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A conservative Christian quietly battles against right-wing hysteria

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Proportionate representation?

That's a laugh coming from a party that leads in the most oppressive states in the nation.
Which party is waging a war on women's rights and LGBT rights atm? Don't even try to play the oppression card, son. Nobody here is dumb enough to buy that drivel.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Yea yea we know...right wing. Blah blah blah....

Newsflash.... it's a Libertarian think tank.

Cato Institute - Wikipedia

Shhhhh......don't tell the others.

Libertarian = all in on business freedom. When it comes to 3 out of the 4 freedoms of FDR, they don't like freedom from want because it's socialist after all and freedom from fear is bad for business.


Veteran Member
This is behind the WaPo paywall but hopefully a few excerpts are sufficient. I specifically wonder what some of the dedicated Christians on RF such as @KenS have to say about the points in this piece.

Personally while I might not agree with David French on any number of topics, I find his approach refreshing and positive.

A conservative Christian quietly battles against right-wing hysteria

The latest iteration of the right-wing culture war is fueled by a messianic, seemingly unshakable terror that the all-powerful cultural left is laying waste to all our institutions...
One exception to this is David French, the conservative Christian writer and First Amendment lawyer. He has quietly carved out a niche as a leading foe of these new right-wing crusades, arguing that they betray classically liberal principles and liberal democratic constitutionalism.
David French: Look back at the last 20 years of the conservative legal movement, and you’ll see a host of lawsuits brought against speech codes on campuses. You’ll see a long-term effort to vindicate the free speech rights of private corporations. You had a long-running effort to protect the free speech and free exercise rights of public school teachers.
In about a 12-month span, you’ve seen a dramatic reversal. You see an increasing effort on the part of red-state legislators to adopt speech codes, most applying to K-through-12 schools. You have seen an effort to regulate the speech of private corporations.
The root of it is a kind of cultural panic, a thought that conservative political views, religious views and cultural views are in retreat everywhere. That the culture wars are irretrievably lost. That all that’s left to the right is the exercise of raw political power.
On every one of those fronts, I say, “Good news!” Divorce has been decreasing. The percentage of kids being raised with their parents is increasing. The abortion rate is lower. If you look at these markers of cultural health, time and again you’ll see they’re actually improving.
In more culturally conservative areas of the country, the percentage who identify themselves as very religious far outstrips the percentage even in countries that the most panicked far-right-wingers embrace, like Hungary. Even the least religious American state is more religious than Hungary.
I’ve encountered people who get actively angry at the mere recitation of statistics indicating that catastrophe is not imminent.
What makes the state of Total War even worse is that it’s motivated by a sense of perpetual persecution and victimization. What is the injury that Disney has inflicted? The injury for which Disney must be punished is opposition. It’s just speech.

Disney’s speech is not victimizing Florida.

Bro. I read, and read your OP. But I cant understand your point yet. I apologise but I really don't know why I cannot understand your ultimate point.

Err. Would you care to give a very very small explanation of your ultimate point? You don't have to. It's a personal request only. When ever you have time. I ask because this topic intrigued me.


Well-Known Member
This is behind the WaPo paywall but hopefully a few excerpts are sufficient. I specifically wonder what some of the dedicated Christians on RF such as @KenS have to say about the points in this piece.

Personally while I might not agree with David French on any number of topics, I find his approach refreshing and positive.

A conservative Christian quietly battles against right-wing hysteria

The latest iteration of the right-wing culture war is fueled by a messianic, seemingly unshakable terror that the all-powerful cultural left is laying waste to all our institutions...
One exception to this is David French, the conservative Christian writer and First Amendment lawyer. He has quietly carved out a niche as a leading foe of these new right-wing crusades, arguing that they betray classically liberal principles and liberal democratic constitutionalism.
David French: Look back at the last 20 years of the conservative legal movement, and you’ll see a host of lawsuits brought against speech codes on campuses. You’ll see a long-term effort to vindicate the free speech rights of private corporations. You had a long-running effort to protect the free speech and free exercise rights of public school teachers.
In about a 12-month span, you’ve seen a dramatic reversal. You see an increasing effort on the part of red-state legislators to adopt speech codes, most applying to K-through-12 schools. You have seen an effort to regulate the speech of private corporations.
The root of it is a kind of cultural panic, a thought that conservative political views, religious views and cultural views are in retreat everywhere. That the culture wars are irretrievably lost. That all that’s left to the right is the exercise of raw political power.
On every one of those fronts, I say, “Good news!” Divorce has been decreasing. The percentage of kids being raised with their parents is increasing. The abortion rate is lower. If you look at these markers of cultural health, time and again you’ll see they’re actually improving.
In more culturally conservative areas of the country, the percentage who identify themselves as very religious far outstrips the percentage even in countries that the most panicked far-right-wingers embrace, like Hungary. Even the least religious American state is more religious than Hungary.
I’ve encountered people who get actively angry at the mere recitation of statistics indicating that catastrophe is not imminent.
What makes the state of Total War even worse is that it’s motivated by a sense of perpetual persecution and victimization. What is the injury that Disney has inflicted? The injury for which Disney must be punished is opposition. It’s just speech.

