Wonder Woman
Okay, I read the second article that was linked to, the one in French, and from what I can gather the History teacher had given a speech on Israel and Palestine the previous day and something about what he had said had upset the girl and she decided to wear the shirt the next day as a kind of "response" to his statements. Then it appears that he went off on her about the shirt in class in front of everyone which brought her to tears and she left the class and school entirely and went to her mother at her workplace still crying.
Now, was her wearing that particular shirt for the reason she wore it completely right? Maybe not, but chastizing the girl in front of the whole class to the point of her leaving in tears and then suspending her for leaving is ludicrous. The teacher was suppose to be the adult there and he should have handled it better. It appears to be much more his fault for not controlling his own bias in a classroom and with a student than it was hers for making a questionable wardrobe decision. It was HE that made it into a huge deal...not her. It should be him who suffers some disciplinary action...not her.
Now, was her wearing that particular shirt for the reason she wore it completely right? Maybe not, but chastizing the girl in front of the whole class to the point of her leaving in tears and then suspending her for leaving is ludicrous. The teacher was suppose to be the adult there and he should have handled it better. It appears to be much more his fault for not controlling his own bias in a classroom and with a student than it was hers for making a questionable wardrobe decision. It was HE that made it into a huge deal...not her. It should be him who suffers some disciplinary action...not her.