I'm a Republican. I am totally disappointed with the behavior of the Republicans on this issue. Sure, I don't care for Obama. But he is the President. Respect the office! Nominating judges is one of his duties. So what if his term is almost over, it isn't over yet. I expect him to fully discharge all his duties until the very last day of his administration.
I know judges serve for life and we'd like to get a judge that has our philosophy in there, instead of a liberal judge. Too bad, that's the way it goes. What are we going to do instead, constrain when a president is allowed to appoint judges down to nothing? "Oh, not within the first year, you're still getting used to the office. Oh, not the last year, your term is almost over. Oh, not the middle years, you have important crises to deal with.". It's total garbage what the Republicans are trying to do on this issue.