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1 Corinthians 13:13

Frank Goad

Well-Known Member
In the king james bible 1 Corinthians 13:13 it says charity is better then faith and hope.I disagree.What do you think?:)
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"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
In the king james bible 1 Corinthians 13:13 it says charity is better then faith and hope.I disagree.What do you think?:)

There are lots of hungry children out there who depend on charity to continue living. I am not so sure faith and hope can ward off starvation


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
Charity to me is to help, or lift others up to be able to help themselves and/or achieve better. I think it's greater than faith, and hope, and actually gives people faith and hope to carry on.

In my religion charity is the greatest love of all. It makes life worth living to give, and makes life possible.

I think any nation would be wise to make charity an important part of their culture. They would surely prosper to wisely go about charity.

Tragically enough I don't think people consider it to be important.

Dave Watchman

Active Member
In the king james bible 1 Corinthians 13:13 it says charity is better then faith and hope.I disagree.What do you think?:)

I think you're right, going by the way I think you're understanding it. But that word in the KJV, "charity", is not the same way that you and me are thinking of. Paul's not talking about donating 10 dollars to the food bank.

Just highlight the whole verse and search it on google and pick this page:

See how most versions you scroll down on have it as "love", not as "charity"?

It's talking about a different kind of charity than we're thinking of.

And it makes more sense taking in context the whole of the quick little chapter. What we think of as charity was already covered earlier in verse 3:

"If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned,a but have not love, I gain nothing.​

The KJV is talking about this kind of charity:

Many times when charity is mentioned in English-language bibles, it refers to "love of God", which is a spiritual love that is extended from God to man and then reflected by man, who is made in the image of God, back to God. God gives man the power to act as God acts (God is love), man then reflects God's power in his own human actions towards others. One example of this movement is "charity shall cover the multitude of sins" (1 Peter 4:8).

"The practice of charity brings us to act toward ourselves and others out of love alone, precisely because each person has the dignity of a beloved child of God."​

Like Jesus said the greatest love is to give up ones life for His friends.

"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.​

That's a mighty charitable thing to do.

The greatest gift.

The greatest love.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
In the king james bible 1 Corinthians 13:13 it says charity is better then faith and hope.I disagree.What do you think?:)
I think the KJV translated "caritas" incorrectly. KJV translated it as "charity," while I am of the opinion that it much more likely means "love," as in "love for your fellow" with the sense of "willingness to do them good."

I read these verses at the funeral of my best friend in the world (at his request, in his will). And because he loved the poetry of the KJV, I read (almost) all of it from that text. But I balked at that one word. When I got to 13:13, I read: "And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love."


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
In the king james bible 1 Corinthians 13:13 it says charity is better then faith and hope.I disagree.What do you think?:)
It's not saying "better".

"And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three;"
These accompany each other complimenting one another. Can't have one without the other.

"but the greatest of these is charity."
Basically, this would be the expressive and the one that through action demonstrates the others.


Be your own guru
God himself should learn some love, should dismantle hell, and provide food to those who are hungry. God should abandon his jealousy.


Well-Known Member
In the king james bible 1 Corinthians 13:13 it says charity is better then faith and hope.I disagree.What do you think?:)
Charity is just the archaic King James way of saying love. The thing is that in Greek there are different words for different kinds of love which is why the translators of the King James version felt the need to use a different word here. Agape which is translated charity is the highest form of love. It's a kind of divine love. It's the most pure love unlike eros (where we get the word erotic) for example which is a very sensual love.

So yes I believe charity is greater.


Well-Known Member
In the king james bible 1 Corinthians 13:13 it says charity is better then faith and hope.I disagree.What do you think?:)

Interesting, World English Translation says it like this:

But now faith, hope, and love remain—these three. The greatest of these is love.
1 Cor. 13:13

I agree with it, love is the greatest.


הרב יונה בן זכריה
In the king james bible 1 Corinthians 13:13 it says charity is better then faith and hope.I disagree.What do you think?:)
You asked about this very passage back in February of this year. You were told then, and has now been confirmed by many more, that “charity” is not really a good translation.

Is there some reason you didn’t trust what you were told in February? If that is the case why didn’t you do a bit of digging into the matter on your own?

Frank Goad

Well-Known Member
You asked about this very passage back in February of this year. You were told then, and has now been confirmed by many more, that “charity” is not really a good translation.

Is there some reason you didn’t trust what you were told in February? If that is the case why didn’t you do a bit of digging into the matter on your own?

Should have used the search bar.:)My bad.


Veteran Member
Please don't worry about one's disagreement. It is not written/authored by Jesus as it has not been marked in red in the red letter Bible by the KJV, one may check and confirm, please:
New Testament (RLE): The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians


Does it matter if Jesus said it or not?
Jesus did say that the greatest commandment is to love God and the second is to love our neighbour.
Do you think that means that Paul might be right?


Veteran Member
In the king james bible 1 Corinthians 13:13 it says charity is better then faith and hope.I disagree.What do you think?:)

Faith without works is dead just as the body without the spirit is dead according to James 2:26
Which is more important the body or the spirit?
The end result of faith is to produce works of love.
Without love we can do works that seem loving but the motive is wrong.
God is love, if we love we are like God and we know God.


Veteran Member
Does it matter if Jesus said it or not?
Jesus did say that the greatest commandment is to love God and the second is to love our neighbour.
Do you think that means that Paul might be right?
Didn't Jesus warn person/s who would say things in Jesus' name, while Jesus had not said them, please? Right?
Didn't Hellenist-Paul make-up things in Jesus' name, please? Right?



Veteran Member
Didn't Jesus warn person/s who would say things in Jesus' name, while Jesus had not said them, please? Right?
Didn't Hellenist-Paul make-up things in Jesus' name, please? Right?


Do you accept all the things that Jesus said? (the red bits in the red letter Bible)