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A new idea on religion

free spirit

Well-Known Member
dont get me wrong, im not here to offend anyones religion. im just looking for information behing all the fire and brimstone. i would like to be able to deside for myself what im being told, and not scared into believing. when i say common sence, i mean i would like to hear something that actually could have happened. not the fairytale version. i think thats the hardest part of religion to swallow. i started to read the bible when i was a kid. i got as far as Noahs children (300+ years in age) and i put it right down. i just want the core of what im being told.
If you are searching, you must know what you are looking for.
I see it this way,
1) God wants a family for himself to populate the universe
2) A family worthy of him, so they must be holy
3) He has provided the way to that Holiness
4) The way is to believe in Jesus, and to imitate his life of love for humanity.
The apostle Peter has made the way simple to follow, the italics have been introduced by me for clarity of understanding, for we read in 2nd Peter 1:5 to 11, “Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, you will acquire knowledge; and in your knowledge, supply self-control, and in your self-control, you will acquire perseverance, and in your perseverance, you will also acquire godliness; and in your godliness, supply brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, you will acquire love.
For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he who lacks these qualities is blind or short-sighted, having forgotten his purification from his former sins. Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about his calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble; for in this way the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will be abundantly supplied to you.”

Welcome to the forum.
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im on a mission, its called common sence. maybe someone can help me because religion doesnt seem to fit into this concept. i look for answers everywhere. science, different religions, history ,and the opinion of others. im very open minded and believe to a certain extent that there are some truths among the ignorance. does anyone have a different opinion about religion that is somewhat outside of the box?

I am sepaking only to a couple of the specific words you have used. You spoke of "common" sense ... it seems to me that some sense of religion is (and has been) common to the majority of human beings.
A friendly question ... you seemed to speak of ignorance being somehow negative ... and you also said that your are looking for answers seeking opinions, things outside the box. So, I'm a bit confused - ignorance, according to my dictionary, is said to be a lack of knowledge or being unaware of something ... What is it that is driving your seeking, if not "ignorance" :confused:


I am sepaking only to a couple of the specific words you have used. You spoke of "common" sense ... it seems to me that some sense of religion is (and has been) common to the majority of human beings.
A friendly question ... you seemed to speak of ignorance being somehow negative ... and you also said that your are looking for answers seeking opinions, things outside the box. So, I'm a bit confused - ignorance, according to my dictionary, is said to be a lack of knowledge or being unaware of something ... What is it that is driving your seeking, if not "ignorance" :confused:

im finding that i should have been much more specific in my original post. the trend of alot of the books ive been reading have been about analizing the stories of the bible and trying to figure out the stories that are usually regarded as nonsence. it is the opinion of some that these stories could hold truths, exaggarated truths im sure. not many people believe the story of noahs ark to be a global flood, but im sure that people believe that it could be a true story about a regional flood. when i suggested ignorance ,or common sence ,i just wanted the opinions of people that believe in these stories, but not literally. not exactly an easy topic to cover. ignorance itself is not a bad thing . expecially when its recognised. yes , it is ignorance that brought me here. but there are different degrees of ignorance. no offence intended but i believe its ignorant to believe in fairytales and swear to their truth. that was what i was trying to suggest unsuccessfully. but i am learning that i need to be carefull how i use words, expecially when being so unclear.