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9/11 inside job was predicted then. RED ALERT FOR A NEW STAGED 9/11


Active Member
Chemtrail theory

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Meteorological phenomenon resembling some descriptions of "chemtrails"

The chemtrail theory is a group of theories regarding what are claimed to be unnatural contrails from aircraft. Contrails are formed by condensation of water vapor in the aircrafts' exhausts. Proponents of the theories maintain that some trails have an appearance and quality different from those of normal water-based contrails; i.e. that chemtrails are not consistent with the known properties of contrails. The general unifying factor is the belief that some kind of chemical or biological agent is being secretly released. The term "chemtrail" should not be confused with other forms of aerial dumping (e.g. crop dusting, cloud seeding or aerial firefighting). It specifically refers to systematic, high-altitude dumping of unknown substances for some undisclosed purpose.


Active Member
No entry was found for psychoelectronic or psytronic. Other sources of info must be found to define it, as well as tectonic weapons and environmental weapons.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
The so called "Chemtrails" in the photograph in post 41 look suspiciously like a map of the Eastern Baltic, including Latvia.


Well-Known Member
You know 'Anyscientologist' you have brought forth the first KKK style conspiracys to this forum, (blaming of black elite and Vatican)



Deviled Hen
anyscientologist said:
Chemtrail, psychotronic and tectonic are forbidden words in the police state.

Oh, I'm relieved to see that the US isn't a police state. After all, I've read plenty of geology books that use words like "tectonic" in them. Even my kids' science textbooks use that word.

Well, that's a relief.


Deviled Hen
anyscientologist said:
Chemtrail theory

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You missed some of the more salient tidbits from that article, for example:

Lacking proper scientific equipment, most chemtrail theorists can only speculate about the composition of the alleged chemtrail.

IOW, their information comes from a high colonic source.


Deviled Hen
Sunstone said:
The so called "Chemtrails" in the photograph in post 41 look suspiciously like a map of the Eastern Baltic, including Latvia.

And if you look in the lower left corner, there's tiny print with numbers. I looked it up: it's the latitude and longitude for Grayling, Michigan.

I would alert the authorities, except we don't know far the Latvians have insinuated themselves into our institutions.


Active Member
Black Nobility

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The Black Nobility (Italian: aristocrazìa nera) were Italian aristocratic families who sided with the Papacy under Pope Pius IX as opposed to Vittorio Emanuele II of Italy when the Piedmont monarchy came to Rome in 1870, ending the Papal States and taking over the Apostolic Palace. As the Pope confined himself to the Vatican for 59 years, those who had received their titles from the Holy See—such as the Privy Chamberlains of the Sword and Cape—kept their own doors closed in mourning, leading to the title "Black Nobility."

Following the conclusion of the Lateran treaties in 1929, the Black Nobility were given dual citizenship in Italy and the Vatican, as a token of their friendship, allowing them to enter the Noble Guard, which had previously only been open to nobility from the former Papal States. In 1931, Pope Pius XI denied the request of Alfonso XIII to open the Noble Guard further to nobles from all Catholic countries.

Famous members of Black Nobility families include Eugenio Pacelli, who later became Pope Pius XII, and Giovanni Agnelli, who founded Fiat. Other Black Nobility families include Brigitta, Massimo, and Santioris.



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Vatican City

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Vatican City Coordinates: 41°54′10″N, 12°27′9″E — formally State of the Vatican City, or Vatican City State (Italian: Stato della Città del Vaticano, Latin: Status Civitatis Vaticanae) — is a sovereign city-state whose territory consists of a landlocked, almost completely walled, enclave within the city of Rome, Italy. The entire state is about 44 hectares (108.7 acres) and thus is a European microstate. It is the smallest independent nation in the world created in 1929 by the Lateran treaties and a vestige of the much larger former Papal States (A.D. 756 to A.D. 1870). Since it is governed by the Bishop of Rome (the Pope), its government can be described as ecclesiastical and the highest state functionaries are in fact clergymen. It is the sovereign territory of the Holy See (Latin:Sancta Sedes) and the location of the Apostolic Palace — the Pope's official residence — and the Roman Curia. Thus, although the principal ecclesiastical seat of the Holy See (Basilica of St. John Lateran) is located in Rome itself, the Vatican City can be said to be the governmental capital of the Catholic Church.



