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4 Step Perfect Proof for God of the Bible

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Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
MaddLlama said:
The Invisible Pink Unicorn exists as much as god exists or Eric Draven for that matter. Take one horse. Paint it pink, put a horn on its head, make it invisible and you have an invisible pink unicorn. Does this mean its possible? Conventional Wisdom strictly forbids such an action. Of course Conventional Wisdom was sadly mistaken about the shape of the earth now wasn't it? The Earth didn't suddenly decide to become spherical in reaction to a popular poll. There isn't any proof that you can't have an IPU any more than there is proof that you can have one. If one is to deny the existence of the IPU one need to deny the existence of god, Santa Claus, truth in advertising, political reform, Jesus, and all other things that are intangible and not present on top of your terminal staring you right in the face at this moment. Can't have one or the other, this isn't the 31 flavours of philosophy. Accepting one implausible scheme such as waking up alive with all bodily functions still working requires that one admit that all other implausible schemes in the universe are possible.

And then we can just run the Infinite Improbability Drive from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and find out what happens next!! :p



Obstructor of justice
MysticSang'ha said:
And then we can just run the Infinite Improbability Drive from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and find out what happens next!! :p

It is true, for the holy number of Our Galloping Goddess is indeed 42!
Importantly, if you add together the digits of the year in which she was revealed, (1+9+9+4) you get 23. If you add 4 (for Her hooves), add 2 (Her ears) add 2 (Her eyes) add 1 (Her Horn), add 1 (Her tail) then add 9 the result is also 42. This proves the significance of Two Score and Two.


Moved on
Troy said:
Invisible pink unicorn was not multiply attested in a eleven different group sizes and settings by the apostles and others, including 500 at one time seeing Christ in His resurrected physical spiritual body according to His own words He would do this and hundreds of years of prophecy it would happen. Invisible pink unicorn has no religio-historical context with adequat documentation, but is merely self-declared selfishly by that evil spirit in the spirit of its professor.
Maybe so, but can't you see the allfather's work all around you? He and his brothers created this very world we live on from the carcass of Ymir the frost giant. Certainly more than 500 people have realized this.

The difference between the magical unicorn and Christ is Christ is a person and multiply attested, whereas the only person who says they saw the pink unicorn is you, and as you describe it would be different from others if they said they saw it too. Or you are just making it up, but you haven't died for your eyewitness account like the apostles did. Whatever the case no human being has ever seen a pink unicorn, but many people saw Jesus. Plus nothing in antiquity is more documented than is Christ. Tiberius died 37 AD the same year as Jesus. There are 42 sources written about Jesus with 150 years of his death. Tiberius only has 10. Tiberius is the god of the whole Roman Empire, and only 10 documents record him within 150 years of his death.
Many more people have seen Rob Halford. Can we start worshiping him now? I mean, come on, he's our metal god. Plus, you can't see IPU. She's invisible ;)

So you lose. Hell is the result the Bible says.
Well, my scripture says I win, and that Hel is the result. Don't worry though, from the looks of it you'll be joining me. I'll bring the hot choco!


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
MaddLlama said:
It is true, for the holy number of Our Galloping Goddess is indeed 42!
Importantly, if you add together the digits of the year in which she was revealed, (1+9+9+4) you get 23. If you add 4 (for Her hooves), add 2 (Her ears) add 2 (Her eyes) add 1 (Her Horn), add 1 (Her tail) then add 9 the result is also 42. This proves the significance of Two Score and Two.

*cheers wildly* PRAISE ye, IPU!!

Oh, there's just too many references from Douglas Adams that can be brought up here - such as a dolphin rapture? :flirt:



Citizen Mod
Proving the God of The Bible may not be difficult; trying to convince others why it would be beneficial to worship or follow this BEing would prove to be much more interesting.


Obstructor of justice
MysticSang'ha said:
*cheers wildly* PRAISE ye, IPU!!

Oh, there's just too many references from Douglas Adams that can be brought up here - such as a dolphin rapture? :flirt:


Maybe I should start a new thread on this. :D


Obstructor of justice
Majikthise said:
You know her rival is the Great Mutant Star Goat?

Who is not so great as the true evil one, The Purple Oyster of Doom. For he shall make us all nosh on pizza with mushrooms and pepperoni, and it shall anger the Goddess. Pineapple and ham pizza is the only acceptable option.


