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A place to start


I'm looking for a starting place with Paganism. It's probably the biggest thing that is tugging at me, for the moment, and so I was wondering if you had any suggestions or places that you yourself started at.


Flaming Queer
my irst point of call was to just talk about it to a pagan friend

second point of call - waterstones :D its a book retailer - get a recommended book on paganism and read, if you like what you read, read more! If you don't, then back to square 1:(

if you have any queeries about paganism, you can ask in another thread or PM me, we're here to help

blessed be


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Master Vigil said:
I started in the woods. :D
I know what you mean; when I am alone, in the wilds (Well, as 'wild' as we can get in England), I can almost 'smell' nature, feel it's power, as I walk around........ great place for inspiration and enlightening thoughts too.;)


Active Member
Master Vigil said:
I started in the woods. :D
totally agree, if not a park, a river just be with nature,
I think it was cunningham who said books contain so much wisdom but trees contain so much more


Fluffy said:
How much do you know about paganism already, Eynah?
I've read a few websites and the Idiots Guide to Paganism (not sure how good of a book that is). Other than that, I don't know as much as I'd like.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Hello and welcome, Eynah!

Is there a certain aspect of Paganism you're drawn to, or more the subject in general? Depending on where your interests lie, we might be able to find some books or fields of research that you might enjoy!


FeathersinHair said:
Hello and welcome, Eynah!

Is there a certain aspect of Paganism you're drawn to, or more the subject in general? Depending on where your interests lie, we might be able to find some books or fields of research that you might enjoy!
I think currently I'm more interested in the subject in general. From what I've read, though, druidism does tug at me a bit.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I started in the woods.
I can't wait for summer. I might take a week off of work just to go on a deep woods camping trip.
But anyways, www.witchvox.com has a list of pagan stores. That would be a good place to start your search. Some more popular authors of the subject are Raven Grimassi, Silver Raven Wolf, Edian McCoy, Patricia Telesco, Dorothy Morrison, and my favorite, Kanstantinos.


A fool
I've read a few websites and the Idiots Guide to Paganism (not sure how good of a book that is). Other than that, I don't know as much as I'd like.
I don't know how accurate the book is because I've never read it myself. I would advise that you will encounter much conflicting information when researching paganism and it is probably not a good idea to take any of the information you have come across so far for granted just to be on the safe side.

All of the information on this website is accurate as far as I have been able to tell:

As Luke mentioned, witchvox is also excellent for resources (keep in mind they are user written) and for asking specific questions. I am wary of giving any more detailed sites than these (though I suggest you check out all of the sources these pages link to as well) because it will be forced to concentrate on a single aspect of paganism, narrowing the scope of things, as it were.


Virus of the Mind
As Feathers implied , it is usually good to narrow it down . There are many views on what a Pagan is , or isn't . Even on what a Druid is or isn't . { speaking of Druids , I haven't seen Druidus for quite some time ??? }

BTW , Nature isn't only found in the forest , or along a stream . Nature can be found in a corn field , on a city street , or even in our own living room . It is just that there is lest to distract you at some locations then at others .
Eynah said:
I was wondering if you had any suggestions or places that you yourself started at.

I'm so glad you asked! Mwahahahaha! *digs around on hard drive* Here we are! This is an exercise I hand out when people are asking as you are :) Being able to copy and paste it saves typing time. Yes, I'm a lazy pagan! :p

Make three lists: Personal Interests, Personal Ethics and Personal Cosmology.

Personal Interests is all the things you like and enjoy, be they 'mundane' or 'magickal'. Write it ALL down. Yes, it will probably be a large list :) but that's a good thing.

Personal Ethics is how you feel about ideas and situations and how you do or would react. This is everything form the telling of white lies, to the giving of gifts, to murder. And yes, I'd expect this one would be long too :p

Personal Cosmology is how you view the universe and your relation to it. Is there a god? How do you perceive it? What does it do? Do plants have spirits? What happens when you dream? and so on. Again, expect a long list. And the longer the better.

Now go to look at them. Does anything jump out? If yes, great, if not that's okay too. The next thing you do is visit a book store or library. Get books on any and all paths that catch your interest. Have your lists on hand as you read said books so that you can readily compare the books ideas to your own. And see if your ideas fit with anything.

I doubt you'll find anything to be a perfect fit, but it will give you a good idea of where to start looking for more information.

Have fun!


Well-Known Member
Eynah said:
I'm looking for a starting place with Paganism. It's probably the biggest thing that is tugging at me, for the moment, and so I was wondering if you had any suggestions or places that you yourself started at.

Read up about the Goddess. She is the Mother of the gods and spouse of the sacrificial Sacred King in most Pagan traditions: a good place to start might be The White Goddess by Robert Graves or the Golden Bough by Sir James Frazier.
Godlike said:
Read up about the Goddess. She is the Mother of the gods and spouse of the sacrificial Sacred King in most Pagan traditions

Where are you getting your information from?

The idea of the Sacrificial King is limited to mostly European paths and even then it's not universal when you take into consideration that various ethnic groups, the invasions/migrations and the many time periods.


Towards the Sun
Read a wide variety of books, not just Wiccan ones, not just Heathen ones. Read some Taoist and Buddhist philosophy. Expand your horizons. :)


Well-Known Member
look up some necromantic texts, they are mostly out of print, and very expensive. but if you can find one, good luck.