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A Debate About God.


Boy Genius
Hello. I am an atheist wishing to have a debate about the existence of God with those who believe in him. However, this forum does not need to be limited to the Abrahamic Gods of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

To start this off, I would like to know why you (the believer) believe in God. When I say this, I do not mean little details that may only make sense with God, but the core reason that convinces you that a God exits. If, however, you believe solely on faith, then I wish to know why you believe faith in your religion than in others.

Great. Now lets see where this thread goes :D.


Premium Member
This would be tough. I can't say exactly why I believe. The reason I chose Christianity as my faith is only because I knew the most about it. If I had grown up somewhere other than the USA, who knows what faith I would be following.
Besides that, Religions seem to have a lot in common- not all but most. They have a lot of differences, too.


Hostis humani generis
To start this off, I would like to know why you (the believer) believe in God. When I say this, I do not mean little details that may only make sense with God, but the core reason that convinces you that a God exits.
Personal and mystical experiences that I will not divulge.

If, however, you believe solely on faith, then I wish to know why you believe faith in your religion than in others.
All roads lead to Rome, I just want to travel on a road I feel comfortable in and enjoy, and whose inhabitants agree with some, most, or all of what I say.


Mother Heathen
I believe in God because I believe in Love. I'm a Christian but no longer one who subscribes to the staunch religious components of Christianity. Church, fire and brimstone...all of the little pieces that can drive you crazy mean nothing to me...

I have a very simplistic view. I believe in a God of Love who instructs us to live amongst others in love, kindness and charity.

I do believe in Christ. The Trinity is the core of my faith. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I see God in nature and in people. I believe in good works and kindness. Repenting. Forgiveness. Hard work. Compassion. Expression and a little bit of humor.

That's it.

God is amazing.
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Lonesome Religionist
Hello. I am an atheist wishing to have a debate about the existence of God with those who believe in him. However, this forum does not need to be limited to the Abrahamic Gods of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

To start this off, I would like to know why you (the believer) believe in God. When I say this, I do not mean little details that may only make sense with God, but the core reason that convinces you that a God exits. If, however, you believe solely on faith, then I wish to know why you believe faith in your religion than in others.

Great. Now lets see where this thread goes :D.

The true God concept should be over and above Abrahamic concept of God. Conceptually, God is of the highest value man can conceive, the loving Father of the all intelligences who are able to know Him. A child has no concept how home is made, it first loves its Parent before going to learn about its Parent.
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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I believe because, as I have said before, I am naturally disposed towards deification, and this makes more sense when directed towards actual deities, who represent ideals, than in imperfect men.

My faith in my religion is based on personal experience, tempered by logic and reason. Therefore, the only thing I believe with faith is that God exists; everything else is arrived at via logic and reason. Therefore, I recognize biological evolution as the explanation for the diversity of life, and the big bang theory as the most likely start of this universe.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
"God" is an adjective to describe something that is awe inspiring, magical, sacred, and/or worthy of honor/reverence. It's not a matter of believing in anything. The Universe exists. The Universe is awesome. I call it "divine" because it is awesome and worthy of reverence.


Its only a Label
Friend Daviso452,

Sorry, there is no one or nothing which is GOD.
It is purely a concept and human mind as is its nature latches on to anything, even a concept.
Existence itself is what God is and since you are existing itself is proof of being part of that concept from which you cannot get out off!

Love & rgds


Active Member
Hello. I am an atheist wishing to have a debate about the existence of God with those who believe in him. However, this forum does not need to be limited to the Abrahamic Gods of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

To start this off, I would like to know why you (the believer) believe in God. When I say this, I do not mean little details that may only make sense with God, but the core reason that convinces you that a God exits. If, however, you believe solely on faith, then I wish to know why you believe faith in your religion than in others.

Great. Now lets see where this thread goes :D.

Do you believe in yourself, Davis? Do you believe in your name Davis. Did you ever ask your Mom & Dad why they named you Davis. That they have FAITH in you after you have grown up would live up to your name Davis. Who was Davis.. He believed in God & had faith as solid as Fort Knox.

Why the change of heart?


Veteran Member
Do you believe in yourself, Davis? Do you believe in your name Davis. Did you ever ask your Mom & Dad why they named you Davis. That they have FAITH in you after you have grown up would live up to your name Davis. Who was Davis.. He believed in God & had faith as solid as Fort Knox.

Why the change of heart?

why are you changing the subject?


