Well-Known Member
You are on dangerous waters, I would sayThat's one way to do it.
I see science as giving us an understanding of what was meant in the Bible stories.
But of course when push comes to shove it is the science which has gone too far because of it's presupposition that everything has a natural explanation and not allowing the possibility of a creator and life giver in science.
That is understandable but should be understood as a reason there seems to be conflict between science and the Bible.
In the end it is the science which is not real science.
That said, I can incorporate evolution into my understanding of the Bible and many more localised floods in Noah's time.
It is amazing how science seems to be showing the Biblical narratives to be true imo.
At least I would advice or strongly suggest not to get to deep into claiming that science support or confirms the bible. because it will not be pretty
One thing that young earth creationists should have credit for, is to at least stay true to the bible in that regard when making their claims. There is a reason why they meet so much backlash.
The bible in my opinion, obviously not saying that you should agree with it, only if I should personally defend it. Is by far best done completely leaving science out of it, as I believe it will fail almost in everything single thing, if put to the test or you have to really do some interpretations to get around it.
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