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A Question about Jews and Islam?


Doubting Thomas
The only "appropriate" religion for a Jew (from an Orthodox standpoint) is Judaism. However, for non-Jews Islam is considered OK. According to Rambam, Islam is a monotheistic religion and is therefore in conjunction with the Seven Laws of Noah and may be practiced by a non-Jew.

Wasn't Rambam living in Muslim controlled land when he wrote that? Was he therefore possibly under duress? I have heard that other authorities said Islam did not qualify as Noachide as they claimed prophethood for Muhammad and rejected the Jewish Scriptures as corrupted. True?


Doubting Thomas
I agree with what you are saying, but it's tough to label Christianity. There are many sects that believe different things. The ones that believe in a true trinity may not be considered monotheistic and is therefore problematic (which is why a jew can't go into a church), but the one's that believe that the trinity is just a symbolic reference to one true God may be fine.

But did not other authorities state that trinitarian Christians were only guilty of ****tuf?


Veteran Member
I would say that a Jew can only practice Judaism. However for a non-Jew, the label "religion" is not important, it is the precepts that it requires of its adherents that is important. In that case any religion that requires its members to follow what amounts to the 7 Noahide would be fine. Labels don't matter. You can call it "religion" or call it "bumper-cars", all that matters is what the individual is actually doing. If he is actually creating a court-system, not eating flesh of alive animal etc., then he himself is great.


New Member
Damn i just realised that iam almost 3 years here.

How time flies by.


Are you a German Jew living in Germany? If you don't mind my asking, did your family live in Germany before WW2? I'm curious about what the German Jewish community is like in Germany today, whether most of them are descended from the pre-WW2 German-Jewish community or whether they came later. I am Jewish and have some relatives in Germany. My mother was born in Germany but her parents were not from there. They were Eastern European refugees who moved to Germany after WW2. I am American by the way.


Well-Known Member

Are you a German Jew living in Germany? If you don't mind my asking, did your family live in Germany before WW2? I'm curious about what the German Jewish community is like in Germany today, whether most of them are descended from the pre-WW2 German-Jewish community or whether they came later. I am Jewish and have some relatives in Germany. My mother was born in Germany but her parents were not from there. They were Eastern European refugees who moved to Germany after WW2. I am American by the way.

This might answer some of your questions.
