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1,000,000,000/1 Against Evolution !

mortuus monastica

New Member
Well, I’m glad to see we’re all having so much fun with multi-lingual amusement, you’re all going rather off topic, eh? (Anyone wanting a translation of what they’re saying in any language, go tranexp.com:2000/Translate/result.shtml and have fun - it may not be perfect and needs some thought into it, but it’s free). And no, they were not talking about you, stand_alone…

Shall we begin?

Alexander Garcia said:
Yes you are right the few verses are VERY open to interpretation. true. Still they were writen thousands of years ago when ( science ) was an eclipse the world is ending.
First off, I was having some trouble making heads or tails of the last part of your sentence, until I put it as: “Still, they were written thousands of years ago when (science) was ‘an eclipse, the world is ending.’” Makes more sense that way, it seems, and yet it doesn’t. Paradox, no? Looking at the translation from AG English, it makes much more sense grammatically, but the basic premise is completely off base. The few recorded examples of eclipses ever causing panic have deep religious roots, being founded in the concept of good and bad omens. Science didn’t give rise to righteous and cataclysmic doomsday predictions, it didn’t need to – people like The Watchtower took care of that – and any seemingly doomsday-like warnings stemming from science today come with more backing than ‘Darkness descends! God has taken our Sun away! He must be angry! … Did somebody unholy the holy water again?’ (By the way, that was a literary device meant to instill a humorous undertone) Basically, if you wish to criticize science, criticize science, not just material that makes for good criticism.

Alexander Garcia said:
And as to having a life time to waste you must be really old and stupid if you got it by your admitance. But my IQ might put you back in your tree with you tail between your legs are they or paws?
I don’t know whether to laugh, cry, get angry or annoyed by this, but did you just say that spending one’s life in search of knowledge is a waste? And as to your use of ‘And as to,’ that colloquialism requires that the following subject be in relation to a topic already mentioned, but no where in any previous post (in this thread at least) is there a mention of wasted life, be it by self ‘admittance’ (?) or otherwise… And what about your IQ? I believe my last post adequately described my position on the relevance of IQ.

Alexander Garcia said:
But as to my faith and religious beliefs.
That was a surprise, normally you omit periods…

Alexander Garcia said:
Here i'll put it into simple form and lets see how it sounds. In the biggining there was nothing, but maybe dust of some kind and it all came together for no reason and everything else was nothing. Then for some reason ( and the only reason I say some and not for No reason ) is that you must have cause for your effect so i'll take out half the problems. or do you now have a reason?
…Sigh, I should have expected this… Why do some people have such a problem grasping (ooh, bad choice of words there) the concept of utter NOTHINGNESS? NO dust clumping together, no energy swirling, no matter getting ‘pissed’ at itself, but simply nothing at all. Not even space. Not even time. And technically, the only ‘reason’ anything ‘happened’ is because it could happen. Quantum mechanics states that out of nothing, matter and energy can arise – take that conservation laws – under the most ordinary of circumstances: causes do not need to precede effects. And how are you taking out half the problems when you don’t understand what the problems are in the first place?!

Alexander Garcia said:
But boom and everything is moving form a central point it is all moving away from this point but still every thing at the same time is keeping very complex orbits, but they are still staying in their orbit but they are moving away from this central point. Impossible for something to move yet stay in the same place.
Changing orbits form geometric shapes called spatial spiral curves. The statement above is incorrect for two reasons: the premise is incorrect, the systems are not staying in the same place; and because relativistic theory (not General or Special Relativity in specific) does allow for objects to move yet stay in the same place. Depends on where one observes from and how they are moving as well.

Well, that had nothing to do with evolution, eh?


Well-Known Member
mortuus monastica said:
And no, they were not talking about you, stand_alone

I knew they weren't, but mr.guy gave me the perfect response to come back with my limited German skills. :D I rarely get to use German anymore...:(

alexander garcia

Active Member
Hi, Mortuus, Just read this last page get to theothers after. As to my grammer You all should have no problems. The readers of the old world languages like Greek don't even end the word they are rembles of contined letters all without any marks and every one claims to understand. Still thanks for the corrections. As to the wasted life. I didn't mean that the search for truth is a waste. But to have to (spend) your whole life just to try and understand a theory is very stupid! I believe that the truth is very simple that even a child can understand. But when I am told that you need years of indoctrnation just to start to understand is very stupid. Yes I do have a problem with the concept of nothingness.Also with the Star trek anti matterYes that I would bring to the table, which one of you are right? Cuase you all have differant theories. so which of the MANY totally differanttheories so who is right and who is wrong?


Glass half Panda'd

there is no right and wrong, there is only sujbective truth.... whatever works best for you, man. :D


Active Member
Je ne peu pas te juger; je ne comprendre pas ni parle un mot d'espanol; mais (selon moi) vous etes asser coherent lorsque je peux l'extrapoler le message. Ca suffis, j'espere.