Veteran Member


Veteran Member
It`s because this song is the reason why Davis created this OP in the 1st place. You`ve got to psych reasons why RF members starts such OPs like this. & my gut feeling he posted it was due to his being lonely & unwanted.. There`s nothing to debate here. The poor guy simply wants attention & understanding.

all kidding aside...
i think it was a great question to ask. sometimes we need to revisit our beliefs...at least it is to me... :)


the whole idea of jesus dieing on the cross where most religions say that were saved by.....he was murdered by the herodian kings and the forces of sol invictus behind the roman empire.....they are right as they were saved by killing him as he started to warn people that they were those days illuminati. the illuminati today continue from them......hasnt anyone ever questioned why the bloodline from adam to jesus wasnt attacked and wiped out..... interesting that jesus told his apostles to sell their purses and by swords.... some thing to think about....


Well-Known Member
To start this off, I would like to know why you (the believer) believe in God. When I say this, I do not mean little details that may only make sense with God, but the core reason that convinces you that a God exits.

(imo) it makes sense that there is Creator for this amazing universe

All what surrounds us in this world has a start, and has an end

A baby is born (life starts) and 70 or 90 years later this person dies (life ends)

A baby does not come into life on its own, there is a reason (parents)

And the same applies to all creatures

But the logical exception to this rule is that there is "something" we can't see who neither has a start nor an end who must have brought all this into existence, as the universe itself is not eternal (it had a start around 14 billion years ago)

That is the Creator, and He is Eternal ...


But the logical exception to this rule is that there is "something" we can't see who neither has a start nor an end who must have brought all this into existence, as the universe itself is not eternal (it had a start around 14 billion years ago)
I'm sorry, but special pleading is not a 'logical exception'.


Well-Known Member
Hello AA

It is an exception which confirms the rule

This universe is not eternal, and if it has a Creator who is not eternal, then the next logical question would be "Who created the creator?"

As the only logical answer is that "nobody created the Creator", then the only explanation is that the Creator must be eternal


Hello AA

It is an exception which confirms the rule

This universe is not eternal, and if it has a Creator who is not eternal, then the next logical question would be "Who created the creator?"

As the only logical answer is that "nobody created the Creator", then the only explanation is that the Creator must be eternal
First, how do you know the universe isn't eternal?

Second, you are really just reiterating your special pleading argument again. Additionally you are using a false premise that there is indeed a creator when no such creator has ever been proven, and therefore is not something I can give credibility to at this time. This in turn leads you into circular logic with the statement 'It is an exception which confirms the rule', or basically 'if there is an exception to the rule that a creation doesn't need a creator then there is a creator, which is true because if there is a creator than there is an exception to the rule that a creation needs a creator', and round and round we go.

I guess to summarize, if you are willing to accept that a creation (a creator in this instance) doesn't need a creator, then why not accept that the universe doesn't need a creator other than the laws of physics, which do explain things quite nicely.


Well-Known Member
First, how do you know the universe isn't eternal?

Second, you are really just reiterating your special pleading argument again. Additionally you are using a false premise that there is indeed a creator when no such creator has ever been proven, and therefore is not something I can give credibility to at this time. This in turn leads you into circular logic with the statement 'It is an exception which confirms the rule', or basically 'if there is an exception to the rule that a creation doesn't need a creator then there is a creator, which is true because if there is a creator than there is an exception to the rule that a creation needs a creator', and round and round we go.

I guess to summarize, if you are willing to accept that a creation (a creator in this instance) doesn't need a creator, then why not accept that the universe doesn't need a creator other than the laws of physics, which do explain things quite nicely.

1- The universe came into existence around 14 billion years ago, though a long duration 14 billion years is quantifiable, it is not eternity

2- In order not to get into a circular loop, the only way out of it is that the Creator is not constrained by time like we are. If He created this universe with all its laws, He would not be constrained by His own laws, like an engineer who builds a robot is not constrained by the software he designed to build the robot

3- The universe needs a Creator because it is an intelligent universe, and its features proves that its designer is very intelligent and very mighty


Hostis humani generis
2- In order not to get into a circular loop, the only way out of it is that the Creator is not constrained by time like we are. If He created this universe with all its laws, He would not be constrained by His own laws, like an engineer who builds a robot is not constrained by the software he designed to build the robot
Do you mean the creator is not bound by logic, or by time, or something else?

3- The universe needs a Creator because it is an intelligent universe, and its features proves that its designer is very intelligent and very mighty
I don't see this, personally, although I am a theist. What makes you think this is the case? :)