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A question about death


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
(this is obviously aimed at non theists)..................

Do you fear Death ? (I am presuming that you believe that there is nothing left of you after death than the memories of those still living of you).

It seems to me that the pain of dying could be the only thing you would have to fear.

So, do you fear Death? If so, why?


I do, to a certain extent. I don't fear dying itself, but knowing that everything that I am will be gone is a little rattling. Maybe I'll welcome it by the time I'm old, like some of my friends suggest, but as a relatively young person still, the idea of simply ceasing to be is a sad one. It's quite easy for me to understand why many people turn to religious promises of eternal life, or reincarnation, but I just don't buy it. Plus, as much as I'd like to go on forever, I don't find the options I've seen so far as described by organized religion to be particularly comforting.

Scarlett Wampus

Do you fear Death ? (I am presuming that you believe that there is nothing left of you after death than the memories of those still living of you).

It seems to me that the pain of dying could be the only thing you would have to fear.

So, do you fear Death? If so, why?
Sometimes I do in certain moods but mostly I'm with what you said - the pain of dying is what I'd seek to avoid if possible.

If I let my mind drift then I find...I'm uncomfortable of the thought of how my death might effect others, again like you said.

I used to be uncomfortable with the thought that I'd done so little so to die before I'd had to chance to think things through; to have an "examined life" as Socrates supposedly said, would be a tremendous shame. That thought shocked me into really trying to think things through. It worked out and I felt ready for death afterwards, only, then there was the business of actually living. Much harder work. :)


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I have already looked death in the face once in my life. And even after years of meditation and practice, it was blissful and terrifying at the same time. My body was deteriorating, but my mind was in a place that surprised me. It was emotionally overwhelming for me. But the moment when I fully accepted my fate, all phenomena suddenly became so beautiful, vibrant, and precious.

Some have called it a miracle, but obviously I am here now and quite healthy. So my recovery has allowed me more time on this Earth to contemplate that moment in time when all I saw was love and beauty.

Death is by no means scary anymore. I certainly want to be here in order to finish raising my children, but if my number is up today or tomorrow or whenever, I'll have my arms open and my chin up.



Veteran Member
(this is obviously aimed at non theists)..................

Do you fear Death ? (I am presuming that you believe that there is nothing left of you after death than the memories of those still living of you).

It seems to me that the pain of dying could be the only thing you would have to fear.

So, do you fear Death? If so, why?

The greatest fear I have of death is the event being painful. Because I've had a great life and am thankful for the experiences and love I've had, (sounds contrite and corny - sorry, it's how I feel)....I'm not afraid to die. Besides, I truly do believe we live on somehow though I'm not concerned with the prospect.

I do often think about leaving my loved ones.....and the thought is so painful I avoid it. If my mind wanders in that direction I usually go into the other room to talk to one of them or call one of my loves on the phone. I feel better then. :)


Prince of Dorkness!
Hi Michel -

Is it a stereotype that all non-theists must believe that existence ends with this lifetime? It ain't so, my friend!

I do not fear death. I do not wish to die anytime soon, of course, but it isn't something I fear per se. I also don't believe that my death is "The End" of all things, either.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Even though I obviously have not completed the journey in this lifetime, I try to compare dying with giving birth. Most women aren't scared of having the baby in her arms, but of the process of labor and delivery.

It's VERY much like that. There's a certain amount of pain and suffering that isn't comparable to every day life. So, in effect, it's natural to want to avoid the pain of dying.



Prince of Dorkness!
A friend on another forum has this as his sig line:

Living is wonderful. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that worries me..........


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Hi Michel -

Is it a stereotype that all non-theists must believe that existence ends with this lifetime? It ain't so, my friend!

Sorry, I guess maybe I should have directed this at "atheists" - or would I still be wrong?


Prince of Dorkness!
That would depend on your definition of atheist.....if Buddhists are atheist (which many are) then the two points of atheism and belief in existence ending in this lifetime are definitely not congruent. ;)


The Devil's Advocate
Sorry, I guess maybe I should have directed this at "atheists" - or would I still be wrong?
Michel, I think what you really want is to ask people who don't believe in some kind of existence after this life, right?

There are non-theists/atheists who do believe in continued existence after this life. An example would be reincarnation.

And there are theists who do not believe in continued existence after this life, at least not in any form that would be recognizable to this self. I don't.

(And fwiw, I don't fear death.)


Fellowship of Reason
Do you fear Death ? (I am presuming that you believe that there is nothing left of you after death than the memories of those still living of you).

No, I don't fear death as such. I may fear what will happen to loved ones when I am gone, or of course the pain involved with dying, but not nonexistence.




Veteran Member
I do fear dying. I suspect most everyone does, it seems to me a rather sensible evolutionary trait.


I fear death, not for any very rational reason, I guess the idea of not being around bothers me. I know I probably won't even know I'm dead (unless I'm completely wrong about the way the universe works) but I still don't like the idea.

I try not to think about it too much though, I figure this is what I've got, if there's something after ******* awesome, but why let the idea that it will end distract from the wonder around me right now.


I fear the act of dying, but not death itself. I didn't exist for an eternity before I was born, I don't recall that being so bad. I imagine non-existence will be exactly that and I won't care. I choose to enjoy the time I have.


Premium Member
We've all got ti die at some point, I just hope that when I die I'll be old, surrounded by people I love and to die painlessly. But yea dieing scares the hell out of me, goes against almost every instinct in me.


I do not fear death simply because I won't be there. I don't fear dying as that is going to happen hopefully a long time from now and I have no time fearing everything possible.


Veteran Member
I do not fear death simply because I won't be there. I don't fear dying as that is going to happen hopefully a long time from now and I have no time fearing everything possible.
Would you be afraid if someone threatened to kill you with a handgun?


Would you be afraid if someone threatened to kill you with a handgun?

I think this kinda misses the fundamental question. The fact that your personality will cease to exist doesn't scare many people. Of course a person faced with a handgun will be afraid, it's a natural response. Just because they aren't afraid of death itself doesn't mean they aren't afraid of being killed