Je ne peux pas te juger; je ne comprends pas ni parle un mot d'espanol; mais (selon moi) vous êtes assez coherent lorsque je peux extrapoler le message. Ca suffit, j'éspère.

If you're going to use a different language to impress people, you could at least have the decency to spell it right ;)


Active Member
Hi, Mortuus, Just read this last page get to theothers after. As to my grammer You all should have no problems. The readers of the old world languages like Greek don't even end the word they are rembles of contined letters all without any marks and every one claims to understand. Still thanks for the corrections. As to the wasted life. I didn't mean that the search for truth is a waste. But to have to (spend) your whole life just to try and understand a theory is very stupid! I believe that the truth is very simple that even a child can understand. But when I am told that you need years of indoctrnation just to start to understand is very stupid. Yes I do have a problem with the concept of nothingness.Also with the Star trek anti matterYes that I would bring to the table, which one of you are right? Cuase you all have differant theories. so which of the MANY totally differanttheories so who is right and who is wrong?

Only after acquiring sufficient knowledge and insight in the subject you can answer that last question. Or you could do it the easy way like you, just say goddidit, say the theories are stupid without understanding them or even examining them, and blaming us for having too much scientific knowledge. You want to be able to understand something very complex in a simple way. Well, the only way to do that is to believe something that is wrong. If you want to understand how the world works, you have to do an effort.


Ça suffit, j'éspère.

If you're gonna try to "impress" people by correcting my poor french (thank you, by the way), blah blah blah some lame insult.
Creationists are clutching at straws to survive this argument. Their untested thories are so incredible it isn't funny. Creationists don't trust carbon dating, evolutionary science etc. because it's completely inconvienient and they cannot refute scientific evidence that is demonstrated and perfectly logical to us.

Generally people that do not understand our universe (uneducated, ignorant) believe in a diety. Why? because that is the only explanation they have...

To all those that believe that god created everything... DIRECT EVIDENCE PROVES OTHERWISE.


atheistthatsme said:
Generally people that do not understand our universe (uneducated, ignorant) believe in a diety. Why? because that is the only explanation they have...

this is uncorrect, many that don't understand the universe don't believe in a higher power. They take science word for it.
And there are many educated people that understand the universe that do believe in a higher power.


Active Member
And there are many educated people that understand the universe that do believe in a higher power.

These people generally don't believe in a higher power because they don't believe science doesn't provide the answers, but because they want to believe in life after death, miracles, or have been indoctrinated by their parents from birth.


Active Member
alexander garcia said:
I believe that the truth is very simple that even a child can understand.

Hi Alexander, do you have anything to back this up with? Surely if you believe that there is an objective truth out there, and that the universe is not under total human control, then you must assume that whether we understand the truth does not make any difference. If the truth is easy for us to understand, then that's all good. If it isn't, too bad. What reason do we have for assuming that the truth must be easy for us to understand?
Just to be clear, I am all for the scientific study of evolution. I believe that evolution is more plausible than Creationism. But everyone must understand that Evolution cannot be fully proven yet, but it is being shown to be more valid day after day. When science grows more in the coming years, I believe that evolution will be further explained and shown more validity. I cannot say for certain that Evolution is 100% fact, but I can say that I am leaning towards it as the true origin of life. There is one thing in physics that led me to despise Creationism even more. That is the LAW of Conservation of energy that states that matter abd energy cannot be created or destroyed. Creationism violates this law. And since LCE (law of conservation of energy) has been proven many times over by all aspects of science, which is why it is stated as a LAW, that is enough for me to argue against Creationism.


New Member
I believe in Evolution, i am pretty certain that evolution happend as the evidence is sitting there right in front of us. i.e. organism have been changing through time as they adapt to their ever changing enviroments. (simply compare prehistoric creatures to todays creatures).

But the accepted theory for evolution today is that it is by a random process of mutation. With this in mind i do find it hard to see for example, how we as humans are the most inteligent creatures by far became like this in a 1 step mutation. It obviously took a series of apparantly coordinated mutations, hard to believe its random?
Basically i don't think we have all the facts about evolution yet, but are on the right track

Hey who's to say God didnt creat all living things on earth through evolution?
Alex_ said:
I believe in Evolution, i am pretty certain that evolution happend as the evidence is sitting there right in front of us. i.e. organism have been changing through time as they adapt to their ever changing enviroments. (simply compare prehistoric creatures to todays creatures).

But the accepted theory for evolution today is that it is by a random process of mutation. With this in mind i do find it hard to see for example, how we as humans are the most inteligent creatures by far became like this in a 1 step mutation. It obviously took a series of apparantly coordinated mutations, hard to believe its random?
Basically i don't think we have all the facts about evolution yet, but are on the right track

Hey who's to say God didnt creat all living things on earth through evolution?

There is no way it was a 1 step mutation. It would have had to take a long time. I dont believe it is at all random, but I dont believe that some divine being is responsible either. We witness combining elements and atoms everyday. Some bacteria or cells or acids are compatible with each other while others arent.