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A question


Well-Known Member
Main Entry: jin·ni javascript:popWin('/cgi-bin/audio.pl?jinni002.wav=jinni') javascript:popWin('/cgi-bin/audio.pl?jinni001.wav=jinni')
Pronunciation: 'jE-nE, 'ji-, j&-'nE
Variant(s): or jinn javascript:popWin('/cgi-bin/audio.pl?jinni003.wav=jinn') /'jin/
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural jinn or jinns
Etymology: Arabic jinnIy demon
1 : one of a class of spirits that according to Muslim demonology inhabit the earth, assume various forms, and exercise supernatural power
2 : [size=-1]GENIE [/size]2


Quran & Sunnah
Yes they are.

Welcome to the forums The_Evelyonian! Hope you will enjoy our company :)

Peace be with you,


Old-School Member
What about the verses in the Qur'an where it says the Jinn can still choose to follow Allah. I thought that this would be impossible for a demon to do.



jinn have free will, just as we do. i have read hadith about jinn meeting with muhammad and learning from him. it sounded like they were learning to teach islam to other jinn.
not all jinn are evil.

wa salaam


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The_Evelyonian said:
What about the verses in the Qur'an where it says the Jinn can still choose to follow Allah. I thought that this would be impossible for a demon to do.

Usually the name demon means "evil spirits" but we believe that among jinn there are good spirits and bad too and they are just like us living in nations and countries all over the world. Most of them nowadays live in seas and wide oceans. They were on earth before us and Satan was the best among them at that time and he was in heaven then he disobey God so God ordered him to go out from heaven.

Allah said:

[56] I have only created Jinns and men, that they may serve (worship) Me.

So, both of us Jinns and Men supposed to fulfill the same purpose which is worshipping God.

Peace ... :)

Judgement Day

Active Member
Both Jinns and men were created to worship Allah.

There are two types of men,
Men who worship Allah, they are called Muslims, they are led by the Prophets.
Men who do not worship Allah, they are called Kafir, they are led by Iblis(demon).

There are two types of Jinns too,
Jinns who worship Allah, they are called Muslims, they are led by the Prophets.
Jinns who do not worship Allah, they are called Kafir, they are led by Iblis(demon).

While Satan is an adjective which is also a calling for one(Jinns or men) who acts like an Iblis(demon).

Please correct me if I'm wrong :).


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Judgement Day said:
Both Jinns and men were created to worship Allah.

There are two types of men,
Men who worship Allah, they are called Muslims, they are led by the Prophets.
Men who do not worship Allah, they are called Kafir, they are led by Iblis(demon).

There are two types of Jinns too,
Jinns who worship Allah, they are called Muslims, they are led by the Prophets.
Jinns who do not worship Allah, they are called Kafir, they are led by Iblis(demon).

While Satan is an adjective which is also a calling for one(Jinns or men) who acts like an Iblis(demon).

Please correct me if I'm wrong :).
yes you are right, but they say that Iblis is the personal name for the one who was in heaven when Allah created Adam then Allah sent him out of heaven to earth.

Don't you think so?

Judgement Day

Active Member
The Truth said:
yes you are right, but they say that Iblis is the personal name for the one who was in heaven when Allah created Adam then Allah sent him out of heaven to earth.

Don't you think so?
I believe so :). That's why he's the demon, while all others are just recruits from jinns, am I right?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Judgement Day said:
I believe so :). That's why he's the demon, while all others are just recruits from jinns, am I right?
He is from Jinn too.

[50] Behold! We said to the angels, "Bow down to Adam": they bowed down except Iblis. He was one of the Jinns, and he broke the Command of his Lord. Will ye then take him and his progeny as protectors rather than Me? and they are enemies to you! evil would be the exchange for the wrong-doers! (Quran 18:50)

There are different opnions for scholars ..

Some of them said that all human beings came from Adam and all Jinns came from Iblis.

Also some of them said that he was a kind of angels called "Jinn" but he disobeid Allah's order to bow down for Adam and his name before Allah curse him was in sematic language "Ezazil" and in arabic "Iblis" then he disobied Allah the same as Adam but the different is what Adam did was a sin but what Iblis did was an arrogant of him so Adam asked for forgivness and Iblis didn't because he thought that he is better than Adam because Adam was made from clay and Iblis from part of the fire.

Some other said that he wasn't an angel at all but he was a Jinn but was the best among Jinn and he was living with angels in heaven and he had some powers giving them by Allah between the sky and earth before Allah took that away from him.

The most important thing that nowdays Iblis is like the boss for most of Jinns if not all of them and he order them to do bad things to human beings. Whether they are good or bad thier name remain "Jinn" but the bad one of them called "Satan".

That's why there are Satan from human beings who do bad things and also Satan from Jinn because Satan is an attribute for both of them who do bad deeds.

I hope that what i said is correct or otherwise please correct me if i'm mistaken.

Peace .. :)


Quran & Sunnah
The Truth said:
He is from Jinn too.
Also some of them said that he was a kind of angels called "Jinn" but he disobeid Allah's order to bow down for Adam and his name before Allah curse him was in sematic language "Ezazil" and in arabic "Iblis" then he disobied Allah the same as Adam but the different is what Adam did was a sin but what Iblis did was an arrogant of him so Adam asked for forgivness and Iblis didn't because he thought that he is better than Adam because Adam was made from clay and Iblis from part of the fire.

Peace .. :)
Salamu 'alaikum,

Well actually I've never heard a Muslim scholar said that Satan was a kind of angels. God says and very clearly that he "was one of the jinns". Angels have no free will, but satan has just like us, human beings. In fact, he was so pious and so sincere in his worship to the degree that Allah elevated him to a higher rank that to be with the angels worshipping God.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
Peace said:
Salamu 'alaikum,

Well actually I've never heard a Muslim scholar said that Satan was a kind of angels. God says and very clearly that he "was one of the jinns". Angels have no free will, but satan has just like us, human beings. In fact, he was so pious and so sincere in his worship to the degree that Allah elevated him to a higher rank that to be with the angels worshipping God.

I got this from Tafseer al-Qurtobi and Al-Tabari just for mentioning it, but I agree with you that most of the scholars were considering what you just said as the most accurate or possible answer.

Thank you sister ..

Peace :)


Flaming Queer
my sincerist appologies, i did not realise this was the islam forum, i shall delete my previous post

sorry :eek: