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4th Generation Warfare: Whole Societies


Active Member

i totally respect that and i feel the same way about starting over with government

my secert to getting down to the facts is looking at both sides of the propaganda and figuring out who has more to gain, that always leads to the real bad guy, and in turn i tell my people what i find and incourage them to look for the truth themselves and this is how we slowly change the world. just getting people out of the herd mentality is the hard part.

saddly the things i spoke of is true. the powers that be are not interested in getting people out of backward poverty, because if the people get out of the poverty they will then become a threat and they can't have that so this is why we destroy everywhere we go the little "civil wars" are desgined to steel resources under the noses of the people. lets face it when they are too busy fighting themselves, they never notice who took the resources and or the puppet who was instilled as the leader of "peace"


Active Member
see there is that herd mentality i was talking about. either they listen or they don't the choice is there's but in the end, if they would have only paid more attention to the lies of the so called elected officals they would see what is comming.

as far as the war on terror in this forum or thread, i agree


Lacking Common Sense
almifkhar said:
see there is that herd mentality i was talking about. either they listen or they don't the choice is there's but in the end, if they would have only paid more attention to the lies of the so called elected officals they would see what is comming.

as far as the war on terror in this forum or thread, i agree

Well fine almifkhar at least we agree on something.

But if you haven't even read the OP and insist on hijacking any thread remotely connected with the WoT with unsupportable rants, how can you expect anyone to take you seriously?

You have to learn how to debate almifkhar. Hijacking is just rude, rhetoric is hardly better.
i understand completely what you are saying. however i believe the herd can be swayed if the truth is represented in an undeniable fashion. You seem to have done a lot of research and if your sources are creditable. Write a book to open peoples eyes I would read it. Or is there such a book? I am going to be reading a book called "a new world order" that I recently purchased. It looks pretty good its by the dean of the woodrow wilson school of public and international affairs. I have to finish a couple of other books i'm reading, but when i get around to it i'll give you the thumbs up or thumbs down. So im trying to get my foot in the door. :)


TwinTowers said:
Lifetime: Surely you recall September 11, 2001. Our entry into Afghanistan immediately afterwards had nothing to do with somebody's religion. We went there trying to find OBL, no need to make it any more or less than what it was.

911 was the product of the U.S Government. As well as Oklahoma city.
No muslim could install wing pods on the airliners at 20,000 ft. Please explain the pods.
The result was the patriot acts and homeland security.
The Iraq invasion was the start of the multinational's efforts to seize control of the wealth of the Mid-east.
They (muslim countries) wanted to run their own countries but it goes against the ideology of Corprate America.
Look at Iraq. If you wanted to get the country to "like" the U.S, why wouldn't you give the rebuilding contracts to Iraqi's? Let them have the jobs to support their familys.
The no1 way to make friends is to give a person a job, and allow him to be part of his society. He will be gratefull.
The companies that make money over there are American.


Wasn't OBL speaking of this when he said (loosly) I will give my children for battle.
didn't he say somthing along the lines of a generational war?
He talked of the western world as a short term war mentality.
I can't remember the exact wods he spoke of but it seems to be right along the same
lines as the article you mention.
Now Al-queda has said the whole world is their battlefield.
It's going to get nasty in the our near future.


Lacking Common Sense
Jon said:
911 was the product of the U.S Government. As well as Oklahoma city.
No muslim could install wing pods on the airliners at 20,000 ft. Please explain the pods.
The result was the patriot acts and homeland security.
The Iraq invasion was the start of the multinational's efforts to seize control of the wealth of the Mid-east.
They (muslim countries) wanted to run their own countries but it goes against the ideology of Corprate America.
Look at Iraq. If you wanted to get the country to "like" the U.S, why wouldn't you give the rebuilding contracts to Iraqi's? Let them have the jobs to support their familys.
The no1 way to make friends is to give a person a job, and allow him to be part of his society. He will be gratefull.
The companies that make money over there are American.
Uh, okay. Sure.


Note to all conspiracy theorists on this board:

I give up. This thread is yours. Take it. Forget the OP, forget the premise, forget I ever said anything at all. You are all right, the Great Cover Up is finally uncovered.


Yes, America is evil. I admit it. We are evil, backwards, selfish, greedy, oh and I forgot about that 'herd mentality' thing. Of course we are bigoted, ignorant, naive, immoral, decadent. Narrow minded, intolerant, war-mongering, baby-killing fascists.... did I forget anything? Did I leave anything out? (individuals in the U.S. who are exempt from the previous description: recent immigrants, oppressed minorities, the homeless, and children).