Disney’s speech is not victimizing Florida.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
From what I read it is both the speech codes he sees on typical college campuses and speech codes such as "critical race theory" which are now under frenzied attack.

Here, I think, it gets a little muddy. I'm not sure who is muzzling who and/or which came first, the proverbial chicken or the egg.

Long before CRT, there was and is the speech restriction of faith and conservatism. Bring a conservative on campus and you have a riot.

Personally, I think if it was a "discussion", there wouldn't be a problem. But it isn't a "discussion", it is an indoctrination without debate. So who is being muzzled? IMV, it is the opposing view and because of the lack of capacity to discuss then laws are enacted to counter it.

He's contrasting the attitudes of those who think the culture is going downhill fast and those who see positive signs as well.

I can agree there. It is my view that education on abortion and when there is life that is reducing abortion rates. It is the statistics of what divorce does to the marriage that may have stemmed the tide (although it just may be that people are just living together instead of getting married)

Regardless, my personal view is that culture has and is going downward but my faith says "there is a turnaround" about to happen if it hasn't already started.

Perhaps because conservatism has found a voice and the failure or liberalism is becoming more apparent?

From what I've read, he appears to be somewhat like you - secure in his faith and not given to outsized emotional reactions of fear etc.

In my faith, fear is the tool of the enemy. 2 Tim 1:7 God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of sound mind.

Perhaps that is why I have resisted the insistence of Covid Vaccination vs "If you want it, fine. and if you don't, it is your body". So much of it was based on a promotion of fear, even irrational fear. (don't want to derail this into vaccinations but rather just making the statement about fear).

The "radical Christian right" is going to ruin this country. The "radical left" is going to ruin this country. If we don't have Obama care millions are going to die. Fear is a great seller - If you don't by this vacuum cleaner, this little unseen animals will be in your bed and all over your face. :)


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Which party is waging a war on women's rights and LGBT rights atm? Don't even try to play the oppression card, son. Nobody here is dumb enough to buy that drivel.
How are they doing that? or are you speaking about very small, laser focused issues.


Veteran Member
Your meme is a claim, not an argument. The center is still largely the center. It's just that conservatives have compressed into a more narrow range of policies. There are few middle right in politics, who are the Romneys, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Collins, Murkowski, and a few others. The vast majority are far right Trump zombies.

The left has more abandoned territory to cover given the escalating social and environmental problems the nation and world face. The left has become the caretaker of rights and the evironment as the right becomes more adversarial to these democratic norms. The left covers the center to the social democrats (like Bernie and AOC) who represent the most moral and fair set of political policies. The right represents the authoritarian approach which as we see globally only causes more social disruption and chaos. Sure the Green New Deal will cause economic disruption, but that is offset by helping minimize the effects of climate change which will cause even worse consequences in the long run.

Which side has the best interest for the average citizen and the future? It isn't the far right.


Veteran Member
How are they doing that? or are you speaking about very small, laser focused issues.
Are you not aware of the conflict between Desantis and Disney in Florida? If not I suggest you look into the basis of that conflict and what Desantis is aiming to do.

Plus Abbott seems to be using trans children as political fodder.

Fighting care for transgender kids shifts from a fringe issue to a litmus test for Texas Republicans

Florida and Texas governors face business backlash over anti-LGBTQ moves


Are you genuinely unaware of what your political party is doing at the extremes? Or pretending to not know so you can avoid accountability for being part of that political party?

It's easier to support a political party when you aren't aware of the harm they are doing to marginalized citizens.


Veteran Member
Perhaps that is why I have resisted the insistence of Covid Vaccination vs "If you want it, fine. and if you don't, it is your body". So much of it was based on a promotion of fear, even irrational fear. (don't want to derail this into vaccinations but rather just making the statement about fear).
With a million Americans dead from Covid in 2 years, is fear of death a bad thing? We humans take dozens of vaccinations to prevent death or serious illness in life, is that a bad thing? Should we modern people just take our chances with nature, and if we infect others, too bad? If you agree, explain the morals.

The "radical Christian right" is going to ruin this country. The "radical left" is going to ruin this country. If we don't have Obama care millions are going to die. Fear is a great seller - If you don't by this vacuum cleaner, this little unseen animals will be in your bed and all over your face. :)
The ACA has ensured that about 20 million Americans have insurance that they would be denied without this law. These people as a category of citizens have been living in fear from Republicans over the last decade as they tried to repeal this law, and provide no replacement protection. It came close many times and the only thing that saved these people one of those times is John McCain's famous thumbs down vote on the repeal.

Republicans continue to run on policies that do not care for the average citizen. They run on ideals and far right religious beliefs. It amazes me that republicans continue to get away with being corrupt and immoral.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Are you not aware of the conflict between Desantis and Disney in Florida? If not I suggest you look into the basis of that conflict and what Desantis is aiming to do.

