Dmitri, I am glad that the website allows you a place to pour forth so much of your time and energy.
I took at a look at it. Nobody found anything in your text because its obvious on the first page it is worthless. Your argument for FLT is, well, lacking.
As the link states....
“ is a pre-print repository rather than a journal. Articles hosted may not yet have been verified by peer-review and should be treated as preliminary. In particular, anything that appears to include financial or legal advice or proposed medical treatments should be treated with due caution. will not be responsible for any consequences of actions that result from any form of use of any documents on this website.”
Also, one has to only click on Dmitri’s name at the top of the page to get a list of all of the (
many) articles this man has submitted to the site, along with their titles and clickable links.
It is.......’significant’. The man seems to write....a