Yes, God has the number 7 = his spirits.I'm not sure where that's from, but it is kind of interesting... Revelation mentions the seven spirits of God so idk. And Revelation also seems to say the beast will be an impressive character- "and the whole world wondered after the beast.. etc."
Human has the number 6 = his spirits.
Fish for instance has the number 4 = their spirits.
Fish has 4 senses while animal has 5 senses.
Fish dont have the sense of hearing, their ear is only a balancing "act"
Hearing as well as sight were developed on land.
You might not like to hear this but Satan has six of the seven spirits o9f God and all 6 were developed on earth.
Jesus developed the sixth sense of Human, namely imagination. The reason is;
we never saw Jesus we had to imagine him and what an imagination it brought!!
We imagined to go to heaven and we developed space craft etc.
The No six also presents the soul namely six senses, but when imagination developed fully we receive the No 666. Imagination did not developed all at once, for instance; some animals also have imagination like a dog and we can then say he has the No 66 while humal has a more developed imagination therefore the No 666.
Human is short of one last spirit namely the 7th spirit which witch bring mortality. The Holy Ghost = the six senses of human. The word Holy Ghost has the meaning of the rational mind. Therefore all humans have the Holy Ghost.