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9/11 inside job was predicted then. RED ALERT FOR A NEW STAGED 9/11


Active Member
The 9/11 inside job was predicted before it was staged:

During the months of July and August 2001, Alex Jones ran a campaign which he dubbed 'Expose the Government Terrorists' on both his TV and radio shows. He encouraged people to call the White House and tell them not to go ahead and launched the staged terror attack that would become the foundation of their push for martial law.

On Wednesday July 25th 2001, during a taping of Alex's local cable access TV show in Austin, Texas, he elaborated on how the Globalists were set to use their operative Osama bin Laden and that the preparations for a terror attack were in their final stages.

Alex didn't have a crystal ball, he merely studied the elite's propaganda and was able to connect the dots and make a prediction that would materialize on September 11, 2001.

See video: http://prisonplanet.tv/articles/august2004/082604alexwarned.htm

Now 5 years latter, there is another prediction:

Red Alert For Staged Government Terror Attack
Terror alert a trial balloon for invasion of Iran, World War III

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | August 10 2006

Today's red level terror alert in symbiosis with escalation of conflict in the Middle East is the trial balloon for a massive staged false flag terror attack, blamed on Hezbollah or Al-Qaeda, that will light the blue touch paper for World War Three.

Radio host Alex Jones, who predicted a staged attack on the World Trade Center involving the use of Osama bin Laden as a fall guy in July 2001, has now gone on record with a second prediction that a staged government terror attack will occur before the end of October unless a gargantuan effort to prevent it is launched.

Only through a massively increased counter-propaganda effort on behalf of all truth activists can prevent an imminent cataclysmic horror show that will make 9/11 look like a walk in the park.​




Obstructor of justice
anyscientologist said:
Only through a massively increased counter-propaganda effort on behalf of all truth activists can prevent an imminent cataclysmic horror show that will make 9/11 look like a walk in the park.​

For some reason I don't think your sources are "counter-propoganda".


Active Member
interesting science

you know, i remeber reading an article back in the spring of 2001 about how bush hired some high power lawyers to come to d.c. and rewrite our consitution. at the time i thought it was possible, but leaned more on the yea right kind of thinking.

i remember this little conspiracy news story because not even a week later after 9-11 here comes the patroit act and all except one congress person took the time to read it and this was the only one to vote no. i recall hitlar pulling a similar scam with the burning down on the (their parliment/congress) i remember thinking how fast such a thing hit the congress floor and then i remembered that article i mentioned above.

i bring this tid bit up because it goes to show that alex is well right. in effect what the patroit act does is destroy our rights, and when this is realized by the masses allong with possibly the 9-11 inside job the masses will revolt and the gov. would for sure institute martial law. all the laws are in place for such a thing to happen, thanks to our fine leader.


Active Member
For some reason I don't think your sources are "counter-propoganda".
You mean those sources are 'pro-propoganda'? Which propoganda are we discussing here, I am confused?

in effect what the patroit act does is destroy our rights, and when this is realized by the masses allong with possibly the 9-11 inside job the masses will revolt

The masses want a head on a pike:

When things are bad (bad indicators heavily visible) putting a body on the gallows is
very salutary. We call it "putting a head on a pike." Too many bad Indicators and too goofed up a situation and we must put a head on a pike. Then things simmer down and we can begin to get tech in.
(HCO PL 16 May 65 II)

This means we can put the right head on a pike (Dick Cheney in jail for life or in the chair) and the masses will not revolt and everybody happy.

and the gov. would for sure institute martial law.

With Cheney's head on a pike ther'es no need for that.

all the laws are in place for such a thing to happen, thanks to our fine leader.

Shure, and they mean to use them, unless we put Cheney's head on a pike.


Active Member
Why Cheney?

Former Head Of Star Wars Program Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect
Official version of events a conspiracy theory, says drills were cover for attacks

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison Planet.com | April 4 2006

The former head of the Star Wars missile defense program under Presidents Ford and Carter has gone public to say that the official version of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory and his main suspect for the architect of the attack is Vice President Dick Cheney.



Well-Known Member
anyscientologist said:
Why Cheney?

Former Head Of Star Wars Program Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect
Official version of events a conspiracy theory, says drills were cover for attacks

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison Planet.com | April 4 2006

The former head of the Star Wars missile defense program under Presidents Ford and Carter has gone public to say that the official version of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory and his main suspect for the architect of the attack is Vice President Dick Cheney.


Are you saying that Cheney is so smart that he is pulling something over the eye of our poor GWB, and poor GWB did not know that those things are happening?

Are we giving too much credit to the intelligent of Cheney, and too little credit to Bush and assuming Bush has no intelligent at all?

Or are you saying that the actual power of US currently is with Cheney, and Bush is just a puppet?

Unless all the above is true, then we should hang Cheney if the leader of the conspirator or pepetrator of 9/11 is not Bush and is Cheney.

If 9/11 is an inside job from America, my own feeling is that Cheney is not smart enough to lead it and held responsible for it. There has to be a whole army of think tank, advisers, and conspirators to execute 9/11 as a conspiratory task.:D


Citizen Mod
Has anyone ever read William Cooper's Behold A Pale Horse? Mr. Cooper details this same scenerio back in 1991.


