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A Debate About God.

there is safe radiation and dangerous radiation....the dangerous radiation from the sun is mostly blocked out by our atmosphere

but the radiation that comes from radioactive material that we produce can enter our waterways and when we drink that water, we get poisoned and that causes problems... i really shouldnt have to explain this.

you cant answer the question about what information is produced by electromagnetism because you know the answer is that it does not produce information. Natural forces cannot produce information full stop.

Will stop saying that DNA is Information! Don't you understand that you already have a conclusion in your argument. Information implies that some one put it THERE for a purpose. < WHICH WE CAN NOT KNOW!!!! FOR F SAKE DNA HAS A NATURAL ORIGIN!!! AND ITS MECHANISM IS NATURAL AS WELL. THAT IS DEMONSTRABLE there are dozens of videos on YT showing all of this. NOT to mention the whole of science!

To say that "god made DNA" is like saying: "god caused the twins to collapse after the planes hit theme" or when dog bites you, you don't say "God bit me" or
"God made my car all twisted and broken after i crushed in a tree wit it"

And i already said that el.magne. can not produce any thing alone! But in reality we have FOUR forces working together that produce STARS,Galaxies, DNA ....

And like i said there many other influences that produce defects in DNA. The mechanism that replicas DNA it self makes mistakes, which produce flaws.
This is why when a population is to low it cant survive because there are to many flaws build up. Which is one of the reasons why Noah's ark is BS. => Bible is wring!
Do not blame humanity for gods design. If it wore not for humanity and scientists we would not have 7bil. people today. and such a low mortality rate. It was thinking like "GOD DID IT" that made us stuck for a few 1000nd years.


Jehovah our God is One
Will stop saying that DNA is Information! Don't you understand that you already have a conclusion in your argument. Information implies that some one put it THERE for a purpose. < WHICH WE CAN NOT KNOW!!!! FOR F SAKE DNA HAS A NATURAL ORIGIN!!! AND ITS MECHANISM IS NATURAL AS WELL. THAT IS DEMONSTRABLE there are dozens of videos on YT showing all of this. NOT to mention the whole of science!

To say that "god made DNA" is like saying: "god caused the twins to collapse after the planes hit theme" or when dog bites you, you don't say "God bit me" or
"God made my car all twisted and broken after i crushed in a tree wit it"

And i already said that el.magne. can not produce any thing alone! But in reality we have FOUR forces working together that produce STARS,Galaxies, DNA ....

And like i said there many other influences that produce defects in DNA. The mechanism that replicas DNA it self makes mistakes, which produce flaws.
This is why when a population is to low it cant survive because there are to many flaws build up. Which is one of the reasons why Noah's ark is BS. => Bible is wring!
Do not blame humanity for gods design. If it wore not for humanity and scientists we would not have 7bil. people today. and such a low mortality rate. It was thinking like "GOD DID IT" that made us stuck for a few 1000nd years.

ok mate, I can see that this subject frustrates you so i wont press it any further.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I take it you give up.

More likely scenarios:

1. Simply hasn't been on.
2. Doesn't want to deal with somewhat aggressive and angry posting. More polite and friendly debates are more inviting; angry ones from any side are undesirable for most people.
Hello. I am an atheist wishing to have a debate about the existence of God with those who believe in him. However, this forum does not need to be limited to the Abrahamic Gods of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

To start this off, I would like to know why you (the believer) believe in God. When I say this, I do not mean little details that may only make sense with God, but the core reason that convinces you that a God exits. If, however, you believe solely on faith, then I wish to know why you believe faith in your religion than in others.

Great. Now lets see where this thread goes :D.
The reason I believe there is a God is because of the existence of everything. Watching a flower germinate and grow to blossom reproduce and die. The complicated movements of the stars & planets & moons. I do not believe that all of this could occur by chance. While science tries to explain it all, it cannot duplicate it. I am waiting for the day that a man can create a star. That is the day I will rethink my position.

Now please tell us why you do not believe!


Its only a Label
Friend Daviso,

To start this off, I would like to know why you (the believer) believe in God.
Sorry have no belief system.
When I say this, I do not mean little details that may only make sense with God, but the core reason that convinces you that a God exits. If, however, you believe solely on faith, then I wish to know why you believe faith in your religion than in others.
Since the above is TRUE then have no path to follow just walk my own path.
Love & rgds
More likely scenarios:

1. Simply hasn't been on.
2. Doesn't want to deal with somewhat aggressive and angry posting. More polite and friendly debates are more inviting; angry ones from any side are undesirable for most people.

Repeating assertions and same circular logic arguments are desirable. Any one would have been ****** off.

I repeated at least 3 times that the el.mag. force cant produce anything by it self, but all of the Natural forces together can, and they do and it is demonstrable.
And he tells me that i cant answer or didn't answer his question!?

And he constantly asserts that there is information in DNA in the sense that some intelligence put it there=> therefore God put it there. I pointed out this at least 2 times.

And he still assert it, so off course i got frustrated and ****** of.

Typical creationist tactic, presume some thing constantly, wait for it to **** of the debater, leave the debate claiming victory because the atheist was angry and ****** of, there for he is of the devil. There fore God must exist :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
The reason I believe there is a God is because of the existence of everything. Watching a flower germinate and grow to blossom reproduce and die. The complicated movements of the stars & planets & moons. I do not believe that all of this could occur by chance. While science tries to explain it all, it cannot duplicate it. I am waiting for the day that a man can create a star. That is the day I will rethink my position.

Now please tell us why you do not believe!

The time to believe a claim is when there is evidence to support it. And saying, "I can't think of how this could have happened, therefor god" is an argument from ignorance. Which is faulty reasoning.
The reason I believe there is a God is because of the existence of everything. Watching a flower germinate and grow to blossom reproduce and die. The complicated movements of the stars & planets & moons. I do not believe that all of this could occur by chance. While science tries to explain it all, it cannot duplicate it. I am waiting for the day that a man can create a star. That is the day I will rethink my position.

Now please tell us why you do not believe!

We can actually create a star..in theory, we have a fairly good idea how it works, it would be just a matter of resources and some research.

There is no chance, we are all subjects to the laws of nature, there are not random.

Science dose explain a LOT and it contentious to explain new phenomena every day. the speed of this discoveries is growing every day as well because of thous discoveries, and many of theme make our lives longer and happier.
And we can duplicate many natural phenomena:
Wind,Ice,snow,light,water,heat .... you name it.

As for GOD

Absence of one explanation dose not make other supernatural explanation correct.

And the super natural explanations have the worst track record of being correct in history.

Like Tristesse said "The time to believe a claim is when there is evidence to support it"

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I believe in an impersonal God because the universe is psychologically convenient. Although, this God doesn't even need or deserves to be labeled 'God', being that for all I know it could simply be the force of gravity.


Just me
Premium Member
I believe in an impersonal God because the universe is psychologically convenient. Although, this God doesn't even need or deserves to be labeled 'God', being that for all I know it could simply be the force of gravity.
What do you mean by "psychologically convenient"?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Repeating assertions and same circular logic arguments are desirable. Any one would have been ****** off.

Any one?

Doesn't really excuse my point that aggressive posting generally doesn't do well.

After all, I've gotten VERY annoyed by this sort of thing many times, but I still endeavor to keep my posts civil and polite, because that's more conductive to fulfilling the forum's mission statement, and helps encourage actual discussion rather than verbal peeing contests.