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A believer that has lost faith


New Member
There is many reasons I have lost faith. I am not unhappy about that fact. Actually now that I have seem the light I am much happier as a person and it all started with a short story about Noah and the ark. This is that story.

Lets look at the story of Noah and the Ark. First of all "God" just came to him and only him and said that there is a flood coming and it will cover the entire world and that he needs to build a boat. But not any boat, an Ark of mammoth proportion. Wait a minute. Lets look at Noah. The guy is 600 years old. I mean anyone of that age can just take on a project of that size. Ok so with that established lets move on. So Noah is not a scholar or nobleman, actually the guy is not even respected in his community. He is a drunk. But lets not worry about that either. That has no relevance. So "God" comes to him and says build an ark. And he does with all of his modern tools. Wait...the tools of that day were not Dewalt. Actually the tools were not so modern. But nevermind that too. So we can assume that Noah builds this great boat all by himself and is waiting for the great flood that will destroy everything. Meanwhile every animal from around the globe came marching or flying to this boat, 2 by 2. That just doesnt make alot of sense either. But ok for arguments sake sure. So now that all these animals are on the boat and in their cages, oh yeah that's right Noah knew how many and how big to make these cages for every animal in the world. So with that covered lets continue. What I wonder though is how Noah was able to feed all of these animals. Because i'm pretty sure animals eat other animals, but I could be wrong. Must have been puppy chow and Iams. Because on the boat those carnivorous animals must have stopped eating other animals and gone with dry food. This lasted for 40 days and 40 nights. Then all of a sudden the waters of the earth receded miraculously. I am pretty sure years and years of evaporation couldn't do that. Then after not eating anything but puppy chow the animals of the world marched off the boat 2 by 2. Not one attacking Noah as he released them and they went back to their natural places on Earth as if nothing had ever happened. Then Noah went home settled down and lived out the rest of his days in peace.
Thank you for reading my story.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
If your faith was based on believing silly stories actually happened, then it's probably better you lost your faith.


New Member
This story is taught in the bible. So I am assuming that you are implying that The Bible is silly.


Rogue Theologian
If your faith was based on believing silly stories actually happened, then it's probably better you lost your faith.

I am tempted to agree....though even silly stories may hold an concept of life and living that might be useful.

Faith based upon recital of a story as if it be historical?....nay.
Faith based on principals told in story form?.....okay....


There is many reasons I have lost faith. I am not unhappy about that fact. Actually now that I have seem the light I am much happier as a person and it all started with a short story about Noah and the ark. This is that story.

Lets look at the story of Noah and the Ark. First of all "God" just came to him and only him and said that there is a flood coming and it will cover the entire world and that he needs to build a boat. But not any boat, an Ark of mammoth proportion. Wait a minute. Lets look at Noah. The guy is 600 years old. I mean anyone of that age can just take on a project of that size. Ok so with that established lets move on. So Noah is not a scholar or nobleman, actually the guy is not even respected in his community. He is a drunk. But lets not worry about that either. That has no relevance. So "God" comes to him and says build an ark. And he does with all of his modern tools. Wait...the tools of that day were not Dewalt. Actually the tools were not so modern. But nevermind that too. So we can assume that Noah builds this great boat all by himself and is waiting for the great flood that will destroy everything. Meanwhile every animal from around the globe came marching or flying to this boat, 2 by 2. That just doesnt make alot of sense either. But ok for arguments sake sure. So now that all these animals are on the boat and in their cages, oh yeah that's right Noah knew how many and how big to make these cages for every animal in the world. So with that covered lets continue. What I wonder though is how Noah was able to feed all of these animals. Because i'm pretty sure animals eat other animals, but I could be wrong. Must have been puppy chow and Iams. Because on the boat those carnivorous animals must have stopped eating other animals and gone with dry food. This lasted for 40 days and 40 nights. Then all of a sudden the waters of the earth receded miraculously. I am pretty sure years and years of evaporation couldn't do that. Then after not eating anything but puppy chow the animals of the world marched off the boat 2 by 2. Not one attacking Noah as he released them and they went back to their natural places on Earth as if nothing had ever happened. Then Noah went home settled down and lived out the rest of his days in peace.
Thank you for reading my story.

you missed the whole context and meaning.

it was a allegorical fable

it was never ment to be read with a literal translation. This is a acient document ment to reflect ancient hebrews mytical culture. nothing more


This kind of "Christianity" has its perfection in atheism.

