the same place. Oh here I might even get lucky and give you the answer to my point. BILLIONS OF YEARS YES in billions of years we will not be in this same orbit. I know this because I took a tape measure and Yes we are moving away from the sun.Can you finish with out taking a life time I am kind of old already. Thanks.


alexander garcia said:
Hi agian, I could not get far without haveing to write again. Here i'll put it into simple form and lets see how it sounds. In the biggining there was nothing, but maybe dust of some kind and it all came together for no reason and everything else was nothing. Then for some reason ( and the only reason I say some and not for No reason ) is that you must have cause for your effect so i'll take out half the problems. or do you now have a reason? But boom and everything is moving form a central point it is all moving away from this point but still every thing at the same time is keeping very complex orbits, but they are still staying in their orbit but they are moving away from this central point. Impossible for something to move yet stay in the same place. Oh here I might even get lucky and give you the answer to my point. BILLIONS OF YEARS YES in billions of years we will not be in this same orbit. I know this because I took a tape measure and Yes we are moving away from the sun.Can you finish with out taking a life time I am kind of old already. Thanks.
Could you please quote the posts that you are responding to? It's hard enough to understand what you are saying, but without context it is impossible.


alexander garcia said:
Hi thanks but it was for the person I answered they know who they are. si eres leche
Sabes, es mala educacion tener una coversacion publica sin ayudar los otros participantes saber el contexto. Si en verdad quiere ayudarnos entender lo que esta diciendo, tome los dos segundos mas que se nesecita para indicar la tema de sus ideas.

alexander garcia

Active Member
Hi, soy lech tienes razon. Thank was my telling soyleche he is right it is rude of me not to post who I am righting to it was Mortuus. I type very slow so in tring to respond it gets hard for me at time sorry I'll try and do better. Thanks for the Spanish


alexander garcia said:
Hi, soy lech tienes razon. Thank was my telling soyleche he is right it is rude of me not to post who I am righting to it was Mortuus. I type very slow so in tring to respond it gets hard for me at time sorry I'll try and do better. Thanks for the Spanish
All it takes is to click the "Quote" button in the bottom righthand corner of the post you are referring to. It puts the quote in for you.


Pourquoi l'espanol, Soylech? Peut-etre on cherche un meilleur langue pour accomider le bon meusieur? Bien, il reste (sans doute) encore des phoniquism et interpretation pour essayer, lorsqu' on lui proprement comprendra.

ps. - excuse moi, j'en ai pas encore trouve un maniere a ajouter les accent. Si notre chum ce trouve plus expressive comme francaphone, je redoublera mes efforts a les trouver, puis les utiliser ici.


mr.guy said:
Pourquoi l'espanol, Soylech? Peut-etre on cherche un meilleur langue pour accomider le bon meusieur? Bien, il reste (sans doute) encore des phoniquism et interpretation pour essayer, lorsqu' on lui proprement comprendra.

ps. - excuse moi, j'en ai pas encore trouve un maniere a ajouter les accent. Si notre chum ce trouve plus expressive comme francaphone, je redoublera mes efforts a les trouver, puis les utiliser ici.
Yo era un misionero en Peru hace algunos anos. Ahora no practico mucho, y estoy perdiendo mi gramatica y vocabulario. Todavia puedo comunicarme de todas maneras.


SoyLeche said:
Yo era un misionero en Peru hace algunos anos. Ahora no practico mucho, y estoy perdiendo mi gramatica y vocabulario. Todavia puedo comunicarme de todas maneras.
Je ne peu pas te juger; je ne comprendre pas ni parle un mot d'espanol; mais (selon moi) vous etes asser coherent lorsque je peux l'extrapoler le message. Ca suffis, j'espere.


mr.guy said:
Je ne peu pas te juger; je ne comprendre pas ni parle un mot d'espanol; mais (selon moi) vous etes asser coherent lorsque je peux l'extrapoler le message. Ca suffis, j'espere.
Creo que esta diciendo que no entiende el Espanol. No se, por que yo no entiendo el Frances.


SoyLeche said:
Creo que esta diciendo que no entiende el Espanol. No se, por que yo no entiendo el Frances.
Oui, c'est ca. Mais, il faut que je le dire, c'est amusent a traduire entre les deux langues.