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A question about The Second Amendment

Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
Your numbers are close. 83% of the military are poor to middle class. 17% are come from rich backgrounds, these are most likely officers, intelligence, communications etc and not grunt soldiers though.
I am not sure where you got the numbers. The stats I looked at indicate that the bulk of the military is made up of people from the middle classes. Those from poor and wealthy families only make up a small percentage of today's military.

That's easy. Its middle class to upper class college students from suburban areas.
I would say there is a pretty fair overlap among the two groups from what I have been reading. I don't think there is as much disparity economically as it is convenient to believer there is between the two groups. One just happens to have a larger upper class component perhaps.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Your claim was that the people were the militia and you would take hunters over a non-hunter any day.

The people are a militia. I would take a hunter over a non-hunter. This doesn't meant hunters would rise up and take leadership of a United movement though. You jump to conclusions far too often.

What other conclusion could there be?

No limits for you apparently.

What is significant about Afghanistan?

If you don't understand explaining will do no good.

I am not sure what this has to do with the limitations of guerilla warfare.

Point from above, proven.

All this propaganda is not a rebellion that would need military involvement


Cognitive dissonace

I would say you are jumping to conclusions here.

:D That is funny bunny rabbit man.

No. I said the majority of the military is made up of the middle classes.

Then you'd be wrong. Because the majority is made up of the poor and middle class.

Where is this coming from? I
from here:
But your claim was that the military was made up of the dirt poor and that is no longer true today. They are there, but the military wants intelligent soldiers that can think and still follow orders.

You think the dirt poor don't make up the military anymore, because the military want intelligent soldiers.

So in other words you think the poor are stupid.


So you think that only stupid people serve in the military?

Again more proof you think the poor are stupid.

I am not sure what you mean?

You wouldn't would ya.


The Second Amendment guarantees the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms.

The citizen militia will exist only when the government calls for it. It is not the army or the National guard.

If a civil war was to ever break out in this country, it would first have to take on political divisions. If the government decides to take up all the assault rifles or any semi-automatic weapons, and there is no political divide and leadership for gun owners, then any resistance would be futile.

Just like with the war between the states, both the north and south had political leadership. With the political division in the country today, I certainly see the possibility of this happening. But if it doesn't, you can forget any resistance.


Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
The people are a militia. I would take a hunter over a non-hunter. This doesn't meant hunters would rise up and take leadership of a United movement though. You jump to conclusions far too often.
So not a well-regulated militia you have in mind. Some sharp shooting squirrel hunters with no direction and leadership. I feel so safe now.

No limits for you apparently.
Untrue. I am limited by the only logical conclusion drawn from your words.

If you don't understand explaining will do no good.
So you don't have an explanation for your statement. Understandable.

Point from above, proven.
It is a shame you do not have anything useful to say about this. Winning an argument online is everything to you. This is not an online video game. It is a discussion. That assessment seems to be the point that is easily supportable.


Cognitive dissonace
Sorry to hear about that. I am not sure how to cure that in a Trumpet. It is probably terminal and seems suicidal.

:D That is funny bunny rabbit man.
Thank you.

Then you'd be wrong. Because the majority is made up of the poor and middle class.
I am only pointing to the statistics that say you are wrong.
from here:

You think the dirt poor don't make up the military anymore, because the military want intelligent soldiers.
No. You said that the dirt poor are stupid. I simply said that the middle class is better educated and they form the educated basis that the military is looking for. They will take intelligent and interested people from any walk of life.
So in other words you think the poor are stupid.
Why do you want the poor to be stupid?
Congrats to you too. What did you do?

Again more proof you think the poor are stupid.
Why do you hate poor people so much?

You wouldn't would ya.
Of course. It is very difficult to determine rational conclusions from emotional and biased responses.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
So not a well-regulated militia you have in mind. Some sharp shooting squirrel hunters with no direction and leadership. I feel so safe now.

You conflate military with militia.

Expand your vocabulary. 2 similar but yet different things.

Untrue. I am limited by the only logical conclusion drawn from your words.

