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A new religion.

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I am starting a new religion, it's called 'Get it all for $100'
I will guarantee to get you into heaven or anyplace else you would like to
go when you die, and you can have anything you want when you get there,anything,
all you need do is send me $100, for that you can have anything you want, be anything,
sit where you like, have sex with anything you like, and that's no all, no praying, bowing,
chanting, singing praises, no special clothes, hats, beards or dreadlocks, foods, eat what you like, and if you feel like going early, be my guest, whenever you feel like going, go.
and like every other religion on this planet I will make you this promise.
If I do not deliver on any of the promises I have made, come back and I will give you your
money back.....


Religion is not free, to belive in everlasting life, you must kill at least half of you brain, stop reading between the lines, believe ideas to be the truth, tell yourself not to think,
just because I can imagine a heaven does not make it real, for you heaven is a real place.
how much denial does it take to believe that, and you say it's free????
If there was no god, good men would do good things and bad men would do bad things,
it takes religion to make good men do bad things.(not my words)


shytot said:
Religion is not free, to belive in everlasting life, you must kill at least half of you brain, stop reading between the lines, believe ideas to be the truth, tell yourself not to think,
just because I can imagine a heaven does not make it real, for you heaven is a real place.
how much denial does it take to believe that, and you say it's free????
If there was no god, good men would do good things and bad men would do bad things,
it takes religion to make good men do bad things.(not my words)
So you think religion makes good men do bad things? Please explain.

I must kill half my brain? Close, I do have to die to my old self, but still use all my brain, the creative and logical side. You realize if you were using logic you would be religious. Why? Because the odds are in my favor. If there is no God and we die then who cares, at least I tried to live my life to some set standards. Now if there is a God and we die, you go to hell and I go to heaven. So if you want to use logic lets use odds, there for I'm using my brain and your not.:D


*Foxy Lady*
Steven Wienberg "Without religion, we would have good people doing good things, and evil people doing evil things, but for good people to do evil things, it takes religion".

Abram, I dont need some myth to tell me how to live my life. I live by my own standards and for myself. Being religious just incase there is a god does not mean your using your brain, it means you waste your entire life believing some old bed-time story. I don't think "god" would like people to worship him because its logical. No offense, but your making no sense whatsoever.

Peace x

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
This is the atheism forum (which means no debating, ahem)... what does this thread have to do with atheism?


I must admit, it must be wonderful to be able to believe in something someone told you, just because they said it was the truth, life would be so much easier, to go with the flow, but if it makes no sense, then it makes no sense, you can talk until your blue it wont change anything, what most non-believers have trouble with, is how believers are so convinced they have the real truth, others have somehow got it wrong, when the message was given out, they were the ones given the truth, they were just lucky I guess, born in the right place or spoke the right language, had the right parents or just happened to be born in the right country, if religion was such a big thing in our lives, I somehow think luck would not play such a big part, as for myself I was brought up a 'Samoan idol worshiper' but someone broke the idol, so I was left with nothing.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
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