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1 Corinthians 13:13


Veteran Member
Did Jesus write anything himself, or did Jesus dictate something to anybody, please? Right?


I don't think Jesus wrote or dictated the New Testament.
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would remind the disciples what Jesus had said to them.


Veteran Member
paarsurrey said:
Did Jesus write anything himself, or did Jesus dictate something to anybody, please? Right?
I don't think Jesus wrote or dictated the New Testament.
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would remind the disciples what Jesus had said to them.
But Paul, one gathers, must have (lied* or) faked a vision when Paul said that he had seen risen Jesus, please. Right?
Wasn't Paul visited by the devil (and or Evil Spirit) instead of the Holy Spirit, as I understand, please?

*Romans 3:7
7 But if through my (Paul's) lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?


Veteran Member
paarsurrey said:
Did Jesus write anything himself, or did Jesus dictate something to anybody, please? Right?

But Paul, one gathers, must have (lied* or) faked a vision when Paul said that he had seen risen Jesus, please. Right?
Wasn't Paul visited by the devil (and or Evil Spirit) instead of the Holy Spirit, as I understand, please?

*Romans 3:7
7 But if through my (Paul's) lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?

Paul's gospel message that he preached agreed with the gospel message that the rest or the apostles taught so in condemning Paul's gospel you are condemning the gospel of Jesus which the apostles taught.

When we look at the full quote of Romans 3:7 we can see who is lying.
Romans 3:7 Someone might argue, “If my falsehood enhances God’s truthfulness and so increases his glory, why am I still condemned as a sinner?”


Veteran Member
Paul's gospel message that he preached agreed with the gospel message that the rest or the apostles taught so in condemning Paul's gospel you are condemning the gospel of Jesus which the apostles taught.

When we look at the full quote of Romans 3:7 we can see who is lying.
Romans 3:7 Someone might argue, “If my falsehood enhances God’s truthfulness and so increases his glory, why am I still condemned as a sinner?”
" Romans 3:7 "

It is Hellenist-Paul acknowledging that he lies for his world view, one gathers. Right?
It is the same thorn in Paul's flesh he had acknowledged elsewhere, please. Right?
Pauline-Christianity stands on two weak pillars, the first one is the fake vision Hellenist-Paul told to have seen on the road to Damascus, I understand, please. Right?
And the second incorrect one is that "Jesus died a cursed death on the Cross", one gathers, please. Right?

"A dying-and-rising, death-rebirth, or resurrection deity Is a religious motif in which a god or goddess dies and is resurrected.[1][2][3][4]
Examples of gods who die and later return to life are most often cited from the religions of the ancient Near East, and traditions influenced by them include Biblical and Greco-Roman mythology and by extension Christianity. The concept of a dying-and-rising god was first proposed in comparative mythology by James Frazer's seminal The Golden Bough (1890). Frazer associated the motif with fertility rites surrounding the yearly cycle of vegetation. Frazer cited the examples of Osiris, Tammuz, Adonis and Attis, Dionysus and Jesus.[5]"
Dying-and-rising deity - Wikipedia
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Veteran Member
" Romans 3:7 "

It is Hellenist-Paul acknowledging that he lies for his world view, one gathers. Right?
It is the same thorn in Paul's flesh he had acknowledged elsewhere, please. Right?
Pauline-Christianity stands on two weak pillars, the first one is the fake vision Hellenist-Paul told to have seen on the road to Damascus, I understand, please. Right?
And the second incorrect one is that "Jesus died a cursed death on the Cross", one gathers, please. Right?


You seem to have trouble understanding English and what Romans 3:5-8 is saying.
Maybe a translation in your mother tongue might help you to understand it.
"A dying-and-rising, death-rebirth, or resurrection deity Is a religious motif in which a god or goddess dies and is resurrected.[1][2][3][4]
Examples of gods who die and later return to life are most often cited from the religions of the ancient Near East, and traditions influenced by them include Biblical and Greco-Roman mythology and by extension Christianity. The concept of a dying-and-rising god was first proposed in comparative mythology by James Frazer's seminal The Golden Bough (1890). Frazer associated the motif with fertility rites surrounding the yearly cycle of vegetation. Frazer cited the examples of Osiris, Tammuz, Adonis and Attis, Dionysus and Jesus.[5]"
Dying-and-rising deity - Wikipedia

This works on the presumption that all religions are evolutions of other religions. It is a naturalistic presumption. Are you a naturalist?
Jesus was a real person whose followers witnessed to what He did and you seem to want to make His story equivalent to the stories of fictional characters.


Veteran Member
Jesus' followers should concentrate on the words of Jesus for his deeds and his teachings, please. Right?


Yes everyone should concentrate on the words and deeds of Jesus if they want to know what He did and taught.
Opinions of those who came later which contradict these, are no more than opinions. And if they claim to be prophets, they are lies from the devil.


Jesus in me
In the king james bible 1 Corinthians 13:13 it says charity is better then faith and hope.I disagree.What do you think?:)

I believe King James is using an old word. The current word is "love." Of course that is Agape love not romantic or brotherly love.


Jesus in me
Charity to me is to help, or lift others up to be able to help themselves and/or achieve better. I think it's greater than faith, and hope, and actually gives people faith and hope to carry on.

In my religion charity is the greatest love of all. It makes life worth living to give, and makes life possible.

I think any nation would be wise to make charity an important part of their culture. They would surely prosper to wisely go about charity.

Tragically enough I don't think people consider it to be important.

I do not believe that is what is meant by the word charity in old English. Charity is much less important than love.


Well-Known Member
I think you're right, going by the way I think you're understanding it. But that word in the KJV, "charity", is not the same way that you and me are thinking of. Paul's not talking about donating 10 dollars to the food bank.

1Cor 13:13
So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
In speaking of love, Paul is led by spontaneous association to mention faith and hope as well. They are already a well-known triad (cf. 1 Thes 1:3), three interrelated (cf. 1 Cor 13:7) features of Christian life, more fundamental than any particular charism. The greatest…is love: love is operative even within the other members of the triad (7), so that it has a certain primacy among them. Or, if the perspective is temporal, love will remain (cf. “never fails,” 1 Cor 13:8) even when faith has yielded to sight and hope to possession.