Yes, the U.S. (especially the CIA) is to blame for the wars, hostilities, and acts of terrorism in the world today, except for all the other problems in the world which can be traced directly to Christianity, democracy, capitalism, the middle class, and caucasian Americans of European descent.

These problems include, but are not limited to:
Global warming
Katrina/all other hurricanes

I sincerely apologize if I forgot anything; I will automatically assume from now on that anything else that might pop up in the negative column will of course be the fault of those previously mentioned.

I apologize for ever doubting you. I apologize for being 'part of the problem, instead of part of the (final) solution'.

BTW, does anyone have any cyanide tablets handy? Thanks.

Well I'll leave you to it then.

Party on.


TwinTowers said:
"...The fourth generation battlefield is likely to include the whole of the enemy's society."

"... a goal of collapsing the enemy internally rather than physically destroying him. Targets will include such things as the population's support for the war and the enemy's culture."

The world has already seen this in several ancient and modern wars.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
TwinTowers said:
I give up. This thread is yours. Take it. Forget the OP, forget the premise, forget I ever said anything at all. You are all right, the Great Cover Up is finally uncovered.


Yes, America is evil. I admit it. We are evil, backwards, selfish, greedy, oh and I forgot about that 'herd mentality' thing. Of course we are bigoted, ignorant, naive, immoral, decadent. Narrow minded, intolerant, war-mongering, baby-killing fascists.... did I forget anything? Did I leave anything out? (individuals in the U.S. who are exempt from the previous description: recent immigrants, oppressed minorities, the homeless, and children).

No you aren't (not more so than any other nation). Evil ? sure there must be evil Americans, but there are evil people whatever their colour, race or creed. Backward ? I doubt it. Selfish ? Sure, but then being selfish is the only way to get what you want.....and the government wants to give its people what they want; greedy? probably............
Intollerant, and all the other insults you have heaped on yourselves are unfortunately true in some.

Don't look at the glass half empty; it is half full. Concetrate on the good, rather than the bad.

Yes, the U.S. (especially the CIA) is to blame for the wars, hostilities, and acts of terrorism in the world today, except for all the other problems in the world which can be traced directly to Christianity, democracy, capitalism, the middle class, and caucasian Americans of European descent.

These problems include, but are not limited to:
Global warming
Katrina/all other hurricanes

I sincerely apologize if I forgot anything; I will automatically assume from now on that anything else that might pop up in the negative column will of course be the fault of those previously mentioned.

I apologize for ever doubting you. I apologize for being 'part of the problem, instead of part of the (final) solution'.

BTW, does anyone have any cyanide tablets handy? Thanks.

Well I'll leave you to it then.

Party on.
Don't don that cynical 'hat'; it doesn't suit you. Better to try and think of ways of improving our world than just to give up. Accept that there is good and bad in everything.

As far as the 'herd' is concerned, I am sure that is an element. Having said that, the middle East has a high illiterate population; they can only believe what is read out to them.


Lacking Common Sense
Michel dear heart:

You are taking all this way too literally, it was supposed to be, well, FUNNY!!! Turn on the irony meter, it will help.

Maybe you should wear one of these keep those anti-humor beams away:



Well-Known Member
TwinTowers said:
Lifetime: Surely you recall September 11, 2001. Our entry into Afghanistan immediately afterwards had nothing to do with somebody's religion. We went there trying to find OBL, no need to make it any more or less than what it was.

I really enjoy finding people still think that US went into Afghanistan because of September 11, and went into Iraq because of WMD. :clap :clap How nice.:thud:


Lacking Common Sense
greatcalgarian said:
I really enjoy finding people still think that US went into Afghanistan because of September 11, and went into Iraq because of WMD. :clap :clap How nice.:thud:

You're free to prove otherwise right here on this thread. Be my guest.


Well-Known Member
TwinTowers said:
You're free to prove otherwise right here on this thread. Be my guest.

YOu are asking me to hijack this thread. No :no: No:tsk:

I have many threads previously on these topics, feel free to express yourselves there.:p


Deviled Hen
TwinTowers said:
Lifetime: Surely you recall September 11, 2001. Our entry into Afghanistan immediately afterwards had nothing to do with somebody's religion. We went there trying to find OBL, no need to make it any more or less than what it was.

I think that actually was the main issue, but there were some sides one, like the one I just mentioned.

And the other one is, gee, look at the map. See how Iran is sandwiched by Afghanistan and Iraq, and we happen to be both places?

If you think that's an accident, you are very mistaken.


Well-Known Member
greatcalgarian said:
I really enjoy finding people still think that US went into Afghanistan because of September 11, and went into Iraq because of WMD. :clap :clap How nice.:thud:

I find it more informed then being an apologist for the CCP. :D