After buying out the owner of the frame shop he works at,
@Onyx enjoys several years of prosperity due to a shrewd business deal he has cut with Donald Trump to become the exclusive framer of all the massively huge portraits of Trump that Trump has ordered via Twitter to be placed in every US Post Office.
However, in a strange turn of events, Onyx decides to visit Sunstone in Colorado. While en route from Missouri to Colorado, he is picked up for speeding by
@David1967 . The two soon exchange notes and realize that, while Onyx makes guitars, David sells them (when not working as a part time police officer). A partnership is formed, but business is slow.
In order to boost sales, the two hire
@Thief to use his ninja like abilities to steal people's guitars, causing a sudden surge in replacement sales. The three cahooters enjoy a number of years of prosperity in this manner until it suddenly dawns on them that what they're doing is wrong. Ashamed of themselves and feeling guilty, they donate all the profits they've made from their illicit business to start a charitable organization exclusively dedicated to providing refuge to "Homeless and Wayward Dancing Girls", and are consequently later recognized as saints by their respective faiths.