LOL... I LIVE in Florida. The whole world knows about it.

But, just on principle, I don't think Disney should have the special privileges. They should pay taxes the way everybody does and get permits like everyone else.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
With a million Americans dead from Covid in 2 years, is fear of death a bad thing? We humans take dozens of vaccinations to prevent death or serious illness in life, is that a bad thing? Should we modern people just take our chances with nature, and if we infect others, too bad? If you agree, explain the morals.

I don't fear death, it is a process of life. In my faith, I also know where my end destination should be.

Promoting fear isn't the solution... that is a problem imv.

So... here is the scenario... "Wear a mask or you will DIE!" - So everyone wears a scarf, a dust mask, a bandana and the everyone is very happy, with no fear, because we all have something over our mouths.

Now... did you notice anything strange with this true to life example?

PS... Common sense... if you are sick, stay home.


Veteran Member
LOL... I LIVE in Florida. The whole world knows about it.

But, just on principle, I don't think Disney should have the special privileges. They should pay taxes the way everybody does and get permits like everyone else.
There’s over 1200 of these special districts in Florida. They are designed so the district can pay for and manage their own needs that differ from the needs of the surrounding community. This means the cost of maintenance wont burden the citizens of the community. Desantis may end up costing the community about a billion dollars since Disney no longer has permission. As i hear it Disney may profit from this.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
There’s over 1200 of these special districts in Florida. They are designed so the district can pay for and manage their own needs that differ from the needs of the surrounding community. This means the cost of maintenance wont burden the citizens of the community. Desantis may end up costing the community about a billion dollars since Disney no longer has permission. As i hear it Disney may profit from this.

So... let me take care of my own home and not pay taxes? I thought the mantra is that big business is making too much money. Close the loopholes and tax Disney, I say. :)


Veteran Member
I don't fear death, it is a process of life. In my faith, I also know where my end destination should be.

Promoting fear isn't the solution... that is a problem imv.

So... here is the scenario... "Wear a mask or you will DIE!" - So everyone wears a scarf, a dust mask, a bandana and the everyone is very happy, with no fear, because we all have something over our mouths.

Now... did you notice anything strange with this true to life example?
Your characterization here is simplistic and inaccurate. Its not just fearing death personally but how our behavior in society affects other people. We live in a society where many are more vulnerable than you snd me. The major moral flaw with conservative attitudes for public safety measures is the huge **** you to anyone else. It is a complete rejection of any moral concern, social responsibility, and duty to others, all things that are part of what Jesus taught. Right wing Christians who adopt the far right extreme of **** you attitudes are anti-Christs. You cant serve the GOP and Jesus. You need pick one and abandon the other.

the greed expressed by conservatives only shows more disdain for Christian ethics.

PS... Common sense... if you are sick, stay home.
And many rely on the good will and trust of fellow citizens to help maintain health. How many have died because of the selfish ideologues who refused to apply public safety measures and infected others? I was infected by one such person at a wedding. He infected over half the people there, all because he didn’t care to keep himself from exposure. He almost died. He was the bride’s uncle and overweight. But he is wealthy so was able to spend money on the same treatment that trump got. Fortunately no one died ftom his lack of responsibility. But i lost 2 weeks of income and many others did as well.

Do you feel any compassion? Or do you see humans like any other animal and we live and die, who cares?

Your thoughts.


Veteran Member
So... let me take care of my own home and not pay taxes? I thought the mantra is that big business is making too much money. Close the loopholes and tax Disney, I say. :)
Disney was taking care of its house that brings in a huge amount of business and tax revenue for the community. So your analogy is highly flawed, and sgain, simplistic and inaccurate.

Do you really not understand any of this or trying yo dupe us?


Well-Known Member
Your meme is a claim, not an argument. The center is still largely the center. It's just that conservatives have compressed into a more narrow range of policies. There are few middle right in politics, who are the Romneys, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Collins, Murkowski, and a few others. The vast majority are far right Trump zombies.

The left has more abandoned territory to cover given the escalating social and environmental problems the nation and world face. The left has become the caretaker of rights and the evironment as the right becomes more adversarial to these democratic norms. The left covers the center to the social democrats (like Bernie and AOC) who represent the most moral and fair set of political policies. The right represents the authoritarian approach which as we see globally only causes more social disruption and chaos. Sure the Green New Deal will cause economic disruption, but that is offset by helping minimize the effects of climate change which will cause even worse consequences in the long run.

Which side has the best interest for the average citizen and the future? It isn't the far right.
You are actually practicing phycological projection onto your enemies on the Right. Typically the Left uses violence, property destruction and intimidation to shove its agenda down the throats of Americans. The right has been guilty of being passive, too nice. What we are seeing as the Left continues to strong arm society into its degenerate worldview is more pushback from the right. The Left is simply making abnormal, antisocial phycology mainstream.