As a synchretic I often borrow rituals from other religions. While for the most part these have been from Pagan traditions I have recently considered also utilizing some of the rituals and rites from Christian faiths to help me on my spiritual journey. One in particular that came to mind was the idea of the sacrament of penance held by the catholic church. Now clearly my beliefs are vastly different from that of Catholicism, however I do see the inherent value in going to confession, having that safe and anonymous space to confess wrongs that have been done, and through that confession begin the work of cleansing one's soul and reaching forgiveness. The only difference I would see between me and the catholic next door is that while they seek forgiveness from one external god, I would seek forgiveness from my own internal divinity.
It's something I'm considering exploring but I thought I'd bring the idea up here so everyone can give their thoughts on the matter and perhaps even some advice.
So perhaps a few questions to start things off: What do you think of the idea of someone who isn't catholic and has no intention of becoming catholic going to a catholic confessional? Would you see it as disrespectful or insulting? Are there any other thoughts you have on the matter?
It's something I'm considering exploring but I thought I'd bring the idea up here so everyone can give their thoughts on the matter and perhaps even some advice.
So perhaps a few questions to start things off: What do you think of the idea of someone who isn't catholic and has no intention of becoming catholic going to a catholic confessional? Would you see it as disrespectful or insulting? Are there any other thoughts you have on the matter?