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A lot Of People Talk About Needing Evidence To Believe There’s A God

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
A lot Of People Talk About Needing Evidence To Believe There’s A God
Do they know what real entity they intend to denote when they talk about it? Or do they mean simply a god who's a concept, notion, thing imagined in an individual brain?
If life itself, a miracle beyond words, isn’t enough evidence then I don’t know what to tell you.
Perhaps if you undertook to inform yourself on what we know about biology, and what we're still seeking to know, that would help to relieve your problem.


Veteran Member
If life itself, a miracle beyond words, isn’t enough evidence then I don’t know what to tell you.
You only need evidence for a physical phenomenon, and that evidence has to be solely indicative of your hypothesis. "Look at the trees" doesn't cut it, as that can be equally (or better) explained by evolution.
When, what you call god, is not in the realm of science, you don't need evidence, you need a strong argument. You need an internally consistent metaphysics with as few axioms as possible.
But believers usually don't even have a concrete idea what their god is. Have you ever thought about that?


Active Member
If life itself, a miracle beyond words, isn’t enough evidence then I don’t know what to tell you.

Yeah, you're probably wrong but that's cool, it doesn't sort of matter.

What matters is the end product of what believing in a god can do. Love and all that stuff is great (BTW love comes from millions of years of human evolution) but it goes beyond that.

Certain god believers have some very whacky values as far as I'm concerned and here is a small list of some from the USA. Not including all the other god believers throughout the world.

Just a few off the top of my head

Abortion, Homosexuality, VAD, Women's rights, Stem Cell research, No pre marital sex, Conservative monetary policy

Yeah love thy neighbour, right :confused:

So in other words, keep it to yourself.
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Veteran Member

A lot Of People Talk About Needing Evidence To Believe There’s A God​

Not just a god. But anything. To believe X, I require evidence to rationally justify belief in X

If life itself, a miracle beyond words, isn’t enough evidence
How is that evidence for a god?
then I don’t know what to tell you.
Then what are you doing creating a thread about it?

Also, if you "don't know what to tell us", doesn't that kind of imply that you acknowledge that it's not actually evidence in any way?
Wouldn't you be able to explain how it is evidence if it is actually evidence?

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To me, is Jesus God? The finite disciplines may throw in the towel on rational proof saying, "We do knot know how rationally, Jesus can be God." And we are not asking proof, in faith we believe as Abraham, and resurrection life we know is fulfilled by the promise, and God sword by His own Name to Abraham and Isaac, eternal life to the Bodies, from the spirit through the flesh for the souls of the beings through the Eternal Christ in all mankind, shared and the descendants of Abraham and Isaac, fulfilled by The Christ in all mankind.

To me in logic and faith, the sacraments of Death to life are Baptism, new life for the flesh and Penance, new life for the spirit. We know only God has the power to forgive sins and on earth at the cross with Dismas, Jesus forgives and also again with the paralyzed man, Jesus says, arise and walk, what is greater to walk again or that sins be forgiven? the paralyzed man who carried his mat on the Sabbath, who carries his mat, his burden with him is proof The Christ. And in logic and faith is the mind, the intelligence of Creaton as the Will of the Father in the flesh of the Person of Jesus is God. And at the Casket, He takes hold of the casket and the dead man sits up and begins to talk and Jesus gives him back to his mother. And the Person of Jesus conceived in the Will of the Father, the Person of the Holy Spirit, leaves behind for all the Holy Spirit Person from the Cross when He says, “It is finished.” He "Gives up the Ghost," and leaves behind for all mankind to share as one in being, the Paraclete, the Advocate, the Holy Spirit Person who becomes the Person, the will of The Father, the intelligence of Creation manifesting through Our own flesh for the soul of our own personal Christ as “What would Jesus do in all cases of fulfilled faith and morality."

The logic in The Kingdom of the Divine Will and the faith of Abraham has more power than any of the finite disciplines of earth to me.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

If one does believe in pixies then:
If the pixies are the God selected in spirit by the being then the selected spirit will manifest the being through transfiguration.
We become again into the image of Creation for the Father, in logic.
Through choice, we become again.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
If life itself, a miracle beyond words, isn’t enough evidence then I don’t know what to tell you.
If you aren't willing to keep on learning - given that the knowledge we have (can have possibly) is hardly complete - then I don't know what to tell you. And just picking one explanation that appeals to yourself is a notorious way to put the blinders on. Which is what many religious beliefs do - like YECs (easiest example) - in closing down areas of knowledge that could be available to them - because such might conflict with any religious teaching.

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

True, we become the state of the spirit selected at transformation, through death and resurrection in logic and through faith.

If Pixies are the selected spirit, the spirit that manifests immortality, incorruptibility becoming glorified and transfigured becoming the image of creation than true, by selection of the being in the body, with choice. What spirit manifests the flesh through the soul is the selected state of the being at glorification and transfiguration.

In logic and through manifestation by the spirit, we become the fulfilled faith and morality of the selected spirit.
or, we become the image through the fulfilled faith and morality of the Creator God for The Father.

To me in logic, What must we do for salvation in logic is through Choice.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
If life itself, a miracle beyond words, isn’t enough evidence then I don’t know what to tell you.

If one is making a guess about something, that's one thing. But if you're saying that something is true, it's a fair question to ask how you reached that conclusion. If the only evidence we have is that "something" happened and the result is the life we see here on Earth, then that's all we can conclude. But we have no evidence as to "who" or "what" may have caused this "something" to happen.

Frankly, I don't see why it's even necessary to draw any conclusions anyway. Why is it so necessary for people to assume that "there is a god" or that "there must be a god"? Yes, life exists (and maybe it's a miracle), but why is it necessary to take any kind of stance beyond that?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Seeing is believing. Many people simply do not see; and only God, it seems, can open their eyes.
Argument from personal incredulity and false dichotomy.

Those who don't understand a process or mechanism frequently perceive it as magic. That way they can dismiss it without the bother of actually thinking about it.


Well-Known Member
Argument from personal incredulity and false dichotomy.

Those who don't understand a process or mechanism frequently perceive it as magic. That way they can dismiss it without the bother of actually thinking about it.

I’m not the one dismissing what I don’t understand