Well-Known Member
cardero said:
Has anyone ever read William Cooper's Behold A Pale Horse? Mr. Cooper details this same scenerio back in 1991.

This one?


My first search appeared to show very interesting book to research on.


One of the first to begin exposing the Government for what it truly is,
William Cooper was killed by authorities on 11/5/2001.
~ Author of "Behold a Pale Horse"

May be I should stop posting 9/11 conspiracy, else I may end up to be like William Cooper:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Any one like to end up like this?

Later life

According to Commander X[5], shortly after the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building Rush Limbaugh read a White House memo on the air during his broadcast which named William Cooper, "...the most dangerous radio host in America". Mr. Cooper considered President Bill Clinton's pronouncement the greatest compliment that he had ever received.[4]
An outspoken critic of what he considered US government abuses, Cooper was charged with various crimes, including tax evasion from 1992 to 1994, and bank fraud for giving false information on a loan application.
In the 1990s Cooper's interest moved from UFOs, to covert government programs, and finally to the miltia movement. He concluded that all UFO reports were New World Order propaganda.
By 1998 Cooper was living in Arizona. There were warrants for his arrest on charges of tax evasion and bank fraud. Cooper said he would meet with armed resistance any attempt to execute what he saw as "unlawful warrants." Later a warrant was issued for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, following a dispute with a local man.[6]
According to Commander X, in March of 1999 Cooper sent his family out of the United States for their security. He lived and worked alone with his two dogs, one rooster, and one chicken until his death in 2001.[5]
In July and September 2001, Cooper threatened with a handgun passersby near his home in Eagar, Arizona. On November 5, 2001, Apache County, Arizona Sheriff's officers posed as civilians, luring him from his house. After the deputies identified themselves and tried to serve an arrest warrant, Cooper fled toward his house and began shooting, wounding one deputy. Another returned fire, killing Cooper.[7] William Milton Cooper was 58 years old.


Well-Known Member
William Cooper's fate is awaiting for David Ray Griffin, Alex Jones, and others if they kept on digging into 9/11. Mark my word, those who live to see that will then compliment the Greatcalgarian to be such a good soothsayer.


New Member
anyscientologist said:
The former head of the Star Wars missile defense program under Presidents Ford and Carter has gone public to say that the official version of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory and his main suspect for the architect of the attack is Vice President Dick Cheney.

Oh my.

SDI didn't begin until 1983 under President Reagan.

President Carter especially was against any missle defense system, both during his Presidency and afterwards.


Deviled Hen
NeoWayland said:
Oh my.

SDI didn't begin until 1983 under President Reagan.

President Carter especially was against any missle defense system, both during his Presidency and afterwards.

Frubals for bringing something undeniably factual to this thread.


Well-Known Member
greatcalgarian said:
William Cooper's fate is awaiting for David Ray Griffin, Alex Jones, and others if they kept on digging into 9/11. Mark my word, those who live to see that will then compliment the Greatcalgarian to be such a good soothsayer.

Actually, I think the high amounts of Tin may, just may create an adverse reaction in thier bodies. :D



Deviled Hen
‡Âlãn‡ said:
Actually, I think the high amounts of Tin may, just may create and adverse reaction in thier bodies. :D


I think you might be on to something, Alan.

As it was, it was high amounts of tin in my right wrist that made it well nigh impossible to use it a few years ago...until my doc gave me some homeopathics to detox the tin and 4 days later it was fine, which is more than I can say for the 20 years before that.

I didn't get mine from wearing tinfoil hats, though. Probably just eating too many vegetables from tin cans. :D


Well-Known Member
Booko said:
Frubals for bringing something undeniably factual to this thread.

Originally Posted by anyscientologist
The former head of the Star Wars missile defense program under Presidents Ford and Carter has gone public to say that the official version of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory and his main suspect for the architect of the attack is Vice President Dick Cheney.

Ronald Reagan [SIZE=-1]An important pro Ronald reagan gram during the administration of President Ronald Reagan was the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). ...
library.thinkquest.org/TQ0312702/ronreagansdi.htm - 19k [/SIZE]

Are you guys talking about the same thing?
Star Wars missile defense program is the same as Strategic Defence Initiative?

The Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO) was set up in 1984 within the United States Department of Defense to the Strategic Defense Initiative. Under the administration of President Bill Clinton in 1993, its name was changed to the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) and its emphasis was shifted from national missile defense to theater missile defense, i.e. from global to regional coverage. This article covers defense efforts under the SDIO.


Well-Known Member
Booko said:
I think you might be on to something, Alan.

As it was, it was high amounts of tin in my right wrist that made it well nigh impossible to use it a few years ago...until my doc gave me some homeopathics to detox the tin and 4 days later it was fine, which is more than I can say for the 20 years before that.

I didn't get mine from wearing tinfoil hats, though. Probably just eating too many vegetables from tin cans. :D

Aluminum foil, not tin foil.:p


Active Member
If 9/11 is an inside job from America, my own feeling is that Cheney is not smart enough to lead it and held responsible for it.

You are right, but we need a head on a pike and he is knownt to the public.

There has to be a whole army of think tank, advisers, and conspirators to execute 9/11 as a conspiratory task.

Right, and they have names, but we start by putting a head on a pike.