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A Course In Miracles by Helen Schucman


Hindu Wannabe
Hi forum,

has anyone of you ever read the book or followed A Course in Miracles ? Would you recommend it as a good read / experience?

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
I haven't but I have read books based on it and they are good. ACIM is known to be long, large and unwieldy.


Veteran Member
Hi forum,

has anyone of you ever read the book or followed A Course in Miracles ? Would you recommend it as a good read / experience?
I read this around 1994

All people are unique, I don't know you at all, so I won't recommend it ... just read a few pages on line, then you know for yourself

Note: I just open a book blindly, and 'tell' God "let me feel it, when it's meant for me"

Hermit Philosopher

Selflessly here for you
Hi forum,

has anyone of you ever read the book or followed A Course in Miracles ? Would you recommend it as a good read / experience?

Dear Sirona

I have the long version (with “course book” included). It was given to me by someone… I don’t remember who…

I read the book but did not do the “course” bit. It has some inspiring parts and I think the author’s intentions were good, yet, its concepts have been misused by many to promote very unspiritual causes. That is a pity, I think.

Also, I did not always like the way the book was written. I can’t really put my finger on why though.



Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
A course in miracles is a demonic book. God or angels is not behind that book in my opinion. Do not read it.


Well-Known Member
Isn't it yet another one of those New Age books waxing garbage poetry, facile theology and pseudo-philosophy in an effort to fleece idiots off money and give anxious fools a little dose of easy "feel good vibes"?


Hindu Wannabe
Isn't it yet another one of those New Age books waxing garbage poetry, facile theology and pseudo-philosophy in an effort to fleece idiots off money and give anxious fools a little dose of easy "feel good vibes"?

You know, that's exactly why am asking the question. ;)


Hindu Wannabe
Most of the reviews I've read on Amazon say the book is "unchristian" and "demonic," so I assume they haven't read the book at all. One review said it tries to combine Advaita Vedanta with Schucman's childhood faith in Christ, but they say it doesn't work out. And it costs 60 EUR, which isn't cheap.


Well-Known Member
Most of the reviews I've read on Amazon say the book is "unchristian" and "demonic," so I assume they haven't read the book at all. One review said it tries to combine Advaita Vedanta with Schucman's childhood faith in Christ, but they say it doesn't work out. And it costs 60 EUR, which isn't cheap.

Have you ever thought about reading up on its author or trying to find a wiki resumé (or even a pirated copy) to judge for yourself with more information? You could even try to glean information on the content of the book and its worth by looking into communities and people who actually liked it and see what sort of people and belief they have and then you could read those negative reviews, searching for those who have actually specific criticism of it instead of bland and general blanket statements of opposing faiths.

PS: paying 60 EUR for a book is always a bad purchase.

Hermit Philosopher

Selflessly here for you
Isn't it yet another one of those New Age books waxing garbage poetry, facile theology and pseudo-philosophy in an effort to fleece idiots off money and give anxious fools a little dose of easy "feel good vibes"?

I definitely would not describe it as a “feel-good” book… it’s more like a non-academic text book (they call it theory, but take that with pinch of salt) with home work book attached to it.



Soul Pioneer
Hi forum,

has anyone of you ever read the book or followed A Course in Miracles ? Would you recommend it as a good read / experience?

Indeed,......a most wonderful textbook, which can be complex, yet there are universal truth concepts and principles thru-out, its basically a manual for the mind, in how to think properly and be guided by the holy spirit I read and did commentary on the first 13 or 15 chapters on another discussion forum and an older one of my own some years back,.....so just went with the flow and used my own interpretation and discernment of course. There was a period of some confusion or difficulty in trying to understand some parts of the text, but some things eventually shown thru and a common stream of coherent yet intuitive insights broke thru,...it took some time. Its not for everyone, but David R. Hawkins rates it about 500 or little higher on the Consciousness scale so its in that higher frequency range of 'love', so its true message and power is definitely positive according to this rating :)

