LOL! This guy...
Of course - why would it be? The only people that use BLAST to assess genome-wide % identity that I am aware of are creationists in their desperation.
Lol, creationists use BLAST because that is what evolutionists use.
Really? For analyses?
Then it should be easy for you to provide a real paper in which evolutionists use BLAST as their sole program in assessing % identities in phylogenetic studies. As I explained to you before, The only times I use BLAST are in looking for Primer sites or to look for 'new' sequences in databases to use in analyses. All of the phylogenetics analytical packages I know of have their own pairwise sequence outputs. But sure, you keep thinking that Tomkins and pals did just what real scientists do.
They just use more realistic numbers.
How do they use these numbers you speak of? What makes them more realistic? Do you mean when Tomkins had to retract his initial low numbers because he had used a buggy version of BLAST? Or are you referring to the script he wrote to constrain returns to only 100% matches in his little chopped up bits of sequence?
At least Jay Wile had the sense to update his
blog post adoring Tomkins with this:
NOTE: Based on comments below by Glenn (who is mentioned in the article) and Aceofspades25, there are questions regarding the analysis used in Dr. Tomkins’s study, upon which this article is based. Until Dr. Tomkins addresses these questions, it is best to be skeptical of his 88% similarity figure.
Aren’t you tired of spreading PR junk yet?
Projecting already? Amazing...
Better question - why do you think that BLAST is the only thing ever used in the study of evolution?
Oh it’s not, you got other random matching algorithms that are just as pseudoscientific.
Really? Tell us all about them. Pick 3 - explain to us what in these phylogeny programs use "random matching algorithms".
Try these first:
Alignment and Tree Building
Perform pairwise and multiple alignments using trusted algorithms, including MAFFT and ClustalW. View and edit alignments with real-time translation and highlighting.
Build phylogenetic trees using peer-reviewed algorithms, including RAxML and PAUP*.
You see, you cannot get SEQUENCES to compare using little chopped up bits like Tomkins did.
But how would you even know?
Where did you get the 2% margin of error?
What "proven test" are you referring to?
You just said you were aware BLAST wasn’t used in a court of law to prove relationship. Now you don’t know what is suddenly????
What does your statement about a 2% margin of error or "proven test" have to do with BLAST and courts of law?
Courts do not use BLAST, so what is the 2% margin of error you wrote referring to? Don't you even know?
Or is that just another one of your made-up things that you are trying to avoid addressing?
Except in a court of law the genomes are compared side by side, loci by loci, not by matching by algorithms. You should be ashamed of yourself for intentionally trying to mislead people.
That is the more absurd, naive, ignorant, uninformed thing I have ever seen you write. Maybe, hard to tell any more.
I knew you were clueless about science - your every post screams it - but to claim that courts use WHOLE GENOMES in their assessments of evidence.... I mean... absurd, naive, ignorant, uninformed doesn't begin to truly describe it.
You don't know what RFLP is? I shouldn't be surprised, I guess - you thought
"continuous variation" referred to the accumulation of mutations.... LOL!
In reality, the DNA testing methods admissible in court HAVE been used to assess phylogeny and guess what - same results!
Phylogenetic relationships among Homo sapiens and related species based on restriction site variations in rDNA spacers
"We mapped restriction sites in “the external and internal spacer regions and compared the arrangements of sites. The estimated sequence divergence betweenHomo sapiens andPan troglodytes, Pan paniscus, Gorilla gorilla, Pongo pygmaeus, Hylobates lar, H. agilis, andMacaca fuscata was 2.7, 2.3, 3.8, 7.3, 6.8, 7.8, and 14.1%, respectively. The genetic relationships inferred from these distances generally correspond to those inferred from analyses of other mHelp with a genetics claim...olecular markers in the literature."
The thing is, these court-approved tests are not quite as informative as are other means of assessing phylogeny, and they utilize relatively little data.
Projection - one of your more endearing qualities.
Yes, matched using algorithms.
And? I thought you were some kind of computer technicians or something - do you not know what an
algorithm is or something?
Then they only used restriction site variations, I.e. they cut up the genome and only used portions of it.....
Oh FFS....
The example I gave was to show that the methods used in court - that you seem oddly both 100% ignorant of and totally in support of - CAN be used to look at phylogeny!
But thanks for proving even more that you are totally ignorant of the very things you pretend to be able to assess and argue about. Chopping things up is what RFLP is all about - it is what is used in courts- the F refers to "FRAGMENT". Ugh...
I really suggest that in order to stop making yourself look like a 50 year old baby all the time, you start actually reading TO LEARN about these things, rather than just reading YEC websites and pretending and pontificating. On second thought - keep it up!
Aren’t you tired of misleading people yet just to spread your PR???
And out comes the projection.
Do evolutionists have no shame?
What do we have to be ashamed of?
We are not the ones that use 'algorithms' in ways they were not intended to in order to prop up silly middle eastern myths.
We are not the ones that pretend to understand science but make it clear on a near daily basis that we do not, by writing things like "allie" instead of allele, or claiming that "genetic strand" is a real scientific term, etc.
And we are not the ones on the one hand praising the techniques used by courts to test genetics (RFLP) and then dismissing them when an example is shown in which those same 'approved' techniques were used to assess phylogeny.
Not quite as informative? They seem to be informative enough to show relationship and guilt of a suspect, without having to use algorithms to randomly match portions....
Ah, so you ACCEPT the results of the study I provided in which the same technique was used to assess phylogeny of primates.
Or are you going to make a fool of yourself again by saying otherwise?
without having to use algorithms to randomly match portions....
Oh, never mind.
It is so precious how you keep repeating that lie as if it means something. Well, it does - it means that you are happy to embarrass yourself as a liar for Jesus, but I mean a man shouldn't do that sort of thing,.
What you meant to say was they would show chimps weren’t even rated at all..... so we will downplay their importance....
I cannot parse that gibberish - the same technique used in court showed chimps related to humans, so you have just shot yourself in the foot yet again, ala
'the genetic strand' (among others).
But keep it up - by your fruits we know you creationists.