Logic shouldn't be in your vocabulary.

So you don't have an explanation for your statement.

I could, but you can lead a horse to water but can't make him drink comes to mind.

Winning an argument online is everything to you.

Winng/losing is irrelevant. The argument itself is the point.

It is a discussion.

Sometimes like discussing with a brick wall. Remember the whole horse to water thing above?

Sorry to hear about that.

Don't be sorry, solve your cognitive dissonance.

I am only pointing to the statistics that say you are wrong.

Quite the opposite. You haven't cited any statistics. Just guesses. To which I cited statistics that pointed to you being wrong. But then again, that would require honesty from you wouldn't it.

No. You said that the dirt poor are stupid.

That would be you as I shown in the other post. Stop projecting after you've been proven wrong, its embarassing.

Why do you want the poor to be stupid?

Why do you think that? I asked you when you implied it earlier.

Why do you hate poor people so much?

Again projection, ask yourself.

It is very difficult to determine rational conclusions from emotional and biased responses.

Reason and logic these are foreign to you. I'd suggest you stop trying to use them.

Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
You conflate military with militia.

Expand your vocabulary. 2 similar but yet different things.
No I am not. I am following the logic of your words and pointing out the flaws what you said.

Your confusion is monumental. You have a militia with no leadership and a bunch of hunters that can shoot pretty straight standing around trying to figure out what to shoot at. In the meantime, you have brought the army in to wipe out educated people of all economic levels just because they live in cities, while you make fun of the military and call them stupid and poor. You are like the Henry Darger of politics.

Logic shouldn't be in your vocabulary.
Not if I keep talking to you it won't be.

I could, but you can lead a horse to water but can't make him drink comes to mind.
It should you. I showed you the lake, but here you are parched.

Winng/losing is irrelevant. The argument itself is the point.
For you, winning always seems to be the point and the argument, assertions and information becomes irrelevant. They are just tools you manipulate to win. It seems to be your nature.

I am sorry that winning means nothing to you. I was really interested in what kind of response this would get.

Sometimes like discussing with a brick wall. Remember the whole horse to water thing above?
You guys and your walls. You want to build them everywhere.

Don't be sorry, solve your cognitive dissonance.
I have none. Besides, I am too busy trying to sort out yours.

Quite the opposite. You haven't cited any statistics. Just guesses. To which I cited statistics that pointed to you being wrong. But then again, that would require honesty from you wouldn't it.
I summarized statistics on the demographics of the present military population and you agreed with them. Then you didn't. Then you gave some numbers that did not disagree with my summary. Then you made spurious and unsupported assertions about those "two" numbers without anything further to back that up. Do you have numbers that break down the demographics of the present military population that support your claims that only stupid people are poor and only the poor are in the military?

That would be you as I shown in the other post. Stop projecting after you've been proven wrong, its embarassing.
If that is embarrassing, why do you maintain the position?

Why do you think that? I asked you when you implied it earlier.
Why are you trying to find reasons to hate the poor. Even when they do not exist in the words of others.

Again projection, ask yourself.
No. Sorry. You cannot project your projection on me.

Reason and logic these are foreign to you. I'd suggest you stop trying to use them.
I thought there was no projection in this dojo and here you drop the H-bomb of no logic and reasoning projection.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
No I am not. I

Yes you are otherwise you wouldn't conflate the military with militia.

Not if I keep talking to you it won't be.

Too late unfortunately.

It should you.

You should english.

You guys and your walls. You want to build them everywhere.

Least it's not built within my own mind.

I have none.

Meh that's what someone with cognitive dissonance would say.

I summarized statistics

Which is not the same as citing them.

Why are you trying to find reasons to hate the poor.

You said it, not I.

No. Sorry. You cannot project your projection on me.

Projection inception! How much projection will your cognitive dissonance allow!

I thought there was no projection in this dojo and here you drop the H-bomb of no logic and reasoning projection.

How can you drop a bomb of nothing?

See how reason and logic evade you?

Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
Yes you are otherwise you wouldn't conflate the military with militia.
How can I do what you say I am doing when I am not doing that. I guess you figure if you keep saying it, it will become true. Good luck with that Herr Enoch.

Too late unfortunately.
I think I will make it through. I've argued with JW's about Genesis and evolution and come out OK.

You should english.
English maybe should you use, Yoda.

Least it's not built within my own mind.
Probably no prime real estate there to work with.

Meh that's what someone with cognitive dissonance would say.
That is what someone with no argument would say.

Which is not the same as citing them.
Which hardly matters, given that you agreed with it before you didn't agree with it. Where have I seen that two step before?

You said it, not I.
So why do you hate the poor?

Projection inception! How much projection will your cognitive dissonance allow!
Projection infection and you are Patient Zero.

How can you drop a bomb of nothing?
You tell me. You are the one dropping them.
See how reason and logic evade you?
But you keep coming back anyway. So you are not that evasive.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Actually lets get the facts streaght here. The malitia IS THE CIVILIANS. I gave you the founding fathers quotes on the words "arms" and "malitia" and they refer to the civilians, NOT the government.
The Constitution does actually define who a militia is, with there only being a criteria they be well regulated. With or without government assistance, stuff like that isn't addressed. The best we can do is "take a peek" and see how they did things then in regards to a militia, and it doesn't bode well for the modern interpretation if we do that. That is because there were just that, "well regulated militias," and that was a time when it took much longer to summon, mobilize, and organize troops for repelling an invasion.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
How can I do what you say I am doing when I am not doing that

Because you are in denial. It's ok it's all recorded for all to see.

I think I will make it through.

Good for you.

Probably no prime real estate there to work with.

Meh 1 out of 5 stars. Very uninspired personal attack.

That is what someone with no argument would say.

Meh 1 out 5 stars again. At least try to be creative and not just recycle what I've said to you.

Which hardly matters, given that you agreed with it before you didn't agree with it.


So why do you hate the poor?

0 out of 5 stars. You are the one that said they was stupid. You can repeatedly try to project it on to me but it just makes you look silly.

You tell me. You are the one dropping them.

More projection.

But you keep coming back anyway.

I like watching you try to be serious. It's like watching a chihuahua try standing up to a big dog. ;) All chirp, chirp, chirp and then a quick dive behind the couch!

Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
Because you are in denial. It's ok it's all recorded for all to see.
No. It is you that are in denial. It is recorded for all to see.

Good for you.
Good for you too.

Meh 1 out of 5 stars. Very uninspired personal attack.
You would know.

Meh 1 out 5 stars again. At least try to be creative and not just recycle what I've said to you.
It is fitting that you see stars due to my responses. Expected, too.


0 out of 5 stars. You are the one that said they was stupid. You can repeatedly try to project it on to me but it just makes you look silly.
You are the one that is claiming they are stupid. Did you forget or is it the sundown?

More projection.
Thank you for the announcement. I shall alert the media.

I like watching you try to be serious. It's like watching a chihuahua try standing up to a big dog. ;) All chirp, chirp, chirp and then a quick dive behind the couch!
Serious? I gave that up after the first response.

Oh, I see. This was supposed to be a put down. I missed that right off. Probably, because the few I have gotten were designed by adults for adults.

Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
The Constitution does actually define who a militia is, with there only being a criteria they be well regulated. With or without government assistance, stuff like that isn't addressed. The best we can do is "take a peek" and see how they did things then in regards to a militia, and it doesn't bode well for the modern interpretation if we do that. That is because there were just that, "well regulated militias," and that was a time when it took much longer to summon, mobilize, and organize troops for repelling an invasion.

Do you agree that the civilians wer a malitia, as well as the government military was a malitia?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Do you agree that the civilians wer a malitia, as well as the government military was a malitia?
Back then, the civilians did make up the militia, but they were trained and organized. Should trouble strike, they came running in with guns, but they had procedures to organize their efforts when doing so (such as retrieving weapons and supplies from an armory). Today the military National Guard pretty much acts, in theory, sort of like that with the exception being the National Guard does get sent overseas.