I was just looking for my book, and cant find it! Otherwise I also used to access online text editions for study and discussion groups. The truth that I've so far seen it teachs or reveals didnt appear 'demonic' to me, as it focuses on love, forgiveness and a more rational humane concept of 'atonement' really, than a babaric 'blood-atonement' concept taught by the churches, where 'God' is actually a blood-thirsty deity, among other things very non-divine like! You judge a tree by its a fruit, just like you do a person (divine or otherwise). It focuses on the essential reality that God is love, light, truth, spirit....same tradition as the mystic John and his gospel,.......those who love are those who know 'God' because 'God' is love (such is universal law),....so love which is a unifying presence, power, reality,....is KEY. - Love teaches about forgiveness, healing and making whole again,.....love always calls the soul back HOME, to the right mind of the Spirit.

I listened occasionally to Dr. Ken Wapnick teaching the Course - FACIM . -
The Circle of Atonement study group also was helpful. The foundational postulate upon which ACIM stands is -

Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.
(ACIM, Preface.1:1-3)

The stanza above appears to be a logically true statement, if we accept the metaphysical reality of 'God' as the only source and substance of reality, that is imperishable, eternal, unchanging, absolute. There can only be peace, wholeness and sanity in 'God' alone, so having any other mind or way of thinking that is not established in 'God' is unreal, non-existent, erroneous.

It remains for the critics who call it 'demonic' to prove such, otherwise any truth it teaches speaks for itself, by its own principle which may be further confirmed by experience.



Active Member
Premium Member
Hi forum,

has anyone of you ever read the book or followed A Course in Miracles ? Would you recommend it as a good read / experience?
I understand that the book was dictated to the author by Jesus. I have been through some of it and it is good information and advice as well as practical lessons. I don't think it is that much help unless you do the course work - that is hard work (unfortunately I am not good at hard work)


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
I believe A course in miracles is wrong.

I believe the book misleads people. Sin do exist. Our life is not a illusion

Yes God loves us uconditionally. Thats true.


our actions do have consequenses. Karma exist. Divine justice exist. Divine justice is part of God's love. If God was not just, then God is not love.

Hell and reincarnation do exist. But in the end all will go to heaven


Soul Pioneer
I believe A course in miracles is wrong.

I believe the book misleads people. Sin do exist. Our life is not a illusion

Yes God loves us uconditionally. Thats true.


our actions do have consequenses. Karma exist. Divine justice exist. Divine justice is part of God's love. If God was not just, then God is not love.

Hell and reincarnation do exist. But in the end all will go to heaven

The basic idea or principles in the Course are not necessarily 'wrong' unless you have a criteria or standard by which to judge such :) Its offering of a better concept of 'atonement' and universal 'forgiveness' provides a better understanding and approach to love IMO, so as a newer revelation by 'Jesus' (so proposed) it may offer to some a greater freedom and rationale of living from the attitude of love in the 'right mind' where the holy spirit can lead and guide. If truth is universal and the 'Christ' can indwell all souls who open to 'God' and allow his Spirit to guide them, then I dont see where the Course differs from a more traditional religious route, as long as universal truth and love are the founding principles and the light of 'God' is that power which directs the soul forward.

I've not delved into the Course in some time, but it does have its perks :) I do need to get back into the swing of things and may start some of my own threads here.

The premise of the Course holds.......'nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists, herein lies the peace of God'. - what is untrue here? One must by intuition see the metaphysical truth in the saying and explore therefrom in the greater context of life. The love, light, power, wisdom of 'God' are omnipresent. Truth itself, if referring to its most intimate source and nature... is 'God' itself,....that alone which is ABSOLUTE. - all else is a relative abstraction. So, there is only abiding lasting peace in 'God' alone, which is what the Course trains the mind to 'see' and live from....the knowledge of Spirit.

Holy Spirit dove.jpg