You really were atheist all the time - now you're just honest with yourself.


Question Everything
Many different cultures / ideologies have accounts of a great flood, Noah was not the only righteous person of the time in communication with God (Enoch and his city) and animals can be controlled by God if need be.

I guess out of all the Biblical accounts the one that really needs to be addressed is the reality of God Himself. If there really is an all-powerful being out there, then the rest of it is believable, because an all-powerful being can do whatever they want. If however there is no higher-life form than ourselves in that great big universe out there, and we are left with explaining everything through physics and mechanical non-miraculous means, then much of the scriptures do not work.

So, given the age of the universe, the size of it - do you think that we are the only life forms? Do you think we are the most advanced life forms?

It is strange when I hear people trying to rationalize the miracles in the Bible through some scientifically plausible thing - how the Nile turning to blood was some sort of microbe infestation, or how Moses getting water out of a rock was some sort of calcium build up over a natural spring - if that is what happened, then it was not God, it was not a miracle, just a magician or good luck or something.... it is also strange to hear so many say it is all just philosophy/stories - in which case the existence of God and all of it might as well just be made-up stories.

If you believe in the Bible and want to defend it - all there really is to defend is God Himself - that He really exists, and really can perform miracles - miracles which defy logic and science and need not be explained by any other means than to simply say, it was a miracle.
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Jehovah our God is One
There is many reasons I have lost faith. I am not unhappy about that fact. Actually now that I have seem the light I am much happier as a person and it all started with a short story about Noah and the ark. This is that story.

Lets look at the story of Noah and the Ark. First of all "God" just came to him and only him and said that there is a flood coming and it will cover the entire world and that he needs to build a boat. But not any boat, an Ark of mammoth proportion. Wait a minute. Lets look at Noah. The guy is 600 years old. I mean anyone of that age can just take on a project of that size. Ok so with that established lets move on. So Noah is not a scholar or nobleman, actually the guy is not even respected in his community. He is a drunk. But lets not worry about that either. That has no relevance. So "God" comes to him and says build an ark. And he does with all of his modern tools. Wait...the tools of that day were not Dewalt. Actually the tools were not so modern. But nevermind that too. So we can assume that Noah builds this great boat all by himself and is waiting for the great flood that will destroy everything. Meanwhile every animal from around the globe came marching or flying to this boat, 2 by 2. That just doesnt make alot of sense either. But ok for arguments sake sure. So now that all these animals are on the boat and in their cages, oh yeah that's right Noah knew how many and how big to make these cages for every animal in the world. So with that covered lets continue. What I wonder though is how Noah was able to feed all of these animals. Because i'm pretty sure animals eat other animals, but I could be wrong. Must have been puppy chow and Iams. Because on the boat those carnivorous animals must have stopped eating other animals and gone with dry food. This lasted for 40 days and 40 nights. Then all of a sudden the waters of the earth receded miraculously. I am pretty sure years and years of evaporation couldn't do that. Then after not eating anything but puppy chow the animals of the world marched off the boat 2 by 2. Not one attacking Noah as he released them and they went back to their natural places on Earth as if nothing had ever happened. Then Noah went home settled down and lived out the rest of his days in peace.
Thank you for reading my story.

just a few facts that you missed, Noah had 3 sons who built the boat with him. It took them 40 years to build. The humans and animals were all vegetarians in the pre flood world according to genesis, so meat was not on the menu. The waters took 1 year to recede...the boat came to rest on the mountain and it was a year later that Noah finally came out onto dry land.

