Statistics is often a valuable tool. So, in many debates statistics get tossed around trying to demonstrate a correlation or a lack of a correlation. But I wonder if such a correlation matters when we are discussing rights which I hope we all agree should be guarded strongly.
So let us assume for the sake of argument that free speech for instance, correlated with unfortunate outcomes such as lying, slander, hate speech, bullying etc. Should we abrogate free speech or should we focus on addressing the negative outcomes?
And, does focusing the outcomes mean preventative measures which in effect abrogate free speech? For example, (assuming it was logistically possible) should we have some sort of registry for speech wherein all internet speech was checked by a group of checkers do determine if it was "true" and not intended to bully or incite violence etc.? Or is it better to focus our resources on education, awareness, reporting, etc when it comes to prevention?