Active Member

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For other uses, see Illuminati (disambiguation).
The Illuminati is the name of many groups, modern and historical, real and fictitious, verified and alleged. Most commonly The Illuminati refers specifically to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment secret society. However, it often refers to an alleged shadowy conspiratorial organization that controls world affairs behind the scenes, usually a modern incarnation or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati. Illuminati is sometimes used synonymously with New World Order.


Active Member
Sieg Heil:


In Your Face: The Globalists' Language is Hidden in Plain View

April 18, 2004


Fascinated by symbolism and numerology, the globalists' favorite tactic is to leave blueprints to their plans "hidden in plain view." From messages delivered to the masses through the media and films to Time Warner's all-seeing eye, we are repeatedly reminded by the illuminati themselves that they are controlling us and are omnipresent. World leaders from Clinton to Prince William have been photographed proudly flashing the sign of the devil. Architecture around the globe is laid out to represent their occult icons or structured based on occult numerology (like the pyramid Mitterand had constructed at the Louvre, which is made of 666 pieces of gold glass). The New World Order's symbolism is everywhere and there are globalist fingerprints all over the September 11th attacks as well as the Madrid train bombing.
Below are just some of the examples of how the Global Overlords are throwing their language and intent in our faces:




Active Member
The latest Globalist's Ulluminati message:


Apocalypse Tomorrow: Neo-Cons Hype Y2K-Style Fearmongering

August 22nd said to be 'day of reckoning' for Ahmadinejad

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | August 21 2006

Following a month or more of hysterical fearmongering from Neo-Con cells and their evangelist sympathizers, tomorrow, August 22nd, is being hyped by some as the potential 'end of the world' doomsday in which a massive Iranian attack will result in mushroom clouds over Israeli and US cities.

Quite how Madman Mahmoud is going to engineer the apocalypse when the CIA's own investigation said he was ten years away from the bomb is never explained by the festering alarmists.




Active Member
Psychotronic Weapons Letter To Senate Committee (The following letter is alarming and vital to the understanding of how far the issue of psychotronic weapons and projects aimed at controlling American citizens and people everywhere has progressed. This letter is dated February 9, 1994. The organization involved is no longer available at this address below. Ms. McKinney is said to be occupying a much lower profile these days. Nevertheless, this is an important document to consider)


anyscientologist said:
Psychotronic Weapons Letter To Senate Committee (The following letter is alarming and vital to the understanding of how far the issue of psychotronic weapons and projects aimed at controlling American citizens and people everywhere has progressed. This letter is dated February 9, 1994. The organization involved is no longer available at this address below. Ms. McKinney is said to be occupying a much lower profile these days. Nevertheless, this is an important document to consider)

People will joke and laugh at those people that see what the government is in the process of doing. I think more people can see the truth about the government police state actions but are in denial about it.
They watch Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report.
They wave the flag around like it's a cure for the police state they are in.
They watch willingly as there freedoms are torn from their complicit butts.
They take all manner of anti-depressants due to the government actions against the freedoms they swear to protect.
They escape into the fantasy life that comes from alcohol, pills, Hollywood, MTV and can't see that they have created and cheered on there own demise.
They scream freedom of speech but ridicule anyone that dosen't have the same opinion as there's.
There destruction will be of there own doing. :yes:


Active Member
But remember that only about 20 per cent of them have anti social characteristics, the remaining 80 per cent can be educated into confronting the truth.


anyscientologist said:
But remember that only about 20 per cent of them have anti social characteristics, the remaining 80 per cent can be educated into confronting the truth.

Once there rounded up they will get an education alright! :run:


Deviled Hen
anyscientologist said:
But remember that only about 20 per cent of them have anti social characteristics, the remaining 80 per cent can be educated into confronting the truth.

Also remember that 93.62% of statistics come from a high colonic source.


anyscientologist said:
But remember that only about 20 per cent of them have anti social characteristics, the remaining 80 per cent can be educated into confronting the truth.
I honestly can't see educating them. I don't believe they will listen to anything that yanks them from their "comfort zone".
The truth is way to scary for them to see, and so anyone that speaks of a Government
plot is crazy in their eyes, reguardless if there's any evidence for it.

The Holy Spirit tries to show them what the world is eg. Government against the people but they completely refuse to allow the Holy Spirit to show them anything.
God wants everyone to see the truth about society but most won't look at what God
shows them, so it's to there own destruction.
Sad but true!