The only spiritual teachers where I live are Christian pastors. So I find myself without a physical spiritual teacher in my offline person to person life.
I have my books. I have the words of the great Buddha and the great Krishna sitting on my bookshelf. Is that all the modern man needs now?
The world is inundated with information. There is such an information overload that what is important gets drowned out. But if I can sift the important information out of all of the stimuli, do I move beyond the need of a physical teacher? A sheep without a shepherd?
I have no teacher. I see all around me a community in need of a great spiritual teacher. If I am to be that one, I am not that one yet. So I am left to wonder, do I require a teacher myself? If so, then I gotta start looking abroad!
Advice? I am a lost pupper.
Spiritual learning is a lifetime commitment and not just a weekend course or a one hour internet survey. This is why the good spiritual teachers you will find, are those who commit their life to God, spirituality, or one of the churches, temples, mosques, or some form of monastery, etc. Atheist are not that committed to spiritual things, but may be in their chosen professions.
At the same token, people who are that committed, and who could be good spiritual guides, will not want to waste their time on a student who is just passing through. They will try to get you to commit to see where you are. Even a master carpenter will teach an eager apprentice, but will hesitate to teach quickie courses on hammer holding. The master carpenter will not show his best tricks until the student demonstrates their desire to learn and shows their commitment to the profession. There may even be hazing to test the loyalty of the student.
There will also be those who understand that not all people have the endurance and they will offer a quickie course. But it will not be deep or long enough to make any fundamental change. It can only point the way. This is why people still go to church each week over their entire life; like a refresher course.
One could find a self help course, that may go over a weekend. Some can make you aware, teach you some skills, and help motivate you, until you feel like change is occurring. But without the teacher, in the long term, you can slowly go back to where you were you started, unless you use that push to start your own journey.
There is another way. Most people are not aware that the human brain has two centers of consciousness; ego and inner self. The inner self is much older in terms of evolution and is what all animals have as their only center of consciousness. This center is connected to the DNA and the unconscious mind, and it contains firmware that define the behavioral propensities of each species. The inner self in humans defines our collective human propensities; collective human nature. This is the same for all humans, independent of culture, since we are one species. Religions are based on these natural and collective human propensities that can bind us all as one.
The second center or ego, is quite new to nature, and is only common to humans. This is the center of the conscious mind and what most people assume is the only center. The ego is what differentiates us into cultures, different religions, and even down to just us. It is what can make you feel isolated. That spiritual need comes from the inner self, so you can feel whole and connected via common human propensities. In my experience, the inner self is the interface to spirituality and is knowingly and unknowingly used by all masters in all forms of religion and spirituality; inner voice or inner man. It is the same place that all faiths seek. It is part of our collective human propensities; natural man. Spirituality is about finding the inner self, since that is the interface to nature. We can see output from the inner self in dreams.
My path to spirituality started with dabbling in a wide range of religions, as well as occult and mysticism. It was because of some unique experiences, with meditation, that I shifted to psychology in an attempt to explain what I had experienced. Jungian Psychology worked best for my needs. Jung made me aware of the inner self. Buddha left the world of the outer man; ego and pride, and found enlightenment in his inner man or inner self. The data processing of the inner self is like organic AI, and it can be used for problem solving including spirituality, and science, with spirituality and reason both needed to harness its powers. It can be dangerous.
A good primer book is "The Undiscovered Self" by Carl Jung. Jung was the star pupil of Sigmund Freud; best student and his Master. Jung filled in the detail of what Freud called the "id," with the inner self being the center of the id.
- According to Freud, the id is the source of all psychic energy, making it the primary component of personality.1
- The id is the only component of personality that is present from birth.
- This aspect of personality is entirely unconscious and includes instinctive and primitive behaviors.
The most popular religions are old and go back to a time when psychic energy was higher and instincts and primitive behavior was more conscious; ego and inner self were both more conscious. The gods of mythology were good and evil. This is where the danger lies. Like computer AI, the inner self can draw both or either and then animate.