Deviled Hen
MaddLlama said:
Who is not so great as the true evil one, The Purple Oyster of Doom. For he shall make us all nosh on pizza with mushrooms and pepperoni, and it shall anger the Goddess. Pineapple and ham pizza is the only acceptable option.

Those of us with dairy allergies know the One True God can only be properly worshipped as a member of the Blue Oyster Cult.

The Purple Oyster is a false prophet!


Jesus appeared 12 times to different group sizes ranging from just one person to 500 people:

1) Mary Magdalene (Mark 16.9-11; John 20.11-18)
2) the other women at the tomb (Matthew 28.8-10)
3) Peter in Jerusalem (Luke 24.34; 1 Cor. 15.5)
4) The two travelers on the road (Mark 16.12,13)
5) Ten disciples behind closed doors (Mark 16.14; Luke 24.36-43; John 20.19-25)
6) All the disciples, with Thomas (excluding Judas Iscariot) (John 20.26-31; 1 Cor. 15.5)
7) Seven disciples while fishing (John 21.1-14)
8) Eleven disciples on the mountain (Matthew 28.16-20)
9) A crowd of 500 (1 Cor. 15.6)
10) Jesus' brother James (1 Cor. 15.7)
11) Those who watched Jesus ascend to heaven (Luke 24.44-49; Acts 1.3-8)
12) Least of all Paul as though he was not living in the proper time (1 Cor. 15.8-9; Gal. 1.13-16; Acts 9.1-8, 22.9, read all of chapters 22 and 26; 13.30-37; 1 Cor. 15.10-20; Gal. 2.1-10):

  • Luke has no problem between Paul's appearance and those made to the disciples in Luke 24, Acts 1.1-11. Luke records both types of appearances of Jesus to the disciples and to Paul.
  • "Last of all he was seen of me also" (1 Cor. 15.8).
  • "Have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord?" (1 Cor. 9.1).
  • Others saw the light and heard the voice during Paul seeing Jesus bodily, however because Paul's experience was post-ascension, it may be slightly different.
  • Evolution of a resurrection theory actually devolved from the accounts of the 40 days with the disciples to when Paul saw Jesus (Gal. 1.15-16).
  • "To reveal His Son in me" (Gal. 1.16,18) took three years following the Damascus road experience.
  • "And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man" (Acts 9.7). This presumes that Paul saw the man.
Now if so many people saw Jesus resurrected, is it really so hard to believe the saved will be resurrected at the consummation of the age of the dispensation of grace (the end of the mystery age of the church)?


Obstructor of justice
Why does one automatically lead to the other? If we will all resurrect at some point, then where is the miracle in Jesus' resurrection?


Moved on
Who's to say Hvitakristr didn't fake any of that, or that somebody (or some group) wrote all that stuff to make it seem more impressive in order to get more followers?


If you don't think being resurrected is a miracle for us or Jesus I am ok with that. It's a very basic thing we will and He was resurrected, but only God performs it on Himself and us. Nobody has ever been able to do it but God. That's the difference.

Jesus was the firstborn in the resurrection of His creation to show what must happen to everyone else. Even if you are unsaved, you still have to be resurrected.


That's your choice to believe the apostles and Jesus were liars.

Let's see if you will end up in hell or not.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Troy said:
If you don't think being resurrected is a miracle for us or Jesus I am ok with that. It's a very basic thing we will and He was resurrected, but only God performs it on Himself and us. Nobody has ever been able to do it but God. That's the difference.


There have been plenty of Buddhist nuns and monks who have achieved this. Citations and witness accounts in our tradition abound with miracle-workings, ascensions, and resurrections. The only difference, however, is that they always have - and continue to do so - preferred not to proclaim their miracles to the masses. Our tradition doesn't find that behavior very becoming. :)



Obstructor of justice
Aww, that's a shame. I'll have to go to the carnival instead then. Next time I see satan I'll have to see if I can convince him ot procure some farm animals for a petting zoo.


Moved on
Troy said:
Let's see if you will end up in hell or not.
Oh, I expect to. I'm no warrior, so Valhalla is really out of the question. I sure wouldn't mind living in one of the gods' halls, but I'll take my place with my ancestors in Hel, no questions asked.
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