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a picture is worth 1000 words


It was the year 2003 and I was surfing the net when somthing startling happened, I found a photo of Bahaullah. Now as a Bahai for many years and not able to go to Isreal to see the picture at the Bahai headquarters, I was quietly stunned.

Down in another thread I started in, "new religious movements", under the thread, "why maitreya is the new messiah", I posted the picture.

I didn`t think to post it here would be respectful.


drew- i have seen this image as well. isn't it true that Baha'is are not supposed to view images of Baha'ullah? kind of like viewing images of Mohammed for some Muslims, i think. if so, why did you post it?


Will to love
gracie said:
drew- i have seen this image as well. isn't it true that Baha'is are not supposed to view images of Baha'ullah? kind of like viewing images of Mohammed for some Muslims, i think. if so, why did you post it?
I'm sure a Baha'i will give us the teaching on this soon...but I second your question gracie. Baha'is consider this disrespectful and it's not approprite I don't think.


It is considered disrespectful by Baha'is to simply post a picture of Baha'u'llah on the internet as there is often a lack of reverance and consideration. The only places where it is acceptable is in a Holy Place as on pilgrimage or say at a dedication of a House of Worship.

- Art

Here's a letter from the Office of Public Information that gives the Baha'i view:

Dear Mr. -------,

Your email message of 4 September 1999 to the Universal House of Justice concerning the contents of the Web site ... has been referred to our Office for response.

In one of His epistles, Abdu'l-Bahá, the son of Bahá'u'lláh, wrote that two photographs of Bahá'u'lláh were taken, both in Adrianople, Turkey, each in a different pose. There are copies of both pictures at the Bahá'í World Centre and one of these is displayed in the International Archives where it is viewed by Bahá'í pilgrims. The image reproduced on the Web site in question seems to be a poor reproduction of one of these photographs.

For Bahá'ís, the photograph of Bahá'u'lláh is very precious and it should not only be viewed but also handled with due reverence and respect, which is not the case here. Thus, it is indeed disturbing to Bahá'ís to have the image of Bahá'u'lláh treated in such a disrespectful way. However, as the creator of the site is not a Bahá'í, there is little, if anything, that can be done to address this matter. We hope these comments have been of assistance.


Office of Public Information


Well-Known Member
The website in question is Answering Baha`u'llah and it is extremely hostile to the Baha`i Faith. They post it largely because they know Baha`i's consider it disrespectful.Regards,Scott


I was a not involved with the Mission of Maitreya, but was actually a Bahai when I viewed the picture of Bahaullah. So do you think I was... "damaged", by looking at it?

I don`t understand the part about: it is a poor reproduction of the real picture. So does that mean that the rest of the world has to view a, "damaged", picture of Bahaullah? or, what is the revelance of a poor reproduction of a picture?

Answering Bahaullah website is, for sure against the Bahai Faith, and their posting of the picture of Bahaullah they were trying to show that they think the Bahais worship a picture, so they juxaposed a glittered up picture of Abdul-baha with it.

But yah know, I was a Bahai at the first time I saw the poor reproduction of the photo of Bahaullah, and I was distrubed by viewing it. Why was that so? Was I just looking at a picture, or was I thinking about the teachings of Bahaullah? Was I seeing the, "human", prophet in an earthly body, that for example- who is immune to stubbing their toe?- Are prophets walking, I mean floating around when they are on earth? What is this photo of Bahaullah really about?

You can also find a picture of the Bab, is you wish.


Well-Known Member
drew22 said:
It was the year 2003 and I was surfing the net when somthing startling happened, I found a photo of Bahaullah. Now as a Bahai for many years and not able to go to Isreal to see the picture at the Bahai headquarters, I was quietly stunned.

Down in another thread I started in, "new religious movements", under the thread, "why maitreya is the new messiah", I posted the picture.

I didn`t think to post it here would be respectful.

I'm disappointed - that's only 80 words!!:foot:


Well-Known Member
drew22 said:
I was a not involved with the Mission of Maitreya, but was actually a Bahai when I viewed the picture of Bahaullah. So do you think I was... "damaged", by looking at it?

I don`t understand the part about: it is a poor reproduction of the real picture. So does that mean that the rest of the world has to view a, "damaged", picture of Bahaullah? or, what is the revelance of a poor reproduction of a picture?

Answering Bahaullah website is, for sure against the Bahai Faith, and their posting of the picture of Bahaullah they were trying to show that they think the Bahais worship a picture, so they juxaposed a glittered up picture of Abdul-baha with it.

But yah know, I was a Bahai at the first time I saw the poor reproduction of the photo of Bahaullah, and I was distrubed by viewing it. Why was that so? Was I just looking at a picture, or was I thinking about the teachings of Bahaullah? Was I seeing the, "human", prophet in an earthly body, that for example- who is immune to stubbing their toe?- Are prophets walking, I mean floating around when they are on earth? What is this photo of Bahaullah really about?

You can also find a picture of the Bab, is you wish.

Actually the picture of the "Bab" is a picture of Siyyid Kazim al Rashti the leader of the Shaykhi School of Islam whose wish sent Mulla Husayn out to search for the Bab. There is no picture from life of the Bab. It's a pen and ink sketch of Siyyid Kazim al Rashti.