Regarding their lack of modern tools, have you not considered some of the ancient monuments that were made without the use of modern tools? The coliseum? The amphitheaters? the pyramids???? Do you think those people needed modern tools to build those incredible structures???

just some food for thought. :)


Through the Looking Glass
just a few facts that you missed, Noah had 3 sons who built the boat with him. It took them 40 years to build. The humans and animals were all vegetarians in the pre flood world according to genesis, so meat was not on the menu. The waters took 1 year to recede...the boat came to rest on the mountain and it was a year later that Noah finally came out onto dry land.

Regarding their lack of modern tools, have you not considered some of the ancient monuments that were made without the use of modern tools? The coliseum? The amphitheaters? the pyramids???? Do you think those people needed modern tools to build those incredible structures???

just some food for thought. :)
There, see? It's all perfectly reasonable to read it like a history textbook after all.

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
I can pinpoint the time and date my faith was most seriously challenged. It was on the 31st May 1970 when an earthquake hit Peru and the unfolding news of the days after as children’s bodies were pulled from under the rubble. It was certainly not a good look for a both omnibenevolent AND omnipotent God. Either he was omnibenevolent but lacked power the intervene so he was not omnipotent or he was omnipotent and purposely chose to many or the surviving children die a slow agonizing death or suffer for days in agony until the rescuers reached them under the rubble; so he could not be omnibenevolent but he certainly could not possibly be both under those circumstances.

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
There is a pivotal point in history which had shaken the beliefs of the West to the core and that event happened on Nov 1st 1755. It happened at Lisbon Portugal when a catastrophic earthquake hit and a follow up tsunami. That was on one of the holiest days on the Christian calendar as most of Lisbon's churches and cathedrals were packed with worshippers. Large masonry buildings are extremely dangerous places to be in the event of a 9th magnitude earthquake and as such many of them were buried. The Jesuits of the day reading God's vengefulness as punishment and comparing and drawing comparisons to Sodom and Gomorrah did not rest easily in the West and just spawned the earthquake enlightenment. It made it far more fashionable to turn away from such a vengeful God altogether. A God which uses such a blunt instrument to punish a few such as in Lisbon with all that collateral damage killing his most loyal worshippers bringing the rooves of churches down on their heads. It elevated atheism to be a far more respectable alternative the orthodox Christianity and longer a dangerous accusation that required one's defence, like paedophilia for instance.


Hostis humani generis
If your faith was based on believing silly stories actually happened, then it's probably better you lost your faith.
you missed the whole context and meaning.

it was a allegorical fable

it was never ment to be read with a literal translation. This is a acient document ment to reflect ancient hebrews mytical culture. nothing more


Ah, the joys of literalism.


Active Member
There is many reasons I have lost faith. I am not unhappy about that fact. Actually now that I have seem the light I am much happier as a person and it all started with a short story about Noah and the ark. This is that story.
I am a non believer and I am as happy as get out having a go at what I might perceive as the Bible's dafter ideas but if there were a god I would be very surprised if he lived in a book. If biblical inconsistency started you to question and look deeper then good but if that is where you are hanging your loss of faith then it's a bit of a shoogly peg, there's a lot of books and a lot of gods.


Rogue Theologian
I was much happier when I lost my faith than when I had it.

So now you giggle all the way to your grave?

Faith is what people lean upon as we all move in that direction.

You might say it is a crutch, that helps us to move on.

This world..... and then the next.


She rules her life like a bird in flight
I was much happier when I lost my faith than when I had it.

So now you giggle all the way to your grave?

Faith is what people lean upon as we all move in that direction.

You might say it is a crutch, that helps us to move on.

This world..... and then the next.

I was much happier too when I let go of a belief system I couldn't sustain. I felt set free.


Well-Known Member
So now you giggle all the way to your grave?

Faith is what people lean upon as we all move in that direction.

You might say it is a crutch, that helps us to move on.

This world..... and then the next.

I would say faith is a crutch too, a crutch that stifles a thinking mind.