The Prophets in this earthly life suffered stubbed toes as often as any of us. The bab and Baha`u'llah were torured. The Bab and Jesus were murdered. Moses nearly died in the desert.

The thing about the low-quality photo of Baha`u'llah is that it is not displayed with the proper respect. The thing about the photo of Baha`u'llah is that He said we should not keep pictures of the Manifestations of God out of respect.

He said that if one wished to have a photo of anyone, they should have a photo of Abdu'l Baha because Abdu'l Baha was the perfecft example of what any Baha`i should strive to be. Shoghi Effendi discouraged people to keep photos of himself as well, out of respect for His Grandfather Abdu'l Baha.

Those who wish to see the photo of Baha`u'llah displayed in the proper reverence should go to the Archives Building and view it. It's open to non-Baha`i's too. Or attend the dedication of the House of Worship in Chile when it comes up in a couple years.

Were you ruined by the photo? Hardly. We are all responsible for our own "ruination". When you were a Baha`i what communities did you live in? I think you're in the western United States, and that's where I was most of the time. West Texas, Albuquerque, Bisbee, Az., Pocatello, Idaho, Oklahoma, Houston, Texas then Oklahoma again. Oklahoma is a southern state by Baha`i reckoning.




Maitreya on the Throne As Maitreya (Christ) always has been depicted to sit!


Well-Known Member
Not the case, Drew.

Baha'u'llah's photo is not shown only "to a select few," but to anyone who goes on pilgrimage, and is also displayed at other special events!

I, for example, first saw it in Panama at the dedication of the Baha'i temple there.




Well-Known Member

Your picture is not very good for several technical reasons.

1: Get closer, in portrait photography the individual is the subject not the furnishings of the room.

2: Use a better digital camera the pixel count isn't enough.

3: Better costuming and props. The robes and crown are pretty cheesy.

4: Kindly post it in an appropriate forum, this isn't it.



Maitreya lives in New Mexico, Albuaque at the Rancho Rio area. You don`t just visit him though, there is a gathering in the fall, and Maitreya talks and takes questions the first saturday of each month, via the internet. The home page has a link.


So what you are saying, Scott, is that composition of the photo, (I am a professional artist), does not make-it. That is, the spiritually of the teachings of the Greatest Sign and THOTH, are lost because of the composition of the photograph. In truth, it is the photogragher who took the picture. It is the artist who makes the art, silly.


who is the Maitreya? Sorry I have just never heard of him. If someone could fill me in that would be great.


Monat said:
who is the Maitreya? Sorry I have just never heard of him. If someone could fill me in that would be great.

The prophecy of Maitreya is well known in Buddhism and has been around for centuries... It is not unrelated to the Zoroastrian prophecy of the Saoshyant or endtime Saviour

In his book God Passes By, Shoghi Effendi identified Baha'u'llah as having fulfilled the prophecy of Maitreya.

He also identified the prophecies about the Kalkin avatar in Hinduism and the Return of Christ as also being fulfilled.

You can get a pretty good overview of the prophecies of the Maitreya at


There are many who have claimed to be Maitreya and so people need to use discrimination.

- Art


Arthra said :"It is considered disrespectful by Baha'is to simply post a picture of Baha'u'llah on the internet as there is often a lack of reverance and consideration. The only places where it is acceptable is in a Holy Place as on pilgrimage or say at a dedication of a House of Worship. "

Drew22: Bahai means universalism, everyone counts, all are included in Gods Kingdom, and all should eventually get to be One with God. You see, Arthra, the problem with this place, (this bahai forum) is that it completly turns its back on any other Bahais groups, things need to be loosened-up here, Bahai means universalism, everyone counts.

No, no, Arthra said ,here, does not have to be true, and actually it is not true. When I found this photo,
1) I was a Bahai at the time,(the ones from Haifia, the most popular group), and I was happy to see the photo, thank you, and I didn't care how I came about to see it, and it is not disrepectfull at all, thank you God. I was just curious to what Bahaullah looked like, but what he looks like is not important, or are you saying that it is important to know what Bahaullah looked like? NO, you said that it is disrespectful to, just, post the photo willy nilly on the net. Of course that is not what was done, I chose this forum, and that says alot as to how the posting went about.()
But I said you, worship, the photo. If that were not so, and you do not worship the photo, then why all the fuss about it, and why say that I am, "bashing the bahai faith"?

2) The Othodox Bahais use the photo in public, therefore, it is proven, and you could not possilby mean that Bahais find it disrespectful to post the photo.

3)Ayani said: "drew- i have seen this image as well. isn't it true that Baha'is are not supposed to view images of Baha'ullah? kind of like viewing images of Mohammed for some Muslims, i think. if so, why did you post it?"

drew22: Ayani gives us an indication that people who are not in the Bahai Faith, and don't know much about the Bahais,, think that Bahais worship the photo.

Of course I know the Bahais of any kind are not offended by the photo, but clearly, it is not offensive to post the photo on a bahai site on the internet.

Solution: Write a letter and ask if you can post the photo, because it is not disrespectful to do so. So that you can change the view of the UHJ on this matter.